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Note: You should be familiar with the chapter in the textbook named Managing Individual Differences and Behavior. Before you begin this assignment, you might find this video on Conversational...

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Note: You should be familiar with the chapter in the textbook named Managing Individual Differences and Behavior.
Before you begin this assignment, you might find this video on Conversational Intelligence (Links to an external site.) to be relevant to your own career path and professional development. 
As you continue your consultant role for the company you selected, you realize many of the managers are lacking in what we call Emotional Intelligence or EI. You want to provide a workshop in EI for all levels of management in the company. However, before you organize such a workshop, you realize you must examine your own level of EI before taking any further steps.      
· Prepare a report using APA style, approximately 2 pages long, not including the cover page and the reference page. You should use at minimum two resources for this report.  One resource can be your textbook; the second should be an outside resource regarding EI and organizational leadership and behavior.  Use the outline in bold font for the headings in your report.  
Your report should contain the following: 
Introduction (Remember: Introduction is not a heading; the Running head serves this purpose.)
Your introduction should define Emotional Intelligence and relate the importance of EI to organizational success. 
· Traits of Emotional Intelligence
· Provide a
ief description (in your own words) of the four traits of EI as presented by Knicki and Williams in your textbook.
· Raising Emotional Intelligence Awareness
· Discuss one self-assessment method to become aware of EI level.
· Identify one strength and one weakness you possess.
· Conclusion
· Present a plan for enhancing areas of Emotional Intelligence.
Answered Same Day Jul 19, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jul 20 2021
142 Votes
Running Head: Emotional Intelligence        1
Emotional Intelligence         
    Emotional intelligence in simple words can be defined as the ability of the individuals to recognize their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence refers to the capability of an individual to manage and control his or her own emotions as well as the emotions of others and have an influence on the emotions of others as well. Emotional intelligence is closely related to the success of an organization as it helps the people to thrive and perform well. Emotional intelligence helps people within an organization to develop higher levels of resilience and therefore they can effectively manage the cultural differences within an organization. This also helps to develop better relationships, helping to work on projects in a collaborative manner and therefore leading to success of the organization.
Four Traits of Emotional Intelligence
The four traits or pillars of emotional intelligence are:
· Self Awareness: It refers to the ability of the individuals to know about their self...

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