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What does Hume think about causation? What does his view mean for scientific certainty? Do you agree with him or not?

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What does Hume think about causation? What does his view mean for scientific certainty? Do you agree with him or not?
Answered Same Day Oct 25, 2019


David answered on Dec 24 2019
147 Votes
Q. What does Hume think about causation? What does his view mean for scientific certainty? Do you agree with him or not?
Hume's stated in Treatise that of the three natural relations, causation is the most crucial and general one. He believes that causation depicts the relationship between an employed object that is being used in the reasoning, while trying to yield less than demonstrative knowledge of the world that goes beyond immediate impressions. Thus awareness of causation for him is a product of experience. For him, the connection causation...

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