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Thisisan individualassignment.Thepurpose ofthisassignmentistorefineyour research skillsby youidentifying yourown operationsmanagement topic,finding supportingliterature,analysing...

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Thisisan individualassignment.Thepurpose ofthisassignmentistorefineyour research skillsby youidentifying yourown operationsmanagement topic,finding supportingliterature,analysing data,recommendingthebestapproachtomanagingtheissueandmakingsuggestionsregardinghowitcouldbeimplementedand reportingtheresults.Youshouldselectanareainwhichyouhavesome experience,knowledge and/or interest.

Youalsowillhaveanopportunitytodeepenyourknowledgeoncertain aspectofoperationsmanagementbychoosinganoperationsmanagementtopicthatsuitsyourowninterestand willhelpyourowncareerprospects.Thisassignmentcomprisesaminiliteraturereviewonthecurrentissuesonoperationsstrategyandoperationsmanagementoffirmsoperating inaspecificindustry.Allworkanddatasubmittedbyyouwillbetreated inthestrictestconfidence.

Atleast8separateresearchreference sources wouldbeexpectedtoobtainbetter than apassmark.Itisexpectedthatthis reportwill beofahighprofessionalstandard.To obtainagradehigherthanacredit,youmusthavenolayout,grammar,spelling orreferencing errors.Theworkshould berelevant,contain thelatest research and containahigh leveloforiginalthoughtandinput.

Youareencouragedtoworkonacurrentoperationsmanagementproblemorissuewithinyourexistingindustry.Alternatively,youcan choosethespecificcompanyorindustrywhich suitsyourinterests,including (butnotlimitedto)electronic,automotive,banking,building,food,hospitality,retailanddistribution,finance,consulting,and health care.

Select an operationsmanagement issue with which you have had experience (or in which you are particularly interested) that fits intoone of the followingfour categories:

Measuring and improving supplychainmanagement.

Measuring and improving customerservicequalityandsatisfaction.

Measuring and improving “Offshoring and/orOutsourcing”decisionmaking

Measuring and improving “Waiting Time”processes

Ifyou haveaparticularresearchtopicthatisnotincluded in theabove,butyou feelitwillbenefit yourcareerorimproveknowledgein an industry,for example a topic that could be presented asaconference paper,Iwouldbehappytodiscussyourplan.

Formatyourreport,usingreferences,asanacademicbusinessreport–usingthestructuredescribed in the report format section.

Learning Outcome Details

This assessment is underpinned by the following Unit Learning Outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes:

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)

Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)


Evaluate the nature and importance of operations within organisations.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge

and capabilities

GLO2: Communication

GLO4: Critical thinking


Understand the key decision issues associated with operations management and how these link to overall organisational strategies andglobal supply/value chains.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge

and capabilities

GLO2: Communication

GLO4: Critical thinking

GLO8: Global citizenship


Apply operations management principles to different organisations inboth manufacturing and service contexts.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge

and capabilities

GLO2: Communication

GLO4: Critical thinking

GLO5: Problem solving


Analyse operations within service and manufacturing firms and applymethods to improve them.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge

and capabilities

GLO2: Communication

GLO3: Digital literacy

GLO4: Critical thinking

GLO5: Problem solving


Work effectively as an individual researcher and in a task-focusedvirtual team.

GLO5: Problem solving

GLO6: Self-management

Details of the linkages between the assessment, ULO, GLOs and the rubric are presented at the last section of this document.

Report Format

Thisassignmentmustbewritten inan academicbusinessreportformatof a maximum of4000words.You should write between 3,000 and 4,000 words.TheExecutive Summary,TOC,Reference Pagesand Appendices can be excluded from thewordcount.

The criteria for marking is included at the end of this document and in therubric on the CloudDeakin MPM792website.

