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INTRODUCTION: Smart Garbage System deals with the problem of solid waste management in the city or any public area, college, home etc. For smart lifestyle cleanliness is needed and cleanliness starts...

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Smart Ga
age System deals with the problem of solid waste management in the city or any public area, college, home etc. For smart lifestyle cleanliness is needed and cleanliness starts with ga
age bin. One of the main concerns with our environment is solid waste management which in addition distu
s the balance of environment and effects public health. The detection, monitoring and management of waste is the major problem. The traditional way of manually monitoring is complex process and requires more human effort and costly. This is an advanced method in which waste management is automated. This project helps to minimize the ga
age disposal problem which involves the use of sensors that measure the fill level of trash bin. This is a very innovative idea to keep the city clean. This system monitors the ga
age bins and informs about the level of ga
age collected in the ga
age bins via a message.
For this the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to detect the ga
age level and compare it with the ga
age bins depth. The system makes use of PIC microcontroller, LCD screen, Wi-Fi modem for sending data. Here LCD screen shows the level of ga
age connected and thus system helps to keep the city clean by informing about the ga
age levels of bins by sending text message through Wi-Fi module.
· Microcontroller: It gets information from sensor and process on it. It compares the received data with the threshold level set and accordingly output is generated. PIC1845K50 has high performance PIC18 core with 8x8 Hardware Multiply and Flash Program Memory with self-read/write capability and 256 Bytes of integrated EEPROM. It has UART for serial communications, 1 SPI and 1 I2C. It gives 2 fast PWM output (3000 Hz), 2 Analog Comparators, 5-bit DAC. It has CTMU and 2x 8-bit Timers, 2x 16-bit Timers and its Operating voltage 5V.
· Ultrasonic sensor: The Ultrasonic Sensor sends out a high-frequency sound pulse and then times how long it takes for the echo of the sound to reflect back. The sensor has 2 openings on its front. One opening transmits ultrasonic waves, (like a tiny speaker), the other receives them, (like a tiny microphone). The ultrasonic sensor uses this information along with the time difference between sending and receiving the sound pulse to determine the distance to an object.
· LCD display: LCD is an electronic display module which uses liquid crystal to produce a visible image. The LCD display is a very basic module commonly used in DIYs and circuits. The LCD displays 16 characters per line. Here ga
age level information is displayed.
· Wi-Fi module: The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self-contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor. This module has a powerful enough on- board processing and storage capability that allows it to be integrated with the sensors and minimal loading during runtime.
FLOWCHART: The entire system process can be illustrated as follows:
· Here the PIC microcontroller is configured, and its ports are set.
· At first, ultrasonic sensor is configured based on the distance. Here the we set distance is around 10cm. If the object is above 10cm from the sensor then LCD displays as ga
age empty and when it is below that when it is reaching the sensor it shows ga
age is full.
· Based on these two signals the wi-fi module is configured. On configuring the module based on the inputs received by the wi-fi module it generates the IP address using Arduino software.
· On setting the IP address, we get the information about the ga
age bin level and we send the transport to collect the trash.
