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Two questionplease look question on document files Comprehensive Problem 1 and Comprehensive Problem 1, Period 2 Record accounting transactions in a general journal Post entries in a...

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Two questionplease look question on document files

Comprehensive Problem 1 and Comprehensive Problem 1, Period 2

  1. Record accounting transactions in a general journal

  2. Post entries in a general ledger

  3. Prepare a trial balance on a worksheet

  4. Complete the worksheet

  5. Journalize the adjusting entries

  6. Post the adjusting entries to the general ledger

  7. Prepare the income statement

  8. Prepare the statement of owner’s equity

  9. Prepare the balance sheet

  10. Journalize closing entries

  11. Post-closing entries

  12. Prepare a post-closing trial balance sheet

Assignment Expectations:

  • create template via Excel

    and screen shot on words for


    and summary Please submitted

    Excel and words document

  • Comprehensive Problem 1 and Comprehensive Problem 1, Period 2 need to be in the different documents

  • Also submit the following documents

  • General Journal (Activity 5 & 10)

  • General Ledger (Activity 2, 6, 11)

  • Worksheet (Activity 3 & 4)

  • Income Statement (Activity 7)

  • Statement of Owner’s Equity (Activity 8)

  • Balance Sheet (Activity 9)

  • Post Closing Trial Balance (Activity 12)

Answered 6 days After Jan 06, 2024


Nitish Lath answered on Jan 13 2024
21 Votes
Journal entries
            JOURNAL ENTRIES        Page 1
        Date    Details    DR $    CR $
        4/1/15    Cash    90000
             Bob night, capital        90000
        4/1/15    Prepaid insurance    9000
             Cash        9000
        4/2/15    Rent expense    40000
             Cash        40000
        4/2/15    Cash    35000
            Registration fees        35000
        4/2/15    Fishing boats    60000
             Account payable        60000
        4/3/15    Food supplies inventory    7000
             Account payable        7000
        4/5/15    Office supplies inventory    500
             Accounts payable        500
                    Page 2
        4/7/15    Cash    38600
             registration fees        38600
        4/10/15    Food supplies inventory    8200
             Accounts payable        8200
        4/10/15    Wages expense    10000
             Cash        10000
        4/14/15    Cash    30500
            Registration fees        30500
        4/16/15    Food supplies inventory    9000
             Account payable        9000
        4/17/15    Wages expenses    10000
             Cash        10000
        4/18/15    Postage expenses    150
             Cash        150
                    Page 3
        4/21/15    Cash    35600
            Registration fees        35600
        4/24/15    Food supplies inventory    8500
             Account payable        8500
        4/24/15    Wages expense    10000
             Cash        10000
        4/28/15    Cash     32000
            Registration fees        32000
        4/29/15    Wage expense    10000
             Cash        10000
        4/30/15    Food supplies inventory    6000
             Accounts payable        6000
        4/30/15    Accounts payable    32700
             Cash        32700
                    Page 4
        4/30/15    Utility expense    2000
             Cash        2000
        4/30/15    Telephone expense    1200
             Cash        1200
        4/30/15    Bob night drawing    6000
            Cash        6000
        4/30/15    Office supplies expense    400
             Office supplies inventory        400
        4/30/15    Food supplies expenses    30700
             Food supplies inventory        30700
        4/30/15    Insurance expense    1500
             Prepaid insurance         1500
        4/30/15    Depreciation expense    1000
             Accumulated depreciation        1000
        4/30/15     Wages expense    500
             wages payable        500
            GENERAL LEDGER
                 DR             CR
        date    details    amount$    date    detail    amount$
        4/1/15    bob Night, capital    90000    4/1/15    prepaid insurance    9000
        4/2/15    regitration fees    35000    4/2/15    rent expense    40000
        4/7/15    regitration fees    38600    4/10/15    wage expense    10000
        4/14/15    regisration fees    30500    4/17/15    wages expense     10000
        4/21/15    registration fees    35600    4/18/15    postage expenses    150
        4/28/15    regiration fees    32000    4/24/15    wages...

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