ExecutivesummaryandTableofContents XXXXXXXXXXwords)– aconciseand authoritativesummary thatincludesclearstatementaboutpurposeoftheresearch,mainfindingsand recommendations(5% ofmarks)

Introduction (200– 400 words) -focusedintroduction to the problem or situation (5% ofmarks)

Problemanalysis(800-1000words)-comprehensiveanalysisoftheproblem,thestrategy,processortopicusing appropriatedataand frameworks;evidenceofengagementwithappropriateliterature(20% ofmarks)

Currentperformance analysis(800-1000words)- make use ofappropriatecomparativebenchmarksandconsider the forcesaffecting theissue you are examiningto examine the impact of the problem(20% ofmarks)

Recommended solution XXXXXXXXXX) – identify, select and justify your preferred solutionwith (a brief) consideration of how it could be implemented. You may wish to considerthemajoroperationsmanagementtechniquescurrentlyused bythecompany fortheprocess,andhowsuccessfultheyare.Provideacomprehensiveargument for your recommend solutionand its implementationusingappropriatedataand support fromappropriateliterature(30% ofmarks)

Summaryandconclusion XXXXXXXXXXwords)- provide evidenceofreflectionon what a successful outcome would be, aconcise summaryofthemain findingsand aconcisesummaryof yourrecommendations(10% ofmarks)

References - make sure you made good use of the literature to support your arguments, considering the appropriateness of your literature sources(10% ofmarks)

Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Your Work

Your mark in this assessment is based on how well you have satisfactorily achieved the underpinning ULOs and GLOs. The rubric will be used to assess the overall quality of your work. Your work will be assessed against each of the questions in this assignment. The links between these questions and the ULOs/GLOs are described below.

Problem analysis XXXXXXXXXXwords) - comprehensive analysis of the problem, the strategy, process or topic using appropriate data and frameworks; evidence of engagement with appropriate literature (20%)

ULO1(Evaluate the nature and importance ofoperations within organisations):You will be assessed on your ability toexplain the problem on the basis of its impact on the organisation, as well as the actual details of the problem process.

ULO2 (Understand the key operations management decision issues):You will be assessed on your ability toexplain why this is an important operations management activity and identify the specific operations process involved, in terms of the types of operations management activities discussed in the unit.

GLO1(Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities): You will be assessed on your ability toexplain the problem in terms of operations management perspectives, using the language presented in the unit.

GLO2(Communication): You will be assessed on your ability topresent a clear, succinct and cogent argument.

GLO4(Critical thinking): You will be assessed on your ability tocorrectly identify the cause and differentiate this from the symptom of the problem.

GLO8(Global citizenship): You will be assessed on your ability to demonstratehow this is either a standard or unique problem for this industry.

Current performance analysis XXXXXXXXXXwords) - make use of appropriate comparative benchmarks and consider the forces affecting the issue you are examining to examine the impact of the problem (20%)

ULO4 (Analyse operations within service and manufacturing firms and apply methods to improve them): Your answer will be assessed forthoroughness, use of data, comparison with expected performance and presentation of findings.

GLO1 (Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities): Youwill be assessed on the demonstrated understanding of the particular operations management activity that you analyse in your answer to this question.

GLO2 (Communication): You will be assessed on your ability to presentyour analysis, findings and conclusionclearly.

GLO3(Digital literacy): You will be assessed onthe quality and thoroughness of your analysis of how well the process currently performs.

GLO4 (Critical thinking): You will be assessed on your ability to correctly frame the problemanalysis.

GLO5 (Problem solving): You will be assessed on the organisation of youranalysis and use of external sources to provide a reference pointsagainst which the performance is assessed.

Recommended solution XXXXXXXXXX) – identify, select and justify your preferred solution with (a brief) consideration of how it could be implemented. You may wish to consider the major operations management techniques currently used by the company for the process, and how successful they are. Provide a comprehensive argument for your recommend solution and its implementation using appropriate data and support from appropriate literature (30%)

ULO3 (Apply operations management principles): You will be assessed on your ability torespond to the analysis that you have conducted in the previous answer and utilise operations management approaches to produce a recommendation.

GLO1 (Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities): You will be assessed on yourdemonstrated understanding of the area of operations management which applies to the performance issue that you have identified.

GLO2 (Communication): You will be assessed on your ability toexplain how your recommendation responds to the performance shortfall/opportunity you identified.

GLO4 (Critical thinking): You will be assessed on your ability todemonstrate that your recommendation provides a valuable solution.

GLO5 (Problem solving): You will be assessed on the organisation of your approach toarguing your recommendation.

Summary andConclusion XXXXXXXXXXwords) - provide evidenceofreflectionon what a successful outcome would be, aconcise summaryofthemain findings and a concisesummary of your recommendations(10% ofmarks)

ULO5 (Work effectively as an individual researcher): You will be assessed on your ability toprovide a balanced and informed summary of the problem/opportunity and your recommendations, demonstrating a good grasp of the theory and a well-organised project.

