You are the supply chain executive working for TrueSource Foods Pty Ltd, a wholesale food distributor located in Melbourne. The company specialises in wholesale fresh produce (such as meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables, cheese) and other dry food products (including herbs, spices, condiments, sauces, spreads, honey, chocolates and snack foods). These are supplied to over 6000 clients throughout Australia which include supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, pubs, bakeries, fish & chips shops, caterers, hotels and airline catering to name a few. TrueSource Foods' products are sourced both locally as well as from overseas.
TrueSource Foods has always taken pride in a sustainability-based approach to ensure customer confidence and trust in their products. The company is certified for AS/NZS 4801:2001 (Occupational Health & Safety Management), ISO XXXXXXXXXXFood Safety System Certification) and ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management).
In recent years, there has been increasing attention in the media on food adulteration worldwide, both in developing and developed countries. Food adulteration is the act of intentionally debasing the quality of food offered for sale either by the admixture or substitution of inferior substances or by the removal of some valuable ingredient. These have stirred concerns not only from consumers and public authorities, but also from retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, etc about the food safety and integrity in their supply chains. Moreover food supply chains are becoming more complex today with the increased sourcing of food products globally.
The managing director is seeking your views based on his concerns about the business operations and its sustainability reputation. You are required to prepare a 3,000-word (+/- 10%) report describing your understanding of food adulteration from a sustainable supply chain perspective. Provide various examples of food adulteration as found in the literature, websites and media sources; and a discussion on the issues and challenges associated with food safety and integrity. Include also in your report, the implications of this on TrueSource Foods' procurement and supply chain operations; and what measures should be taken to ensure more socially responsible and ethical practices.
Apply concepts and theories learnt in this course where appropriate, and supporting journal articles to enrich your discussion.
You are required to cite at least TEN references to support your points in the report using the UniSA Harvard referencing system and including at least SIX academic journal articles. An omission to include these six journal articles or incorrect use of the Harvard referencing system will result in a failure for the referencing component.
The argument will be presented in a Report format. Please use appropriate headings and sub-headings where necessary. Suggested headings include Executive Summary, Content page, Introduction, Sustainability issues and impact, and Recommendations. The objective of this assessment is to enable you to situate yourself in and analyse the facts of the organisation, the situation and to present your analysis and recommendations in a report which is convincing, well supported and within word constraints. (Note that the content page, executive summary and reference list are NOT included in the 3000-word count).
Requirements for Assessment 1:
Use Arial Font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
Reference list on a separate page after recommendations.
Use the UniSA Harvard Style of referencing only.
Do NOT use footnotes.
Print word count at the end of your assignment (after the recommendations section).
Print your name and student ID in a header on each page.
Number each page.
Do not include the Cover Page or Feedback form in your submission.
Note that the body of the assignment should contain around 3,000 words (+ or – 300 words). The assignment (including the Reference section) must also demonstrate that it utilises the UniSA Harvardreferencing style in a consistent manner. A copy can be found in the LearnOnline course website.
Marking criteria and standards
Marks will be awarded for:
- relevance of your answer to the question
- originality and creative thought
- research up-to-date with the topic
- clarity of expression
- supporting documentation for arguments
- correct documentation and use of at least TEN sources of references including journal articles (Harvard Referencing system within context)
- logical planning and sequence
- use of inclusive language
- overall presentation, including correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
- comprehensive coverage reflecting engagement with readings, texts and other relevant materials.
Content page (2 marks)
1 page executive summary (10 marks)
Introduction (8 marks)
Discussion and analyses of the sustainability issues (food adulteration) and how they impact supply chain operations (40 marks)
Recommendations (20 marks)
English Expression (10 marks)
Referencing (10 marks)
TOTAL 100 marks