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The Unit Learning Outcomes for this assessment are:

· Identify, comprehend, and analyse alternative concepts, models, frameworks, and issues in supplier selection, supplier management, supplier relationship management and supplier reward systems

· Analyse types of relationships, intensity of relationship involvement, and models of developing and implementing successful supply chain relationships while recognising the strategic importance of supplier integration

· Identify, analyse, relate, and appreciate stakeholder working relationships which leads to effective relationship building, and the strategic role of supplier and stakeholder relationship management in supply chain management

Assessment Brief:
Consider a buyer organisation with a very large supply base where almost 90% of the suppliers are not strategic and are possible to be substituted by other suppliers without impacting operations. The consumer cannot see the supply chain upstream from the buyer organisation. Thus, there is no solid binding for a
and and little chance of losing customers due to changes in the supplier base as long as high quality is maintained.
The buyer organisation is considering increasing their competitive advantage against their direct competition in the same market by implementing innovative technology as part of its movement to Industry 4.0. The cu
ent plan foresees the selection of innovative technology to strengthen their market position, increase the consumer's positive perception, and implement this across the supply chain. As the supplier base is interchangeable to a large extent, the cu
ent approach intends to force suppliers to shift towards technology to maintain a business relationship. The suppliers must cover the cost to adapt to the new requirements.
Using the above scenario, write a report to critically analyse the cu
ent approach of the buyer organisation with respect to supplier relationships and stakeholder management. What are your thoughts which stakeholder management approach is beneficial to the buyer and suppliers and why?
In your report, demonstrate your discipline knowledge from week 1 to week 8 and its application to the given scenario.

References: All writing and illustrations must be adequately and appropriately referenced. Your report should consist of a minimum of XXXXXXXXXXscholarly references. All references must be from credible sources, such as journal articles, research books, industry-related journals, company documents, and other recent articles written by consultants (e.g. KPMG, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Word Count: The word limit is 3500 words (+/- 10%), and the assignment will be submitted through Turnitin. No appendices are required for the report.
Presentation Standard
The report submitted should comply with the following standards:
· A4 size pape
· Font Times New Roman
· Font size 12 pt for normal text
· Font size 14 pt bold for major headings, 12 pt bold for minor headings
· XXXXXXXXXXline spacing
· Page numbering (centred at the bottom of each page)
· 4 cm margin left of page, 2.5cm margin top, bottom and right of page
· All figures, tables, diagrams are to be consecutively numbered and appropriately labelled
Answered 14 days After Apr 29, 2023