GLO5 (Problem solving): You will be assessed on your ability todemonstrate that you have fully understood and provided a viable solution to the problem.

GLO6(Self-management): You will be assessed on your ability topresent a conclusion which convinces the reader and inspires confidence in your recommendation.

Answered Same Day Jun 10, 2021 MPM792 Deakin University


Ishika answered on Jun 11 2021
140 Votes
Operations Management
Running Head: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT        0
Operations Management
Measuring and improving supply chain management
Student’s Details
Executive Summary
In the operations of organisation, supply chain management is an important aspect which helps to transport raw material to store. It makes ease to provide the products and services to the customers. The following report has analysed the main challenges in the supply chain management which are facing by the McDonalds and the main challenges are poor communication between the partner of supply chain, potential frauds, lack of transparency and honesty, regulations and traceability of shipping. After the problem analysis, the report has analysed the cu
ent performance of McDonald’s and how company can improve their supply chain management.
Introduction    3
Problem Analysis    3
Main elements of Supply Chain    4
ent performance analysis    5
Role of intermediaries in Supply chain management    7
Recommended solution    8
Summary and Conclusion    8
References List    10
As the business is developing, the development of this business environment has changed the demand of customers which can be easily seen in the market. According to the scenario of competition that is going on in today's business, the entire focus of the customer is on the price, while the whole idea is not about a product. There are a large number of products to cater to the different needs of different customers which attests to this fact. As an outcome, the focal point of business associations has moved to expand the estimation of items and administrations, which ought to be higher than the value of their competitors (Zhong, Xu and Wang, 2017).
The value of products is generated by supply chain management and this situation plays an important role in achieving market competitiveness through which one can take desired results. All the practices of supply chain management that are in practice are unhelpful and unique. Great supply chain management rehearses consistently improve organizations' benefit while reacting admirably to the consumers' wants and needs, other than improving the connections and reliance among firms for the better conveyance of significant worth to the consumers. The following report will comprehensively analyse the problems which McDonald’s is facing in supply chain management and how can McDonald’s make improvements in their functions of supply chain management. The report will also analyse the cu
ent performance of the McDonald’s to examine the impact of the issue and recommend some ideas to implement in the organisation.
Problem Analysis
Food supply chain management is a means by which the safety and quality of various foods can be maintained under efficient and effective modes, and is used by companies when moving production, distribution, and consumption from activities or operations to be designed. The distinctions in food supply chain management from other flexible chains, for example, furniture supply and supply chain the board are the significance reflected by factors like food quality, security, and newness inside a constrained time, which make the hidden supply chain increasingly perplexing and management is very hard. In the industry of food processing, the supply chain management plays an important role to ease the well-organized movement of needed information, materials, and transportation of end product from factories to the customers (Seuring and Gold, 2012).
Food supply chain management has been widely recognized by both physicians and academics and all this has been possible due to the development of cutting-edge technologies. Information technology (IT) has completely replaced the automated food processing system, which can be primarily replaced, cleaning and packing as well as fresh storage systems and has seen dramatic improvements. Be that as it may, the control of McDonald's is as yet unequipped for tending to numerous useful genuine difficulties agreeably. Information ba
iers and inefficient decision-making systems/models among the various stakeholders are attributed and all these conditions apply to the reasons of inadequacies at low operational levels from the farmers (Nguegan Nguegan and Mafini, 2017).
Main elements of Supply Chain
Understanding relationships with supply chain management consists of three interconnected elements which are:
1. the administration of exercises and stream of materials from a provider to a maker and, in this manner, to a purchaser through the change procedure of the crude materials into completed items,
2. Managing information in the on-going series of producer-consumer and supplier-manufacture
3. Chain relationship in the management.
The measure of system and a
anging that goes into McDonald's coordination must be just amazing. The McDonald's framework has been copied many occasions over by different establishments; however, nobody has had the option to thump the “double arches” out of its top spot. In actuality, McDonald's and Unilever were the supply chain giants that are until obviously Amazon tagged along and assumed control (McDonald’s and the Challenges of a Modern Supply Chain, 2020).
The main challenges which are the facing by McDonald’s are poor communication between the partner of supply chain, potential frauds, lack of transparency and honesty, regulations and traceability of shipping. Due to the pandemic situation in the world, customers demand traceability in shipping...

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