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PGCEi – Module 3-7503EDUI Inclusive Pedagogy and Evidencing Impact on Learners Assignment Support Session In today’s session, we will - • Recapitulate the learning outcomes of the module in...

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PGCEi – Module 3-7503EDUI
Inclusive Pedagogy and Evidencing Impact on Learners
Assignment Support Session
In today’s session, we will -
• Recapitulate the learning outcomes of the module in relation with the
equirements of the assigned tasks – REPORT & PRESENTATION.
• Review the section wise INSTRUCTIONS for the Case Study Report.
• Review the guidelines for the presentation.
In Module 3,
• Give evidence of your learning on how to conduct a case study and to
apply case study as a research tool
• Your case study must focus on how a school caters for inclusion
• You must show case your learning and apply appropriate data
collecting methods for case study
• You must compare and contrast theories and researches about an
area of inclusion with the data you collected in a real case.
Module 3 Assessment -
A personal Case Study of an inclusive intervention, contextualised in a
critique of theories and concepts related to transformative learning and
social justice (4,500 words)
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Task 1
Case Study – a Report
3000 words (section-wise)
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Abstract – Give a
ief summary or overview of your case study
whether it’s a problem, study of a single unit or developing
educational theory, including its conclusions. Add the aims and
objectives of the case study. Omit details or examples.
- An abstract should be short, preferably in one paragraph.
- Don’t get ca
ied away.
- It’s your first impression
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Table of Content – List the main sections of the report and the
page on which each begins (including appendices)
List of tables and illustrations – List any illustrations, charts, maps
and so on, giving the page number for each.
- Should be properly aligned
- Learn to use ‘references – table of contents’ feature of word
doc. so that each section is hyperlinked with the table of
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Introduction – Discuss and critically analyse how your
professional curiosity and resourcefulness led to inclusive
pedagogy in your own setting. Briefly discuss what the research
is about – why is it significant and transformational? State your
proposals or hypotheses
iefly: what are you going to elucidate?
(500 words)
- Your thesis statement should be clearly visible.
- Do not be repetitive
- Do not start with trite statements.
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Review of the Literature – (600 words)
• Briefly discuss some of the most important writings on
transformative learning.
• How these may relate to principles of social justice?
• Do you agree or disagree with them? Focus on how previous
esearch connects with and leads up to your cu
ent findings.
• Introduce your hypotheses, if you have any.
Remember your basics about literature review.
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Method/s – (400 words)
• How did you conduct your research?
• Which data analysis methods were used to analyse the data?
• Evaluate the range of methods that were used to collect data.
• State the specifics of the case study like environment, other
details? Why did you select it?
• Explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used
within research.
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Tools - Identify a range of tools that were used to analyse data.
(200 words)
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Results XXXXXXXXXXwords)
• Discuss the kind of data you gathered?
• How did you analyse them?
• How reliable or accurate your data are?
• Present your main finding
iefly under appropriate headings.
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Analysis of the results – (800 words)
• Analyse and explain your findings.
• Were they what you had expected? How are they significant?
• How your inquiry has led to inclusive pedagogy for teacher
development and practice?
• How can the research be improved?
• What follow up research would be useful?
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Conclusions XXXXXXXXXXwords)
• Summarise your key points and show why your hypothesis
should be maintained or rejected.
Recommendations – (100 words)
• Give suggestions to support positive educational experiences
and outcomes for all learners.
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
• References – List all your sources in alphabetical order.
• Appendices – Present together any essential extra material,
such student sample, your work sample, assessment sample,
tables or graphs. Do not include items unless they are
mentioned in the report.
General Guidelines about report
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Guidelines – General
1. Do not flatly summarise one study at a time but ‘synthesise’ your
several insights/understanding from the multiple studies.
2. In your report, you should be able to extract important and
overlapping ideas from the literature to support your own
3. Conclusion - The conclusion should both summarize and highlight
the most important points you’ve tried to establish in the body of
your paper and state how these points support your thesis. At each
stage, however, ask yourself –how does this support my argument?
