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Untitled HOLMES INSTITUTE FACULTY OF HIGHER EDUCATION HI5002 Finance for Business Group Assignment T3 2019 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1 2020 Unit Code HI5002 Unit Title...

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HI5002 Finance for Business Group Assignment T3 2019

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2020
Unit Code HI5002
Unit Title Finance for Business
Assessment Type Group Assignment
Assessment Title Research on Financial market and Capital Budgeting Analysis
Purpose of the
assessment (with
ULO Mapping)
Students are enrolled a group up to 4 members to study, undertake research, analyse
and conduct academic work within the topics of financial management from week 1 to
week 9. (ULO 1, 2, 3 and 4)
Weight 40 % of the total assessments
Total Marks 40
Word limit Not more than 3,000 words
Due Date Final Submission of Group Assignment and Presentation: 11:59 pm Sunday, Week 10
All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed
assignment cover page. Make sure that your group member’s name and surname,
student ID, unit name, and code and lecture’s name are written on the cover sheet
of the submitted assignment. A table of contribution by group members into group
work is also to be provided in the cover page (please see the assignment cover page
The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm
margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page
Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately
at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
Submitted work should be your original work showing your genuine studying.
Evidence of your original work (allocation of tasks, discussion, file exchanges, drafts,
etc.) need to be presented in the records of your group work in Discussion Board or
Group Blogs, available in Group Tools in your Group for Group Assignment. Your
assignment WILL NOT BE MARKED by your lecturers without the evidence of your
group work.
Three attempts of submission are allowed for checking similarity and final
submission. Your lecturers only mark the final submission. As a guide, a similarity
score of over 30% is considered as excessive except in the cases where the similarity
is caused by the use of template provided by the lecturers, types of assignment,
eferences or sources of data. Please note that it takes 48 hours for the self-check
eport to be available for your viewing. Please also note that fact findings and
working at same case study project evaluation assignment like this one may yield
higher than 30% similarity. Therefore, do not panic and shower your lecturers with
emails about similarity after your submission if your work is genuine. Your lecturers
will look at details of the similarity report and ensure a proper marking without any
ias on that threshold 30%.
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HI5002 Finance for Business Group Assignment T1 2020
When you submit your assignment electronically, please save the file as ‘Group
Assignment- your group name.doc’. You are required to submit the assignment at
Blackboard/Assessments/Group Assignment and Submission Link. Always keep an
electronic copy until you have received the final grade for the Unit. Please make sure
that you submit the co
ect file in the co
ect format that is readable in Black Board.
Assignment Tasks
This assignment task is a written report that include 3 parts: Part 1 is a research and fact finding on
Australian financial market. Part 2 is a fact finding of financial market regulation in Australia and Part
3 is a risk analysis and project evaluation. To complete the assignment, groups are recommended to
obtain data and information from relevant web sites, especially websites of Australia Stock Exchange:; Australian Securities and Investment Commission: https: and the
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) https: for their research and
fact finding. Using secondary data (researches done by others) for fact findings in Pat 1 and Part 2 is
NOT RECOMMENDED and will be PENALIZED. Please also note: group assignment for HI5002 is
DIFFERENT every trimester. Attempt to submit a PREVIOUS TRIMESTER ASSIGNMENT or A WRONG
ASSIGNMENT will get a ZERO (0) mark without any consideration for resubmission.

The assignment should cover the contents described bellows.

Assignment Structure and Details of Assignment Tasks
Briefly introduction of your group’s work: the purpose of assignment, key findings and structure of
the assignment (not more than 300 words)

Part 1. Research and fact finding of Australian financial market
1.1 Comparison of four key financial institutions: commercial banks, insurance companies,
investment banks and investment funds in Australia from the perspective of a potential
investor who would like to invest into the institutions
Criteria for comparison include: (1) classification (the group of financial institutions it belongs
to); (2) market sector of operation; (3) key business activities; and (4) main source of income.
Organize your group’s comparison in a relevant table. Your group’s research should be
supported by a fact finding of real life examples of a commercial bank, insurance company,
and investment bank and investment fund in Australia. Your group’s discussion on each
example should reflect the above mentioned criteria and the following information: (i) what
is the code of stock listed, (ii) when was the company’s stock was first listed, (iii) what is the
ent market capitalization of that stock, (iv) the cu
ent total share outstanding, (v) who is
the chairman and who is the CEO of that company, (vi) a graph of five year dividend payment
for each company and (vii) next dividend date. Using ASX and ASIC websites for the fact
finding. Your group is not allowed to choose the cases I have used as examples in this
assignment instruction.

