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Your Bibliographic Essay will be on a single work by a single author in our text (the author and text do not have to be on the syllabus, however). This is not an argumentative essay; instead, your...

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YourBibliographic Essaywill be on a single work by a single author in our text (the author and text do not have to be on the syllabus, however). This is not an argumentative essay; instead, your task is to find the most significant criticism and interpretation relating to the text you choose, and summarize it in a2,400-wordreport (approx. eight pages, not including the Works Cited page).

You should have at leasteightcritical sources; at leastthreeshould bebooks, and the rest should bescholarly articles(in print, or found through the library online databases). In other words,don't useopen Internet resources -- including Wikipedia -- as resources for this essay (although you might use them for "grounding" yourself). Start planning early! See the first week's assignments. Also, note the sample bibliographic essay posted on our class site.

You must followMLAdocumentation style.

Your first paragraph will present your central focus: what key issue or issues unify or relate the materials you will summarize. After that, you basically report on the articles and books you have chosen; summarize the main points relevant to your central focus. It is not necessary to critique the sources. Use paraphrase and brief quotation; learn the difference between them. Learn how to frame a quotation. Cite according to MLA guidelines, carefully.

Then, present a brief summary conclusion.

Start early, and allow several work-sessions to get this done properly.

You will most likely need to use the UH, TSU, or Rice libraries for this assignment; however, there are works in the HCC system libraries as well, and article databases accessible through the HCCS library web site and the Houston Public Library web site. Become familiar with the appropriate indexes.

Submit a Working Bibliography, or a list of potential resources, by the deadline listed; also submit a Draft by the deadline listed. Name the attached file


I WILL NOT ACCEPT drafts or final submissions that are not named and submitted properly. The Works Cited, in the draft as well as in the final submission, should start on a separate page (ctrl + Enter at the end of the essay).

Read the Skills Lectures on Research and Plagiarism. If you plagiarize any part of this (or any other) assignment, you risk failing the course.

If you visit a tutor (or send the draft to an online tutor), make sure they see a copy of these instructions; explain that the essay is NOT an argumentative or interpretive essay, but a summary of critical sources. Otherwise, they will say that you "need a thesis." You don't; you just need an introduction that provides a focus for the summaries to follow.

You should submit the finished essay electronically via the "Assignments" tool provided in the appropriate module. No late essays will be accepted unless you communicate with me and receive approval.

Name the final version:


I recommend saving your work regularly as you work on the computer; print out a hard copy for yourself when you submit the essay to me.

Grade Criteria: Your grade for this assignment will be based on the quality of your prose, your attention to scholarly format (in citation, quotation, and paraphrasing), the competence of your research, the quality of your synthesis, and the overall accuracy and comprehensiveness of your report. See the related rubric.

Remember that your Bibliographic Essay draft is due nextSunday 11/12. This is the practice run for the final version, which is the single most important grade of the course -- for which you will be graded on development, content, language use, format, appropriateness of sources, and research presentation. Thus, you should take this draft very seriously, so I can comment on all parameters, allowing you to revise carefully and get the best grade possible.

Students who do poorly on the final version are likely to fail the course (see the assignment percentages on the syllabus or in Grades). Those students are usually the ones who did not read my announcements, look at the samples, or carefully review the supplements for this project (several detailed handouts posted earlier in the semester on the Modules page). This type of paper is easily done if you simply follow instructions and note the parameters illustrated in the examples.

You must use acceptable scholarly resources: print books and articles from academic journals -- not public-domain scanned books from a century ago, and not open-Internet sources. You must cite using tag lines; you must write cohesive summaries; you must follow MLA guidelines carefully, and provide a Works Cited page following MLA -- not APA or any other method.

Your first paragraph should be an overview of the critical trends in the works summarized in the rest of the essay. You should assume your reader is generally familiar with the primary work (the Inferno, for example, if that is the work you are finding criticism for); so, don't summarize the primary work at all.

Your draft should be at least a few pages long.

Let me know if you have questions. I look forward to seeing your work.

After you have written the essay, you will list the works cited in the essay at the end, and that will be a Works Cited. Before writing, the essay, you need to find the critical works you are going to read, summarize, and cite. That is the working bibliography; since some works will end up not being useful, or since some books you won't be able to find, it is a changeable list, or a provisional list -- you can take away and add sources as you proceed, without showing me.

