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This assignment is a homework assignment that will be due at the end of the day on February 26. Please review Activity 13.4 and undertake the analysis described in the activity. (There is nothing to...

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  1. This assignment is a homework assignment that will be due at the end of the day on February 26. Please review Activity 13.4 and undertake the analysis described in the activity. (There is nothing to submit for Activity XXXXXXXXXXThen identify a job or internship for which you intend to apply, as described in Activity 13.7. You will need to retain a copy of the job or internship posting relating to the job or internship for which you are applying. Then please prepare a resume and cover message, based on the material discussed in Chapter 13 (including the analysis undertaken in Activity 13.4), in preparation to submit the resume and cover message for the job or internship identified in Activity 13.7. The resume satisfies Activity 13.8, while the cover message satisfies Activity 13.9. The resume and cover message, plus the copy of the posting for the job or internship for which you are applying, should be attached to a cover sheet/submission memo that is set up in the manner described in the Syllabus. We will use these postings, resumes and cover messages for the interview project that we will do in Chapter 14.

    A total of 25 points is available – 5 points for Activity 13.7 and 10 points each for Activities 13.8 and 13.9, NO REFERENCES NEEDED

Answered 2 days After Feb 24, 2024


Dipali answered on Feb 26 2024
13 Votes
Table of contents
Exploring the Job Market    4
Writing Your Résumé    4
Preparing Your Customized, Job-Relevant Cover Message    5
Exploring the Job Market
    Being proactive and informed of open openings is essential for career planning in today's competitive work market. Developing job awareness is a crucial component of your education, even if you're not looking for work right now. The goal of this exercise is to save, clip, or print a job announcement or advertising from a variety of sources, including (a) social media, (b) online newspapers' employment sections, (c) job boards, (d) firm websites, or (e) listings from professional associations. The chosen job posting or advertising should outline the kind of work we want to pursue after graduation or the kind of work we are presently looking for.
    In my instance, I came over a job posting for a marketing assistant position at a reputable marketing agency...

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