Example: Commonwealth Bank is a commercial bank, which is categorized in the group of
Authorized Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) in Australia. Commonwealth Bank operates
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HI5002 Finance for Business Group Assignment T1 2020
in banking market sector. Its key business is taking deposit from individuals as well as
usinesses, and then lend those pooled savings to other individuals and businesses. Its
main source of income is the difference between the interest rates it charges the
owers and the interest rates it pays the depositors. The code of listed commonwealth
ank stock on Australian Stock Exchange is CBA. The stock was first listed on 12/09/1991.
The total outstanding share 1,770,239,507. As of 18 Fe
uary 2020, CBA market cap is
158.37bn, Ms Catherine Livingstone is the CBA’s Chairman, Non Exec. Director and Mr
Matthew Comyn is the Managing Director, CEO, Director. The next dividend payment date
is 31 March 2020.

1.2 Analysis of three financial management questions: (i) capital budgeting, (ii) capital structure
and (ii) working capital management

Define the three financial management questions and justify your group’s analysis by
illustrating examples: Choose one or more events described by media (CNN Business,
Financial Times, Dow Jones financial news etc.) about a company who is doing one or more
activities related to the three financial management questions. Analyse that event (s)
applying the three financial management questions. Note: Each question is to be illustrated
y at least one event.

Example of an event in media that reflect one of the three financial management questions:

Commonwealth Bank’s Project Bond-i: Bonds on block chain in collaboration with World
Bank: “In August 2018 the World Bank and CommBank successfully launched Bond-i
('blockchain operated new debt instrument'). It's the world's first bond to be created,
allocated, transfe
ed and managed through its life cycle using block chain technology”.

Bond-I Project by Commonwealth Bank is an outstanding example of capital budgeting in
financial management. This is an investment decision to generate future cash flows for the
ank in providing the auxiliary financial service of issuing debt instruments. Using block-chain
technology to create, locate, transfer and manage debt instruments undoubtedly enable huge
saving of money and enhancing efficiency. However, the security risk may be a big potential
problem for this project.
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HI5002 Finance for Business Group Assignment T1 2020

Part 2. Fact Finding of Australian financial market regulation
2.1 Fact finding of the listing on ASX
Assuming your group is working for a company that is considering to be listed on ASX in the
near future. Go to the website of Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), do a fact finding and
present an analysis of Australian Stock Exchange Listing Requirements and process. The
following questions should be addressed:
(1) What are the advantages of being a listed company on ASX?
(2) What are the problems that need to be taken in consideration for being listed
company on ASX?
(3) What are the requirements for listing on ASX?
(4) What are the steps of listing procedures on ASX?
(5) How listing fee is applied. Using ASX listing fee calculator to identify your selected
company listing fee, choosing any random number for the ranges of market cap: 10
million -50 million; 50 million-100 million; 100 million-500 million.
2.2 Fact Finding of requirements on Financial advisory service registration in Australia
Assuming after graduation you would like to work as a financial adviser. Go to the website of
Australian Securities and Investment Commission, do a fact finding and present an analysis
of financial advisor registration to identify whether you are qualified and what steps should
e taken to be a financial adviser in Australia. The following questions should be addressed:
(1) What is the ASIC’s Financial advisers register?
(2) Who should be on the Register, who are not on the Register and who updates the
(3) What information should be on the Register?
(4) What are the relevant financial products for a financial advisor?
(5) What are the professional standards applied for a financial advisor.
Part 3. Risk analysis and project evaluation
Answered Same Day May 27, 2021 HI5002


Harshit answered on Jun 04 2021
147 Votes
The security market or the security exchange of Australia is ASX or the Australian Stock Exchange (Mansfield, J., 2012). Herein all the trade-related to stocks or shares of the companies listed and the underlying derivatives of the same are traded.
1. Advantages of Listing in ASX: Listing on ASX has the following advantages:
· The company can issue Initial Public Offer or IPO and Further Public Offer or FPO to raise funding from the public. This helps in the capital growth of the company.
· The company’s profile is improved and a
and name for the company is built.
· The company can be valued in terms of market capitalization.
· The performance of the company improves and fraud decreases due to the extra compliances and the company has to follow more laws and regulations.
· The company can raise capital from the market through various methods.
2. Problems in a listed company: The problems of being a listed company are as follows:
· The value of the company is based on the market price of the shares which is dependent on the sentiments of the market and investors.
· As the company has to follow more rules, compliance is a burden for the companies.
· The market price of the shares is very volatile as the same depends on the demand and supply of the shares which depends on the sentiment more than logic.
· Due to the dynamic variations in the price, the genuine investors also suffer.
· The market price of the company may be changed by the speculators in the market and therefore the valuation is not based on the fundamentals of the company.
3. Listing Requirements...

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