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Watch the video entitled "Conversations on Being a Heretic". What do you think about this interview? Do you agree or disagree with Mclaren's responses? Why or why not? What ideas were new to you. What...

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Watch the video entitled "Conversations on Being a Heretic". What do you think about this interview? Do you agree or disagree with Mclaren's responses? Why or why not? What ideas were new to you. What other questions would you have liked to ask him? Do you believe that Brian McLaren has a Biblical worldview? Why or why not?
This assignment should be 300 words long.

Conversations on being Heratic featuring Scot McKnigh and Brian McLaren

Answered Same Day Jun 27, 2020


Anuja answered on Jun 29 2020
143 Votes
Conversations on being Heretic- Scot McKnight and Brian McLaren
Being heretic means having beliefs or practising methods which do not support traditional beliefs and Brian McLaren is the rising epitome of such a phrase. In this video, he has tried to prove to the world, to his audience and to his readers how his beliefs are different and why does he believe so. In this video, Scot asks him three questions which may have been posed by his followers, viewers and readers and the interview...

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