In the essay, you won't be summarizing the primary work itself; in fact, assume as a convention of the essay that your reader has a general familiarity with the primary work (Beowulf, theIliad, etc.) Your first paragraph (which you will probably write last) will present an overview of the general ideas to follow. Then, paragraph by paragraph, you will introduce the critical source in question, citing the author and article or book: "Jane Tompkins, in her article [title], argues that..." -- and simply summarize, with paraphrase and short quotation, what the main or relevant ideas are regarding the primary work. Use reiterative tag lines with last name only ("Tompkins also notes...") as the summary proceeds.Then, after a paragraph or two, move on to the next source. So, you are summarizing a series of critical works about the primary work -- not the primary work itself.

You can focus on a particular aspect of the primary work, such as the women inBeowulf, or a particular important passage, or a theme. However, it is also acceptable simply to summarize the most recent (fifteen or twenty years) criticism, or the best criticism, or any other general selection principle.

Answered Same Day Nov 10, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
143 Votes
Bibliographical Analysis Of Odyssey By Home
The themes of the Odyssey are proposed to be analysed with different sources. Therefore various sources taken from the academic sources and books are considered. The themes in the odyssey portray role of ethical and moral constitution. The theme of hospitality is also emerged in odyssey. The hospitality factor is clearly visible in the case of eviction of Odysseus’ from his own home. The personal virtue of loyalty of a person is well reflected in the odyssey and this has been found as a major theme. This theme has been symbolically illustrated in the epic by lead characters. The theme of perseverance is also present and this is evident with the surviving ability of Penelope and Odysseus. Penelope waited for a long time for Odysseus and fought well against her enemies. The theme of vengeance is well portrayed in the epic and Poseidon as well as Odysseus is representative of this theme. They both had shown remarkable retribution to beat their enemies. The theme of appearance vs. Reality is also experienced in epic. Disguised forms of various people in different scenes are also manifested by epic. These themes are analysed in respect of different sources and critical analysis of them are presented.
The theme hospitality according to the Reece, in his book ‘the strangers’ welcome: oral theory and the aesthetics of the Homeric hospitality scene’ has been taken place in epic eighteen times. The names of people in the hospitality scenes are mentioned here. “Athena-Mentas in Itchaca, Hermes and calypso, Odysseus and Aeolus, Odysseus and Circe, Telemachus in Sparta,’ and many others scenes are found that support hospitality theme. The framework of the theoxeny has been found in the texts when the divinity comes to test the theme of hospitality of people but rejected by the rich and greedy people whereas impoverished but generous people offered hospitality. The hospitality theme is not always manifested in positive form but also in negative form and there are various instances in the epic that demonstrates ill hospitality of people. Therefore the theme that the essay wants to find in epic is mentioned by the writer.
The analysis of the treatment of Poyphemus to the Odysseus and his people also reflects the feature of hospitality in the epic. The hospitality factor is distorted in this example where Polyphemus act of perversions of ritual is clearly evident. But next cited example sufficiently reveals traditional form of hospitality. Mentioning the name of Eumaeus reveals hospitality in conventional form offered by him. It reflects a pattern of conventional elements of hospitality. He offers proper and conventionally generous hospitality to his guests. His generosity is reflected with his acts. He offers his own bed while he sleeps outside, he give guests a goatskin, shares his own cup and own cloak and all these are elementary factors of conventional hospitality. Therefore the findings of author support that conventional hospitality and hospitality themes are practiced in the epic.
Findings revealed that Homer trusted more than his own linguistic vernacular. This also reflects that there was a possibility of swineherd hospitality. In the final scene of hospitality, Odysseus a
ived home and welcomed by the suitors. It is also an example of traditional hospitality. But hospitality is not always found in true sense. In the final scene, the very elements of hospitality converted into weapons to throw them at the guests. The suitors enslaved the guests and taken to the wicked king Echetus. Therefore hospitality theme is presented in the epic but it does not reveal that it always established the conventional form of hospitality theme.
Futher the su
ounding scenes capture some symbolic form such as meeting maiden at the well or youth on the road. This has been repeatedly found in the case of Odysseus. He met Athena, and Nausicca that resembled the same su
ounding. The second su
ounding is a
ival at the destination and welcoming by the people. There are various scenes of hospitality theme being promoted in the epic such as host attending the horses of visitors, host attending visitors, Host taking the visitor by the hand, host bidding the welcome of visitor, host taking the visitor spear and other scenes. Therefore it is identified that in the book, hospitality theme is discussed in detail and provides greater insights about the theme of hospitality practice in Odyssey (Reece 1992).
The vengeance theme is also propounded in the epic by “Odysseus and Polyphemus in the" Odyssey"." Greek. This is visible with the ba
aric act of Polyphemus eating his victim raw. He in other occasions eaten victims over a fire but all these factors reveals that there was a strong presence of vengeance factor in all these scenes. Another scene is Hecuba when he spoke to...

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