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Assessment Details
    Qualification Code/Title
    SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
    Assessment Type
    Assessment Task 2
    Time allowed
    Due Date
    Term / Yea
    Unit of Competency
    National Code/Title
    BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents
    Student Details
    Student Name
    Student ID
    Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
    Assessor’s Name
    RESULTS (Please Circle)
    Feedback to student:
    Assessor Declaration
    *If Student is Not Satisfactory
Reassessment Required ☐ Yes ☐ No
    Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
    Is This Theory Only Task ☐ Yes ☐ No
    Have student already completed practical/ Vocational Placement Component? ☐ Yes ☐ No
    Instructions to the Candidates
· This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.
· Should you not answer the tasks co
ectly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge. You will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.
· If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
· Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
· If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform the assessor immediately.
· Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.
· To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment along with a satisfactory result for another Assessment.
· This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated by your assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference these appropriately
· Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12, line spacing has to be Single line and Footer of submitted document must include Student ID, Student Name and Page Number. Document must be printed double sided.
· This is Individual Assessments. Once you have completed the assessment, please provide the Hard copy of the Assessments to your Traine
· Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a mark of Not Satisfactory.
    Assessment Task 2: Project
Information for students
In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will need access to:
your learning resources and other information for reference
Project Portfolio template
Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).
Ensure that you:
eview the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works Student User Guide
comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
answer all questions completely and co
submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
submit a completed cover sheet with your work
avoid sharing your answers with other students.
    Assessment information
    Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
where this task should be completed
how your assessment should be submitted.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.
Complete the following activities:
1. Carefully read the following:
    This project requires you to design and produce various business documents. It includes selecting and using a range of functions on a variety of computer applications.
As part of the assessment, you will:
design, produce and finalise four different types of business documents, using at least two different software applications.
comply with organisational policies and procedures for producing business documents
work according to the task requirements when producing documents including:
applying basic design principles
applying consistent formatting
using appropriate styles
using co
ect layouts
save and store the documents using required data storage options.
    Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your own workplace or you can use the case study provided in the Simulation Pack. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and meaningful way to your own situation!
    It is important that you are able to access the relevant information and resources in order to be able to do your assessment. As a minimum this should include workplace policies, procedures and other requirements for designing documents, such as a style guide. You will also need access to workplace equipment and resources and at least two types of software applications.
    You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below.
    Make sure you are familiar with the business you are basing this assessment on and have read through the necessary background information. For the case study business, this is all of the documents included in the Simulation Pack.
If you are using your own workplace, you must identify four different documents you will produce and two different software applications (such as word processing, accounting software, spreadsheets, etc.) you plan to use. Review the workplace requirements for producing each of the documents (this includes the policies and procedures relevant to producing business documents and other requirements for document design, such as a style guide) and this approved by your assessor before proceeding.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio.
Select and prepare resources
    You are required to select and prepare the resources you need to design and produce four different business documents.
If you are basing the assessment on your own workplace, you must produce the business documents approved by your assessor in the previous activity step.
If you are basing your assessment on the case study, you will use the information provided in the Simulation Pack. If you are using the case study, you will produce:
a memo using Microsoft Word, a newsletter using Microsoft Word, presentation slides using an application of your choice, and an email using an email application of your choice.
Use the questions in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio to plan your documents. In order to do this, you will:
Identify the technology and software applications you will use to produce the required business documents
Identify the layout and style of each document by looking at the organisational requirements (this may be the style guide, template, etc.), and the type of information you need to communicate
Continue completing the questions in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio by using basic design principles and organisational requirements to plan the basic structure of each document. This will involve:
The different sections and the order in which they appea
Font, font size
Page borders, page numbers, dates
Headings, heard and/or footers
Spacing, columns, margins
Graphs, tables, or images
Colours, logos,
Any other features your document must contain according to the task requirements.
Meet with relevant stakeholders
    You are now required to meet with the relevant stakeholders to discuss and clarify the format and style of each document. If you are basing the assessment on your own workplace, you may have to meet with a different stakeholder for each document you are planning to produce.
If you are using the case study, you will meet with your assessor, assuming the role of Office Manager.
At the meeting/s, you will use your planning from the previous activity to:
Discuss the formatting and style requirements for each document
Confirm that you are meeting the organisational requirements for each document (using relevant documents, guides and templates of the organisation).
During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills as follows:
Use of appropriate style (formal), tone (encouraging, respectful) and vocabulary (professional, business language) for the meeting
Speaking clearly and concisely
Using non-ve
al communication to assist with understanding
Asking questions to identify required information
Responding to questions as required
Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
    If you are using the case study, you will meet with your assessor, online or in person. Each discussion (for the four different document types) should last 5 minutes. You must use appropriate business language, asking questions and using active listening techniques.
