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write a 1 1/2 to 2 page double spaced answer to it. Think in terms of 4 to 5 paragraphs. Use a 12 point type face, one-inch margins top, bottom and sides. I'm not going to be a spelling or grammar...

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write a 1 1/2 to 2 page double spaced answer to it. Think in terms of 4 to 5 paragraphs. Use a 12 point type face, one-inch margins top, bottom and sides. I'm not going to be a spelling or grammar Nazi here, but really - put some time into polishing your answer. The skills you develop in writing now will pay dividends in the long run.Compare and contrast the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution with respect to the purpose and role of government. Are the two documents consistent with one another? If you think so, explain you answer using as many examples as you can comfortably fit into your answer. If you think not, do the same thing. What are the implications for governance in the United States if the two contradict?
Answered Same Day Jul 21, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jul 22 2021
151 Votes
Running Head: Essay         1
Comparison and Contrast
    The Declaration of Independence and Constitution of United States are the two most important documents in the history of United States. The Declaration of Independence is considered as a promise and the Constitution is considered as a fulfillment. The Declaration of Independence is considered as a political ties
eaker between the American colonies and the Great Britain whereas the constitution outlines the functions that need to be performed by the government (US Citizenship and Immigration Services, 2008).
    The two documents can be considered to be consistent with one another as they share a close relationship. The Declaration of...

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