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week 7Socw 6361 Record and post a 3- to 5-minuteKaltura videoin which you communicate the needs of vulnerable populations to policymakers who may not share your views about theneed for...

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week 7
Socw 6361

Record and post a 3- to 5-minuteKaltura videoin which you communicate the needs of vulnerable populations to policymakers who may not share your views about theneed for services.Include:

  • Hook:Introduce yourself using professional disclosure. How do anypersonal factsabout you or your audiencerelate to the policy and impact?This can help grab youraudience’sattention.

  • Describe theProblem:Present the problem andissues with the current policy that attempts to address the problem.Explain the impact on specific populations. You might even recount a specific storyof someone adversely impacted by theproblem, andexplain how the policy as it exists does not help them.

  • Call toAction:Inspire your audience to support your goals for change.Why should they care?

Then, in writing, address the following:

  • Which strategies did you use to communicate the problemand needs of the population to your audience?

  • Why did you select the specific strategies over others?Was your selection informedby the details of your audience? Explain.

  • How did you use the following formatto present your goals for change?

    • Hook

    • Describe the Problem

    • Call to Action

Answered Same Day Apr 10, 2024


Parul answered on Apr 11 2024
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