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THE101_Assessment 2 Brief Page 1 of 4 ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title THE101 Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Events Assessment Assessment 2: Case Study Individual/Group Individual...

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THE101_Assessment 2 Brief Page 1 of 4 ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title THE101 Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Events Assessment Assessment 2: Case Study Individual/Group Individual Length 1,000 Words Learning Outcomes a) Outline the foundation and history of the Tourism, Hospitality and Events industries and the influence on today’s product offerings. b) Describe the scope, characteristics and diversity of the Tourism, Hospitality and Events industries and how they interplay. c) Examine the various environmental, economic and socio-cultural impacts often associated within the Tourism, Hospitality, and Events industries. Submission Module 5 -11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 9 Weighting 25% Total Marks 100 marks Context: The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their knowledge of the foundation of which tourism, hospitality and events is built. Research into a singular company develops this knowledge and shall develop an understanding of the diversity, interplay and sustainability within Tourism, Hospitality and Events. Instructions: Do you think star ratings affect consumer booking decisions or have they lost their significance and why? The emergence of social media and user review platforms such as Tripadvisor have changed the way Tourism, Hospitality, and Event businesses engage with their customers. But has this had an impact on consumers in terms of choice and experience? More and more hotels are moving away from traditional Star Ratings in favour of platforms such as Tripadvisor. THE101_Assessment 2 Brief Page 2 of 4 As part of this assessment, students are required to provide a historic summary of where the star ratings system evolved from, as well as a brief history of how Tripadvisor came about. Students are then required to compare the traditional star rating system to how Tripadvisor ratings work, and present the pros and cons from both a business perspective, as well as a consumers’ perspective. In addition, students are required to evaluate whether Tripadvisor is more beneficial to smaller or larger operators, or both. This assessment must be submitted in compliance with the following: 1. You should make significant references to the subject material and substantial wider reading. A minimum of two (2) academic (books & peer-reviewed journal articles) & two (2) other sources (newspaper article, trade publications, websites, etc.) must be used per post. These should be referenced in the APA style, both in-text and in a reference list. References to ‘Wikipedia’ or similar unsubstantiated sources will not be accepted. 2. Any detection of plagiarism will lead to an immediate fail grade in the task, and possible exclusion from the subject. 3. Extensions cannot be granted by the lecturer after the submission date. In the event of serious illness or unusual circumstances, a student may apply for Special Consideration in accordance with the rules and regulations governing this application, but it is important that such requests be made as soon as the circumstance is known. Students should use the brief to guide what to include in the assessment and the following rubric to inform the standard required. THE101_Assessment 2 Brief Page 3 of 4 Learning Rubrics Assessment Attributes Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%) Content & Purpose 20% Does not meet minimum standard. Lacks a clear focus with large sections of unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Content is disjointed and does not align to a main topic. Meets minimum standard. Ill-defined focus with some unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Majority of content is disjointed and does not all align to a main topic. Progressing beyond minimum standard. Broad focus with occasional unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Most content is clearly aligned to a main topic. Exceeds minimum standard. Clear focus with minimal unnecessary or irrelevant information included. All content is clearly aligned to a main topic. Exceeds minimum standard and exhibits high levels of application. Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of content and purpose of the assignment. Knowledge & Understanding Student does not display a clear understanding of the company. Clear and relevant company information not submitted. Itinerary and additions not clear or complete. Impact and influence of trends not demonstrating understanding. Student displays limited understanding of the company. Limited clear and relevant company information submitted. Itinerary and additions included clear and complete. Impact and influence of trends demonstrated with minimal understanding. Student displays good understanding of the company. Substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Good knowledge and understanding of the company information submitted. Itinerary and additions included clear and complete, demonstrating good organisational skill. Impact and influence of trends demonstrated with clear understanding. Student displays good understanding of the company and research skills. Substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Above average knowledge and understanding of the company information submitted. Itinerary and additions included concise and complete, Student displays excellent understanding of the company and excellent research skills. Substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Exceptional knowledge and understanding of the company information submitted. Itinerary and additions included concise and complete, demonstrating exceptional organisational skill. THE101_Assessment 2 Brief Page 4 of 4 50% demonstrating good organisational skill. Impact and influence of trends demonstrated with concise understanding. Impact and influence of trends demonstrated with exceptional understanding. Structure 10% Discussion points do not flow smoothly or logically, no connection between ideas. Paragraphs not used or lack structure. Minimal structure evident however applicable points loosely connected. Limited use of paragraphs. Good structure evident with some applicable points presented in a logical order. Paragraph structure used throughout. Good structure evident with most applicable points presented in a clear and logical order. All paragraph are well organised. Excellent structure evident with all applicable points presented in a clear & logical order. Paragraphs well defined and organised to a high quality. Research & Referencing 10% No evidence of research. No academic sources used. Sources of information not referenced using the APA style. Limited evidence of research. Minimal academic sources used. Many errors in APA referencing style formatting. Some evidence of research. Limited academic sources used. Few errors in APA referencing style formatting. Clear evidence of research. Several quality academic sources used. One or two errors in APA referencing style formatting. Evidence of in-depth research. Many high quality academic sources used. No errors in APA referencing style formatting. Format & Presentation 10% Many spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. Irrelevant or no images/multimedia used. A number of spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. Limited use of images/ or multimedia. A couple of spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. A couple of relevant images or multimedia used. Minimal spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. Good use of engaging & relevant images or multimedia. No spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Excellent use of engaging & relevant images or multimedia.
Answered Same Day Apr 22, 2020 THE101


Shanaaya answered on Apr 22 2020
151 Votes
Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality & Events Assessment
       Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality & Events Assessment
[Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality & Events Assessment]
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Outline the foundation and history of the Tourism, Hospitality and Events industries and the influence on today’s product offerings.
By definition, Tourism is defined as a social, cultural along with the inclusion of the economic phenomenon that entails and covers the discussion points around the movement of people that considers the countries or defining the places in terms of the outside influential environment and working towards the personal or business/professional purposes. Also, they are denoted as visitors which are often termed as the tourists or termed as an excursionist such as the residents or non-residents along with the parameters of the tourism which works for their activities, and the understanding around the tourism expenditure (Whitelaw, 2015).
Tourism is defined as a movement of the people, from one place to another for any reason such as the business or the personal reasons. In terms of defining the tourism, it is refe
ed to as a someone who travels beyond 80 km's from his or her native place and is away for more than 24 hours, for any precedent or precedent reasons such as leisure, business or any other personal reason. the tourist can be defined in the following manners:
1. Domestic these are the residents who travel inside the te
itory of the country.
2. Inbound who the nonresident’s people are traveling out of the country.
3. Outbound these are the people who travel to some other country.
Tourism is defined with the inclusion of the number of activities and the UNWTO is the organization which promotes, protects and allows a sustainable situation for the Tourism to exist within the te
itories. The organization also focuses on promoting the travel or tourism, in order to build a healthy community which can help in promoting an ethical behaviour in order to mitigate the negative impacts (Roberts, 2015). The sheer size of the tourism industry can encompass and include the various factors such as the-:

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