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“The discovery of America, and that of the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, are the two greatest events recorded in the history of [human] kind”—Adam Smith, in The Wealth of...

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“The discovery of America, and that of the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, are the two greatest events recorded in the history of [human] kind”—Adam Smith, inThe Wealth of Nations, 1776. Think about why he and many other notables supported this statement, especially concerning the discovery of America. What was so important about this New World across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe? How did it change globalization in terms of trade, culture, societies, innovations, old and new world exchanges, and in other ways?
Part 1:
1. Write a thesis statement that is one to two (1-2) sentences long in which you:

  1. State your thesis on how the discovery of America changed the world. Justify your response.

For the first part of this assignment, you will create a thesis statement. A thesis statement is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your main idea to the reader. The body of the essay organizes the material you gather and present in support of your main idea. Keep in mind that a thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. (Note:Please consult the Purdue OWL Website with tips on how to construct a proper thesis; the website can be found at:
Part 2:
For the next part of this assignment you will create an outline of the main points you want to address in this paper. This outline will serve as the basis for your Assignment 1.2 Final Draft. (Note: Please use the Purdue Owl Website to assist you with this assignment; this website can be accessed at:
2. Write a one to two (1-2) page outline in which you:

  1. Determine three (3) major aspects that demonstrate Old and New World exchanges.
  2. List five (5) specific groups that were affected by this event. Provide two (2) examples for each cohort describing how they were affected.
  3. List five (5) ways that the creation of new global trade routes affected the occupations and lifestyles of the average working American in the colonies.
  4. Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook.Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Answered Same Day Jun 15, 2021


Taruna answered on Jun 15 2021
145 Votes
The discovery of American continent revolutionized the global trading due to the immense opportunities for international traders which got opened up due to the discovery, it
ought the concept of cultural exchanges as additional advantage as well as it initiated the process of old and new world exchange.
· The three major aspects of old and new world exchange are mainly viewed from the concept of Columbian exchange; it included the perception changing about plants, animals and diseases.
· The five major groups affected by the discovery were the Native Americans, the...

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