Dipali answered on May 01 2023
33 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Supplier Selection, Management, and Relationship    3
Types of Relationships and Models of Developing and Implementing Successful Supply Chain Relationships    5
Supplier Reward Systems    7
Stakeholder Management Approach    9
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)    10
The Cu
ent Approach of the Buyer Organization    12
Stakeholder Management    14
Stakeholder Management Approach    14
Conclusion    15
References    16
    Stakeholder management and supplier relationships are essential components of supply chain management. To retain a competitive edge, organizations need to understand the strategic value of supplier integration and forge strong bonds with both suppliers and stakeholders. In this research, a buying organization's existing strategy to managing stakeholder relationships and supplier relationships is critically examined. In order to retain a commercial relationship, the paper highlights how buyers are utilizing technology to pressure suppliers to innovate. The research also examines a stakeholder management strategy that is advantageous to both buyers and suppliers.
Supplier Selection, Management, and Relationship
    Critical elements of supply chain management that have big effects on an organization's success include supplier selection, administration, and relationships. Effective supplier selection and management may lead to improved quality, lower prices, and more dependability. A supplier is an outside company that offers goods or services to a purchasing organization (Suraraksa & Shin, 2019). In order to make sure that suppliers are in line with the goals of the customer and can provide the needed goods or services on schedule and within budget, supplier relationship management (SRM) entails creating and maintaining long-term partnerships with them. In order to choose suppliers who can supply the requisite quality, quantity, and delivery performance, it is essential to carefully assess each candidate. The supplier's financial soundness, technological expertise, production capability, and prior performance are all evaluated throughout this procedure. Buyers can evaluate and compare potential suppliers using a variety of supplier evaluation techniques, such as the weighted-criteria approach and the cost-based method. These models measure each criterion according to how important it is to the consumer, taking into account elements like pricing, quality, delivery, and service.
    Monitoring supplier performance entails taking appropriate remedial action to enhance performance as needed. To assess the performance of the supplier in comparison to pre-established goals, this procedure entails defining and executing supplier performance indicators. These indicators may include cost performance, responsiveness, quality performance, and delivery performance. When necessary, supplier performance can be improved by creating and implementing supplier improvement plans (da Silva et al., 2020). The practice of establishing and keeping enduring partnerships with important suppliers is known as supplier relationship management. In order to align goals, cut costs, and improve quality, this method entails identifying essential suppliers and forging a cooperative relationship with them. Buyers must invest time and money to learn about the capabilities, cultures, and business practices of their suppliers in order to manage their supplier relationships. In order to make sure that suppliers can produce cutting-edge goods or services that satisfy the buyer's needs, buyers may also include suppliers in collaborative planning, design, and development efforts.
    Reduced supply chain costs, higher quality, and better responsiveness are just a few advantages that may come from effective supplier relationship management. Additionally, it might lead to greater supplier loyalty, which might lead to better supplier performance and lower risks in the supply chain. Buyers to motivate them to deliver quality services may also use systems for rewarding suppliers. The incentive programs that identify and reward supplier achievement may include bonus payments, long-term contracts, and other rewards.
Therefore, the management of suppliers is a crucial aspect of supply chain management that has a big influence on how well an organization performs. A thorough assessment of possible suppliers is necessary for effective supplier selection in order to confirm that they have the capacity to offer the needed quality, quantity, and delivery performance. Monitoring supplier performance entails taking appropriate remedial action to enhance performance as needed (Wetzstein et al., 2019). Establishing and maintaining long-term connections with important suppliers is part of supplier relationship management, which aims to align goals, cut costs, and improve quality. Numerous advantages can result from effective supplier relationship management, including decreased supply chain costs, increased quality, and improved responsiveness. Buyers to motivate them to perform successfully can also use systems for rewarding suppliers.
Types of Relationships and Models of Developing and Implementing Successful Supply Chain Relationships
    A supply chain can contain a variety of interactions between a buyer and a supplier, from transactional ties to cooperative collaborations. Every relationship type has unique qualities and degrees of engagement. Consider the fact that a transactional relationship is often
ief, focused on pricing, and includes little interaction between the customer and the provider. As opposed to this, a collaborative relationship is often long lasting, contains reciprocal advantages, and necessitates high levels of trust between the customer and the provider. It is crucial to pick the proper kind of connection and have the co
ect model in place if you want to create effective supply chain interactions (Debnath et al., 2023). Supplier relationship management (SRM) is a methodology that has become more and better liked in recent years. The SRM model is a methodical strategy for managing supplier relationships that entails identifying crucial suppliers, segmenting them according to their significance and performance, and creating unique plans for each segment. Additionally, the model calls for regular supplier communication, performance reviews, and the identification of areas for improvement and collaboration.
    The partnership model is yet another one that is frequently employed for creating fruitful connections throughout the supply chain. In this strategy, the buyer and the supplier cooperate to accomplish shared objectives, such as enhancing quality, cutting prices, or creating new goods. This paradigm entails sharing resources, expertise, and risks, which calls for a high degree of commitment and trust between the participants. Additionally to these models, there are a number of best practices that can be used to create strong supply chain relationships. These include:
· Clear communication: To establish trust and keep a healthy relationship, regular communication is crucial. It is important for both sides to be open and honest about their hopes, objectives, and wo
· Shared vision and goals: A common vision and set of objectives for the partnership should exist between the provider and the buyer. Their efforts may be better coordinated as a result, and both parties stand to gain.
· Continuous improvement: In order to identify opportunities for improvement and ca
y out continuous improvement activities, the buyer and supplier should collaborate. This might improve the supply chain's effectiveness, efficiency, and competitiveness.
· Performance measurement: The relationship's strengths and shortcomings may be identified with the use of regular performance measurement and review (Amoako et al., 2019). This may contribute to better performance and the creation of a more efficient supply chain.
    In general, strong connections in the supply chain need a thorough grasp of the many kinds of interactions that exist between buyers and suppliers as well as the models and...

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