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What are the main advantages of applying advanced robotics in a manufacturing system in comparison to the classical industrial robot? Name some examples of applications and how these could support the...

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What are the main advantages of applying advanced robotics in a manufacturing system in comparison to the classical industrial robot? Name some examples of applications and how these could support the main principles of a smart factory? Which use cases might be the first where these advanced robotic systems are applied?
Answered Same Day Jun 06, 2021 RMIT University


Soumi answered on Jun 08 2021
149 Votes
Table of Contents
Q4.    3
Key Benefits of Implementing Advanced Robotics as Compared to Classical Industrial Robot in Manufacturing System    3
Example of Applications Supporting Key Principles of Smart Factory    3
First Applications of Advanced Robotic Systems    3
Q5.    3
Key Steps of Additive Manufacturing (AM) Process    3
Benefits and Drawbacks of AM as Compared to CNC Machining    3
First Applications of AM    4
Economics of Time and Cost of AM    4
AM Supporting the Idea of Smart Factory beyond Health, Automotive and Aerospace Sectors    4
Q6.    4
AR/VR Being a Core Feature of Smart Factory    4
First Applications of Virtualisation Technologies    4
Probable Challenges of Implementation    4
Examples of AR/VR Applications in Two Industry Sectors    4
References    5
Key Benefits of Implementing Advanced Robotics as Compared to Classical Industrial Robot in Manufacturing System
Classical industrial robots were themselves a revolution in the journey of industrial manufacturing of goods. However, when advanced robotics a
ived, the processes became not only smoother, but also faster, along with yielding better quality products. As mentioned by Lamberton, Brigo and Hoy (2017), the scale of productivity and quality increases with advanced robotics, which were only limited, for classical industrial robots. Besides, the processes became more accurate and safer, which often lacked in classical robotics.
Example of Applications Supporting Key Principles of Smart Factory
The most important and prominent example of application of advanced robotics supporting the key principles of a smart factory is the fact that advanced robotics are known for their agility, which supports, customisation, high definition features of the products and more refined outcome. As stated by Syed et al. (2020), these are the key principles of any smart factory, which can be easily yielded with the application of advanced robotics.
First Applications of Advanced Robotic Systems
Some of the very first...

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