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There are 17 links in this document and I need a short summary on all of it.

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There are 17 links in this document and I need a short summary on all of it.
Answered Same Day Feb 25, 2020


Sundeep answered on Feb 28 2020
149 Votes
1. ForecastPro Software: A business forecasting Software Company founded in 1986, Business Forecast Systems, Inc. (BFS) is the maker of ForecastPRo. It helps improve planning, improve inventory efficiency and decrease stock outs
2. Institute for Business Forecasting and planning: Initiating in 1981, IBF has 37+ years of experience, 40k+ active members and 2500+ certified professionals. It is a premier service provider of demand planning, forecasting and business analytics, advisory services etc.
3. Delphus: A technology driven collaborative forecasting with unique PEER business planner methodology it improves accuracy, reduces production and inventory cost throughout supply chain. It uses agile forecasting techniques to achieve them
4. Course site : PAGE NOT AVAILABLE
5. Spreadsheet example from Georgia Southern University: PAGE NOT AVAILABLE
6. Sales and operation Planning: The website is about ‘Arkieva-Data to Decisions faster’ software. It was previously known as Zemeter. It gives real-time results and is used for planning and scheduling which gives profitability, better inventories and optimised supplychain.
7. Demand Solutions: Website not found
8. AGI: Goldraft Institute: is for sale.
9. Taylor: A demands solution company where the main aim of the company is to solve the problem of production schedule, costs and customer satisfaction. The company improves schedules, reduces costs and improves customer satisfaction and in turn increases profitability and business performance
10. Waterloo Manufacturing Systems: Waterloo Manufacturing Software has developed and marketed TACTIC, its advanced scheduling and planning software to the worldwide manufacturers who are both...

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