Is this fact clear to my reade
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Guidelines – General
5. Structure - At any given point in the paper, it should not only be clear
to the reader what you’re saying but also why you’re saying it.
Transition language needs to be accompanied by explicitly tying
together or explaining the relationship between the different sections
of the paper.
6. Counter argument - If all of the authors you cite were locked in a
oom would they all agree on the question you’re exploring? Help your
eader to understand the tensions, contradictions and questions that
are left in the wake of their studies. Then argue for why –given these
tensions, contradictions and questions –your reader ought to side with
your own claims.
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Guidelines – General
7. Proofreading - The host of punctuation and grammar e
ors, along
with the frequently awkward phrasing of the paper makes it read like a
first draft. This is very distracting and inhibits your ability to keep the
attention of the reader or convince the reader of your point.
8. Opening Statements - The principle to keep in mind is that the
opening is the first opportunity to make an impression on your reader –
free of e
ors, avoid trite opening lines, generic or obvious statements.
9. Thesis Statements - The thesis ought to tell your reader exactly what
you will be arguing in your paper. In addition, it ought to give the
eader some hint about why you’re going to argue that way.
Task 1 - Case Study - Report of 3000 words (section-wise)
Guidelines – General
10. Never let quotes stand on their own—explain them. There is one
skill for picking out relevant quotes from a text, and another skill
involved in understanding what it says.
11. Citing is not just good academic etiquette or helpful to the reader,
ut it keeps you honest, holds you accountable to the text.
Task 2
Case Study – Presentation
10-12 slides & 1500 words
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 1 – Case Study Title
- Name
- Student ID
- Module code/title
- Assessed Presentation
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 2– Concern & Context
a) Outline the concern of the case study i.e. the aspect of
inclusive practice and your personal/professional
easons for its selection (half slide)
) Identify pertinent information about the school context.
The school should be anonymized and there should be
no mention of any confidential information (half slide)
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 3-4 – Concern & Context
a) Identify key themes about recommended school
provision/pedagogical strategies from the research
literature and national policy/policies and the
implications for local policy and practice.
(what is school already practicing - certain international,
national and cu
iculum mandates (any other) and school
policies = 2 slides)
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 5 – Conduct
a) Outline the research method(s) used to gather data,
information about the research participants and refer to
ethical considerations.
(Highlight the methods with evidence with annotation –
how have you conducted the research, explain the process
oth visually and in text, what were advantages and
disadvantages? No bias – straight facts)
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 6-7 – Consequences
a) Present the key findings from your data collection
(Showcase your data through graphs, pie charts and other
graphical representations with specific annotation)
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 8 – Consequences
a) Compare and analyse the findings in relation to
ecommendations in the literature/national policy
(Showcase your research through appropriate evidence
with specific annotation)
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 9 – Summary and Recommendations
a) What have you learnt from the study?
) What are the implications for your future practice and
for schools in general?
(Showcase your learning through appropriate evidence – if
any with specific annotation)
Task 2 - Case Study – Presentation – 10 slides & 1500 words
Slide 10 – References
a) List references cited in the preceding slides in Harvard
eferencing system.
(Showcase your learning through appropriate evidence – if
any with specific annotation)
General Guidelines about PowerPoint
• Use same, legible font throughout or a maximum of two font types,
do not go for fancy and curly ones.
• Do not use all caps every time
• Use italics and underline sparingly
• Separate text from the background with strong contrast
• Backgrounds and colour schemes should complement the content,
not detract.
• Annotate and cite every snapshot/picture/data representation that
your use in the presentation.
Answered 5 days After Mar 17, 2023


Dipali answered on Mar 19 2023
28 Votes
Inclusive Pedagogy and Evidencing Impact on Learners
TITLE: The study of teaching strategies for supporting students with Autism and ADHD with classroom management.
