Assignment 1
(Submission date: 17 April 2018)
Question 1
(a) What are the 4 different pollutants in domestic wastewater (sewage). Name the methods by which each of these pollutants can be treated before disposal into waterways.
(b) Describe
iefly the two ways phosphorus is removed from sewage in a wastewater treatment plant
(c) What are the pollutant removal mechanisms in an intermittently decanted aerated lagoons (IDAL) used in wastewater treatment plant.
Question 2
a) Compare the ultrafiltration with nanofiltration in terms of pressure, pore size and energy requirements (with typical values).
) Explain the mem
ane bioreactor using a schematic diagram. What are the three main advantages of mem
ane bioreactor compared to the conventional biological treatment.
Question 3
a) Why is it important to have dewatering of digested sludge?
) What are the beneficial uses of biosolids?
Question 4
a) What is the advantage of dual media filter over sand filter?
) How can N removed from wastewater treatment?
Question 5
a.Compare the solids and bacterial concentrations allowed in the (i) treated sewage effluent and (ii) drinking wate
.How is microorganisms measured in sewage?
Question 6
List one existing example on water reuse practices (place, what purpose, standards, methodology used, benefits and cost). Do not use example given in the lecture notes. You may find details from EPA documents, national and international conference proceedings, recently published textbooks and web sites.