If you are using a real workplace and meeting with your manager, you may like to make a video recording for your assessor to watch later, or provide other evidence that you have discussed the document e.g. chat messages, meeting minutes or emails.
    Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these when you submit this section.
Draft documents
    You are now required to design your business documents using the planning you did in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.
Open Section 2 of your Project Portfolio, answer the questions and do the following:
Open and create files according to task and organisational requirements
Create a first draft of each document and enter the information into the document
Use the software application functions to ensure consistency of design and layout
Attach your drafts to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. You will produce your documents in the next activity step.
Produce documents
    You must complete, produce and store each document according to organisational policies, procedures and requirements.
Use Section 2 of your Project Portfolio to:
Check each document you produced to ensure it meets task requirements for style and layout
Store/save the documents appropriately using the co
ect folders. You will attach evidence of this (screenshot, photo, etc.) to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.
Continue completing Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.
Describe how you used the help function to overcome basic difficulties with document design and production, where required.
Attach proof of accessing the Help function (screenshot) to the end of Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.
    Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 2. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these when you submit this section.
Finalise documents
    You will now finalise your business documents.
Use the Document Checklist in Section 3 of your Project Portfolio to finalise your documents. In order to do this, you need to:
Proofread each document for readability, accuracy and consistency of language, style and layout prior to final output
Modify each document according to task requirements by describing any changes you made in the Document Checklist.
Name and store each document in accordance with organisational requirements and exit the application. You will attach evidence of this (screenshot, photo, etc.) to Section 3 of your Project Portfolio.
Present documents
    Meet with the relevant stakeholde
s to present your business documents.
If you are using the case study, you will meet with your assessor assuming the role of office manager.
If you are using a real workplace, you may have to meet with different stakeholders for each document.
You may present the documents by showing the stakeholder the electronic copy, sending it to them before the meeting or you may print the document. The meeting may be online or in person and you should use 5 minutes to present each document.
At the meeting:
Present each document according to the task requirements.
    If you are using the case study you will be meeting online or in person with your assessor. If you are using a real workplace and meeting with your manager, you may like to make a video recording for your assessor to watch later, or provide other evidence that you have presented the documents to them.
Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.
Submit your completed Project Portfolio
    Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as indicated. Submit to your assessor for marking.
    Student name:
Answered 6 days After Jun 06, 2024


Sanjukta answered on Jun 12 2024
10 Votes
Hospitality Management (Workbook)
    Student name:
    Business this assessment is based on:
    Documents you will produce:
    Section 1: Select and prepare resources
Complete this section before designing your business documents
    Document 1: Staff newsletter
    Document 2: Memo about new recycle bins
    Document 3: Maintaining weekly and monthly accounts
    Document 4: Communication with the staffs and clients
    Technology and software
List the technology (including at least two different software applications) did you use to design each document?
    This software application is known as Microsoft Word for designing the newsletter of the staffs on a monthly basis in this organization.
    Time tracking software application is used is again Microsoft Word
    One of the most up to date and best software for tracking the monthly accounting things of a company is Microsoft powerpoint
    Gmail as communication software was selected for designing effective communication with the clients and employees in this company.
Will the document have different sections? How will you order the different sections? List the sections using the co
ect order.
Which types of information will the document contain (Paragraphs of text, images, graphs, etc.)?
    This document should have some various sections and these sections needs to be ordered as per the requirements of the company:
· The logo of the firm
· Spotlight of the industry
· Title: newsletter on a monthly basis
· Health at workplace
    This document should have some various sections and these sections needs to be ordered as per the requirements of the company:
· On the top of the page there should be the logo of the firm
· To: Burleigh Accountants Employees
· Date
· From
· Brief and subject
    This document should have some various sections and these sections needs to be ordered as per the requirements of the company:
· Title: Trends in accounts
· Trend 1
· Trend 2
· Trend 3
· Last slide: Thank you
    This document should have some various sections and these sections needs to be ordered as per the requirements of the company:
· Dear employees and clients
· Subject: Objective of the company for writing the email
· Requesting all clients and staffs for reviewing
· Ending with signature and kind regards
List three basic principles you will use in the design of each document?
    · Including page borde
· Information needs to be written in short paragraph
· Following font style and size
    · Including a page border in this scenario is also an absolute necessity
· Information needs to be written in paragraph
· Following font size and style
    · Using company heading fonts
· Using organizational template that highlight the firm’s colour
· Using less text as well as image
    · Using bullet points
· Stating the subject line
· Consisting of short spaces and paragraph in between each paragraph
    Layout and style
Which layout will you use (Portrait/ landscape/page margins/ header, footer?
Which styles are you required to use (Logo, font type, font size, for text and headings, spacing etc.)?
Attach proof of adhering to the organisational requirements (screenshot of...

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