Lauretta Adeleye
An inclusive classroom is a general education classroom where students with and without learning differences learn together. Inclusive classrooms are welcoming and support the diverse academic, social, emotional, and communication needs of all students.
How Can SEN Affect a Child’s Learning in School?
Teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be challenging for educators. These students often require unique teaching strategies and classroom management techniques to help them succeed in the classroom. In this paper, we will explore some effective teaching strategies for supporting students with ASD and ADHD, as well as effective classroom management techniques. An inclusive classroom will have a combination of teacher directed, teacher selected activities, and learner centered, learner selected activities; whole class instruction, small group instruction, and individual instruction ((Doan et al., 2020)).
Just as each child’s needs are different, the impact of those needs whilst learning can vary. Children can experience both academic and social ba
iers due to their SEN, meaning that they are unable to reach their personal potential.
Without proper support or accommodations in place, those ba
iers could manifest in anxiety, disengagement, and frustration, sometimes resulting in challenging behaviors within school. 
These could include:
Withdrawn behaviors, including expressing anxiety, school phobia, truancy, and social isolation.
Disruptive behaviors, such as calling out in class, angry outbursts, swearing, screaming, or refusing to follow instructions.
Violent and/or unsafe behaviors such as physically harming themselves or others, running away, and damaging property.
Case Study Profile:
Al Azm Charter School – Taleem in Abu Dhabi
Esrablished in August 2022
American Cu
Student Age group: 11 to 17 years old
Values: Respect        Kindness     Resilience     Responsibility
12 Administrative staff – 146 Teaching staff
Literature Review
In the realm of education, research on teaching techniques for kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is becoming more and more crucial (Shea,Hecker & Lalor, 2019). All students should have equitable access to education and the resources and assistance they need to realize their potential, according to inclusive pedagogy. This is especially crucial for ASD and ADHD kids, who may benefit from alternate teaching methods and classroom management practices. This assignment's goal is to investigate classroom management techniques for kids with ASD and ADHD and to talk about how these techniques affect pupils.
Visual aids, regular routines, and specific instruction are excellent teaching techniques for students with ASD and ADHD (Bolinger et al., 2020). Students with ASD and ADHD may benefit from using these techniques to better comprehend expectations, maintain organization, and control their behavior. Students with ASD and ADHD can benefit from using visual aids like visual timetables, image cards, and graphic organizers to better abso
topics, maintain organization, and adhere to routines (Prevedini et al., 2020). By establishing a consistent daily pattern, informing students in advance of changes to routines, and setting clear expectations and directives, structured routines can help kids with ASD and ADHD feel more at ease and less uncomfortable in the classroom.
Structure and routine have also been found to be effective in supporting students with Autism. A study by DuPaul et al., (2019) found that providing a structured and predictable classroom environment improved the academic performance and behavior of students with Autism. Additionally, a systematic review found that structured teaching methods, such as task analysis and visual schedules, were effective in promoting positive behavior and academic outcomes for students with Autism. Positive reinforcement has also been shown to be effective in supporting students with Autism. A study by Shea,Hecker & Lalor, (2019) found that token economies, where students receive tokens for positive behavior, led to increased on-task behavior and decreased disruptive behaviors in students with Autism. Another study found that positive reinforcement, such as praise and rewards, improved the social interaction skills of students with Autism.
Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties.
This category can include diagnosis of any of the following:
Emotional Behavioral Difficulties (EBD).
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).
Anxiety disorders.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including those with a Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) profile.
Children with difficulties in this area might have:
Specific Learning Difficulty (SLD) which includes:
Dyslexia – specific difficulties in literacy.
Dyscalculia – specific difficulties in numeracy.
Dyspraxia – specific difficulties in motor skills.
Dysgraphia – specific difficulties in the acquisition, and recollection, of the ability to write letters and numbers.
Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD).
Severe Learning Difficulty (SLD).
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – although not all autistic learners will have a cognition and learning need.
Cognition and Learning
Behavioral interventions have been found to be...

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