· Value:30% of final grade.
You will write an analysis to explore your social identity and social location. The length of the paper should be approximately 2000 words (+/- 10%), in APA style. This is a type of narrative, reflective research, supported by the course concepts, theories and readings.
For this assignment, please write your own story through the lens of social identity and social location. Consider the constructs we have studied so far in this course as a way of determining the themes for your analysis (identity, power, privilege and meritocracy, race and ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation). Support your thoughts and insights with the scholarly literature we have studied in the course.
You may want to consider some questions such as:
· How has your race, class, or gender impacted your lived experience?
· What might be the impact of your religion, sexual orientation, ability or any other aspect of diversity?
· How has your education (and that of your family) had an impact on your understanding of privilege and social location?
PLEASE NOTE: These questions are meant to stimulate your creative thinking about your life and your experience of diversity. They arenotmeant to serve as a template or an outline for your analysis. You do not have to answer any of these questions specifically. You are required to craft your analysis around the diversity constructs studied in this course.