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42908 Assessment Task 3 Project Proposal: Marking Criteria
    Marking Criteria
    Unsatisfactory (0)
    Substandard (30)
    Pass (60)
    Credit (70)
    Distinction (80)
    High Distinction (90)
    Outstanding (100)
    1/ Executive Summary
Brief overview of project, main aim of project, potential findings and conclusions
    2/ Introduction
Presents general project area, relevance of project, specific investigation of project and a
ief outline of proposal to follow
    3/ Literature Review
Critically reviews existing work, identifies relevant research areas and any opposing views. Links to the gap your project will fill
    4/ Research Question/s, Aim & Sub-goals
Provides precise and measurable research question/s that the project aim will answer. States project aim and steps to meet aim. Presents tangible sub-goals
    5/ Theoretical Content
Clear theoretical basis for work e.g. hypothesis, theoretical approach/es. Shows impact of theory on project steps
    6/ Experimental Set-up
Discussion of lab and/or field set-up and potential limitations
    7/ Results, Outcome and Relevance
Explanation of data, variables and parameters and type of results to be investigated. Makes projection of outcome and shows relevance of outcome
    8/ Project Planning and Gantt Chart
Transforms sub-goals into a schedule of work using a Gantt Chart showing: the three key review points, milestones and deliverables
    9/ Conclusions
Clear precise conclusions on proposed work. Makes supported statement on the longer-term impact of the work on the project area
    10/ Referencing
Citations and References list co
ectly follow Harvard UTS referencing style, with consistent use between text and list
    11/ Organisation
Logical organization, reasonable amount of information and flowing paragraphs
    12/ Gramma
Grammar and spelling mostly used well, not distracting the reade
Answered Same Day Jun 25, 2020


Perla answered on Jun 26 2020
145 Votes
Renewable energy usage and mitigation of Co2 emissions
Running Header: Renewable energy usage and mitigation of emissions
Title: Renewable energy usage and mitigation of emissions
Presented by:
Presented To:
Date: 26/6/2018
Executive Summary
The following part of the research report is about the renewable energy resources and their potential in contributing to the emissions reduction in general. Traditional energy resources do have potential contributory impact on the GHG emissions to the atmosphere. Traditional fuel burning and Using traditional fuel resources for electricity generation are some of the several ways emissions are getting into the atmosphere. Replacing traditional energy resources with renewable energy resources and mitigating emissions is an effective solution to cu
this problem. The following report works on to emphasize these aspects. Further there is an experimental set-up employed in a manufacturing organization to predict the possible reduction in the electrical energy usage based on traditional energy resources and a prediction done with regard to the possible emissions reduction. Further there are also experimentally validated recommendations made to improve energy efficiency as well as means to reduce energy consumption. The findings emphasized the potential of the renewable energy resources as potential emission reducing technology.
Energy intensive applications have evolved like never before in recent years. There are no any significant applications at present that does not depend on the energy for their operational requirements. Green house gases and other related pollutants are major problems mankind is facing at present. Most of the energy consumption on the global level is mainly due to the consumption of the coal, followed by natural gas and other liquid energy forms. Most of the electrical energy generation is also based on coal based power plants and followed by natural gas and other traditional liquid fuels. There are also energy generation stations based on nuclear power engineering technology. All forms of traditional fuel burning and traditional energy consumption generate very high quantity of pollutants like Co2, Co, SOx, NOx etc. All these GHG emissions are harmful to mankind in several ways. China is consistently topping the energy usage levels in the globe from last several years, This trend is followed by United States of America, India and other Asian Countries. One of the main reasons for China and India to top the energy usage trend is its high population and subsequent energy dependency. They are contributing to tonnes of emissions release to the atmosphere every year. Out of the green house gases being emitted to the atmosphere every year, maximum amount of Green house gas is CO2 which makes about 65% of the total GHG emissions being emitted to the atmosphere. Forestry and land usage is contributing to about 11% of CO2 release into the atmosphere every year(Quasching,2016). Methane is present to about 16% of the total GHG emissions being emitted into the atmosphere. Nitrous oxide is present to about 6% of the total GHG emissions. Fluorinated gases are present by about 2% of the total emissions being released into the atmosphere. The cu
ent report outlines the capacity of the renewable energy in cu
ing the emissions and a experimental set-up and operations of the same are discussed. Evidential investigation results are discussed as well, reiterating the potential offset of emissions.
Literature review
Renewable energy is potential sources that can contribute to the mitigation of the GHG based on traditional energy fuel usage. For example harnessing wind energy for common energy applications will result in extensive eco-friendly atmosphere. Wind energy is associated with zero GHG emissions during the operations. Solar energy also fall in the same category of energy generation. Solar energy operation is also emission less. There won’t be any type of emissions associated with the solar energy operation for domestic as well as for residential energy applications. Apart from these energy applications there also renewable energy resources like ocean thermal energy, geothermal energy, ocean Tidal energies etc(Lund,2015). All these energy resources though vary in energy intensity and in the ease of energy generation, basically do have potential to drastically impact the reduction in the GHG emissions. The following...

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