1.Please submit by Friday of Week 1 topics and brief justifications for your two papers below
Both the Current Event and the Term Paper must analyze viable business issues.
1. Current Event Paper
Describe in 2 lines why this topic (less than one year old) is important for global business.
As per the course outline:
A topic of current interest in global business such as “Offshoring in the Global Economy”, “Impact of Oil Prices on World Business,” “The Yuan Devalued,” etc.
Current Event papers must deal with international business issues. Issues of political, military, cultural and other nature are only acceptable if there is a direct and evident international business implication clearly explained in the paper. Papers lacking such connection will receive a reduced score.
2. Term Paper Topic
Explain in 2 lines why or how the international business issues treated in your selected topic might affect a specific country, industry, economic sector or firm.
Term Papers must deal with international business issues. Issues of political, military, cultural and other nature are only acceptable if there is a direct and evident international business implication clearly explained in the paper. Papers lacking such connection will receive a reduced score.
2.This 15-18 page paper must be typed with a 1” margin on all sides, 5-space indentation, font 12 Times Roman, double-spaced. The paper will include a cover page, a XXXXXXXXXXword abstract page, introduction, the body of the paper, conclusions, and references on a reference page. The paper should include at least six academic references. It must comply with APA rules.
Use APA style quotations/references following the guidelines shown in the links below:
·APA Style Quick Answers - References
·APA Style Publication Manual
3.This WIKI will be built on and shared by classmates to explain and show how you are adding quality into your projects. For example if someone is searching for peer reviewed journals on a particular subject you can share how you found support materials related to your particular subject. Also if you run into some quality references which could help you have higher quality information for your project share your findings. You should be adding to the content 2 times per week at least 300 words or providea graphic depiction of what your findings.
Number 1 is due byThursday June 7th, You would need to select a topic for the 16 page paper, I need it for approval by Thursday June 7th. together with the current event paper and the term paper topic
Number 2 is dueJune 27th. please use APA. I had a problem on my last paper which lead to a low score
Number 3 is due on Thursdays weekly starting June 7th.
Let me know if you need more clarification