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What do you think is the main point of the readings? What essential point do you think the authors wants you to understand? This question requires that you synthesize the reading. Having identified...

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  1. What do you think is the main point of the readings? What essential point do you think the authors wants you to understand?This question requires that yousynthesizethe reading.
  2. Having identified the main point, what does it mean? What does it mean for the way we understand politics, or the purpose of government, or the way people relate to each other, or the way we understand the world? (The way you think about this may vary depending on the reading, and what you see as its main point.)This question requires that youanalyzethe reading.
Answered Same Day Jun 11, 2021


Preeti answered on Jun 13 2021
137 Votes
Discussion Question
Question 1: The main points of readings are-
i) In the book Latino Politics in America the Author Garcia has focussed the discussion on the Latino American social and political positioning in the political leadership and structural position in United States. Authors have discussed the multiple factors that affect their electoral positioning and political involvement and reasoning of the slow growth (Garcia, 2017).
ii) In the book Race in Society the Author Andersen highlighted the issue of racial discrimination between White and Black and raised the voice that racial discrimination is beyond the colour of skin. Even genetic variation is very rare in human beings and there should be only one race i.e. human race and human beings should not be categorized into different races as...

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