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Type four (4)separate responses(put them in a single document) and submit it to Canvas. A. Ideas: List and explain three (3) of the author's ideas you found significant. 1., 2., 3: Use your own words...

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    • Type four (4)separate responses(put them in a single document) and submit it to Canvas.
      • A. Ideas: List and explain three (3) of the author's ideas you found significant.
        • 1., 2., 3: Use your own words to explain the ideas; quote any unique terms the author uses, or 3+ words directly from the author.
        • Length: about a two or three sentences for each idea,with page numbers.
        • Do not add your own response or interpretation to these -- just explain the author's idea for each.
      • B. Reflection: Identify two (2) of your "take-aways" from the reading.
        • 1., 2: Identify and discussin detail each of the three ideas that you took-away from the reading.
          (It's ok -- and a good idea -- to have a take-away based on the author's idea from section A. Ideas)
          • Why did you think each of these items were significant?
          • Length: about a paragraph or two or three
      • C. Connections: Identify two (2) ideas from the reading that you see intersected with other material from this class, other classes, or your own experiences.
        • 1.,2.: Be specific and clear: a) identify each idea from the reading; b) identify the idea from another source, c) discuss how the two connect with each other.
        • Length: about a paragraph or two or three
    Answered Same Day Apr 11, 2020


    Anju Lata answered on Apr 14 2020
    150 Votes
    ‘Internet Revolution’ describes all the developmental incidents starting from 1969 when the first connection between nodes on the ARPANET was established with the advent of NSFNET in 1990. The chapter begins with the revelation that there is no master control or no designer in charge of the internet. Later on, the evolution of ARPANET into present Internet involved the development of TCP/IP which enabled communication through a distributed packet switched network. The process of ARPA evolution involved packet transmission between the US and Europe through Telstar satellite in form of voice, TV images and data for the first time in 1962. While connecting diverse networks to ARPANET, the problem was that the other networks namely PRNET and SATNET were using different technology. Cahn and Cerf devised an open architecture as a solution. If all the networks follow the same set of protocols, the system can scale effectively. They also developed Routers, which route the data packets. The first Personal Computer was named Alto developed in 1973. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn were known as “Fathers of Internet” for their role in the development of internet and TCP/IP.
    ‘The Web’ explains that for the first time a li
    ary of universally accessible bibliographies was created by Paul Otlet. The users could telegraph and telephone his li
    ary and archivists could look up the requested data and may respond back electronically. Information Scientist Ted Nelson explored hypertext through his project Xanadu. Engelbart developed an Online system (NLS) taking the concept of hypertext...

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