PIC18F45K50 Configuration Bit Settings
'C' source line config statements
#pragma config PLLSEL = PLL4X
PLL Selection (4x clock multiplier)
#pragma config CFGPLLEN = OFF
PLL Enable Configuration bit (PLL Disabled (firmware controlled))
#pragma config CPUDIV = NOCLKDIV
CPU System Clock Postscaler (CPU uses system clock (no divide))
#pragma config LS48MHZ = SYS24X4
Low Speed USB mode with 48 MHz system clock (System clock at 24 MHz, USB clock divider is set to 4)
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSCIO
Oscillator Selection (Internal oscillator)
#pragma config PCLKEN = ON
Primary Oscillator Shutdown (Primary oscillator enabled) #pragma config FCMEN = OFF
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled) #pragma config IESO = OFF
Internal/External Oscillator Switchover (Oscillator Switchover mode disabled)
#pragma config nPWRTEN = OFF
Power-up Timer Enable (Power up timer disabled) #pragma config BOREN = SBORDIS
Brown-out Reset Enable (BOR enabled in hardware (SBOREN is ignored))
#pragma config BORV = 190
Brown-out Reset Voltage (BOR set to 1.9V nominal)
#pragma config nLPBOR = OFF
Low-Power Brown-out Reset (Low-Power Brown-out Reset disabled)
#pragma config WDTEN = OFF
Watchdog Timer Enable bits (WDT enabled in hardware (SWDTEN ignored))
#pragma config WDTPS = 32768
Watchdog Timer Postscaler (1:32768)
#pragma config CCP2MX = RC1
CCP2 MUX bit (CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RC1)
#pragma config PBADEN = OFF
PORTB A/D Enable bit (PORTB<5:0> pins are configured as digital I/O on Reset)
#pragma config T3CMX = RC0
Timer3 Clock Input MUX bit (T3CKI function is on RC0) #pragma config SDOMX = RB3
SDO Output MUX bit (SDO function is on RB3)
#pragma config MCLRE = ON
Master Clear Reset Pin Enable (MCLR pin enabled; RE3 input disabled)
#pragma config STVREN = ON
Stack Full/Underflow Reset (Stack full/underflow will cause Reset)
#pragma config LVP = ON
Single-Supply ICSP Enable bit (Single-Supply ICSP enabled if MCLRE is also 1)
#pragma config ICPRT = OFF
Dedicated In-Circuit Debug/Programming Port Enable (ICPORT disabled)
#pragma config XINST = OFF
Extended Instruction Set Enable bit (Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled)
#pragma config CP0 = OFF
Block 0 Code Protect (Block 0 is not code-protected) #pragma config CP1 = OFF
Block 1 Code Protect (Block 1 is not code-protected) #pragma config CP2 = OFF
Block 2 Code Protect (Block 2 is not code-protected) #pragma config CP3 = OFF
Block 3 Code Protect (Block 3 is not code-protected)
#pragma config CPB = OFF
Boot Block Code Protect (Boot block is not code-protected) #pragma config CPD = OFF
Data EEPROM Code Protect (Data EEPROM is not code-protected)
#pragma config WRT0 = OFF
Block 0 Write Protect (Block XXXXXXXXXX1FFFh) is not write- protected)
#pragma config WRT1 = OFF
Block 1 Write Protect (Block XXXXXXXXXX3FFFh) is not write- protected)
#pragma config WRT2 = OFF
Block 2 Write Protect (Block XXXXXXXXXX5FFFh) is not write- protected)
#pragma config WRT3 = OFF
Block 3 Write Protect (Block XXXXXXXXXX7FFFh) is not write- protected)
#pragma config WRTC = OFF
Configuration Registers Write Protect (Configuration registers XXXXXXXXXX3000FFh) are not write-protected)
#pragma config WRTB = OFF
Boot Block Write Protect (Boot block (0000-7FFh) is not write- protected)
#pragma config WRTD = OFF
Data EEPROM Write Protect (Data EEPROM is not write- protected)
#pragma config EBTR0 = OFF
Block 0 Table Read Protect (Block 0 is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTR1 = OFF
Block 1 Table Read Protect (Block 1 is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTR2 = OFF
Block 2 Table Read Protect (Block 2 is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTR3 = OFF
Block 3 Table Read Protect (Block 3 is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config EBTRB = OFF
Boot Block Table Read Protect (Boot block is not protected from table reads executed in other blocks)
#pragma config statements should precede project file includes.
Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF. #include #include #include #include #include "op.h"
*********************Definition of Ports********************************
#define RS LATD2    /*PIN 0 of PORTB is assigned for register select Pin of LCD*/ #define EN LATD3        /*PIN 1 of PORTB is assigned for enable Pin of LCD */ #define ldata LATD    /*PORTB(PB4-PB7) is assigned for LCD Data Output*/ #define LCD_Port TRISD
#define Trigger_Pulse LATD0    /* PORTD.0 pin is connected to Trig pin of HC-SR04 *
*********************Proto-Type Declaration*****************************/ void transmit_character(char);
void MSdelay(unsigned int );    /*Generate delay in ms*/ void LCD_Init();    /*Initialize LCD*
void LCD_Command(unsigned char ); /*Send command to LCD*/ void LCD_Char(unsigned char x);    /*Send data to LCD*
void LCD_String(const char *);    /*Display data string on LCD*/ void LCD_String_xy(char, char , const char *);
void LCD_Clear();    /*Clear LCD Screen*/ void Trigger_Pulse_10us();
void main()
ANSELA = 0x00;
float Distance; int Time;
char out;
float Total_distance[10];
OSCCON=0x72;        /* use internal oscillator with * MHz frequency */ TRISB = 0xff;    /* define PORTB as Input port*
TRISD = 0;    /* define PORTD as Output port*
LCD_Init(); Trigger_Pulse = 0;
T1CON = 0x10;    /* enable 16-bit TMR1 Register,No pre-scale,
* use internal clock,Timer OFF *
TMR1IF = 0;        /* make Timer1 Overflow Flag to '0' */ TMR1=0;    /* load Timer1 with 0 */ LCD_String_xy(1,1," GARBAGE FULL ");
Trigger_Pulse_10us();        /* transmit at least 10 us pulse to HC-SR04 */ while(PORTBbits.RB4==0);        /* wait for rising edge at Echo pin of HC-SR04 */ TMR1=0;    /* Load Timer1 register with 0 *
TMR1ON=1;    /* turn ON Timer1*
while(PORTBbits.RB4==1); /* wait for falling edge at Echo pin of HC-SR04*/ TMR1ON=0;    /* turn OFF Timer1 *
Time = (TMR1L | (TMR1H
8));    /* copy Time when echo is received from an object */ Distance = ((float)Time/117);        /* distance = (velocity x Time)/2 *
if(Distance < 10 )
{ sprintf(Total_distance,"%.03f",Distance); LCD_Clear();
LCD_String_xy(1,1," GARBAGE FULL ");
LCD_String_xy(2,1,Total_distance); LCD_String(" cm ");
out=”1”; TXEN=1; TX9=0;
LCD_String_xy(1,1," GARBAGE EMPTY "); PORTA =0x00;
void Trigger_Pulse_10us()
Trigger_Pulse = 1;
delay_us(10); Trigger_Pulse = 0;
void LCD_Init()
LCD_Port = 0;    /*PORT as Output Port*/ MSdelay(15);    /*15ms,16x2 LCD Power on delay*/ LCD_Command(0x02);        /*send for initialization of LCD
for ni
le (4-bit) mode */ LCD_Command(0x28);    /*use 2 line and
*initialize 5*8 matrix in (4-bit mode)*/ LCD_Command(0x01);    /*clear display screen*
LCD_Command(0x0c);    /*display on cursor off*
LCD_Command(0x06);    /*increment cursor (shift cursor to right)*
void LCD_Command(unsigned char cmd )
ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) |(0xF0 & cmd); /*Send higher ni
le of command first to PORT*/ RS = 0;    /*Command Register is selected i.e.RS=0*
EN = 1;    /*High-to-low pulse on Enable pin to latch data*/ NOP();
EN = 0;
ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) | (cmd
4);    /*Send lower ni
le of command to PORT */ EN = 1;
NOP(); EN = 0;
void LCD_Char(unsigned char dat)
ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) | (0xF0 & dat); /*Send higher ni
le of data first to PORT*/ RS = 1;    /*Data Register is selected*
EN = 1;    /*High-to-low pulse on Enable pin to latch data*/ NOP();
EN = 0;
ldata = (ldata & 0x0f) | (dat
4);    /*Send lower ni
le of data to PORT*/ EN = 1;    /*High-to-low pulse on Enable pin to latch data*/ NOP();
EN = 0;
void LCD_String(const char *msg)
LCD_Char(*msg); msg++;
void LCD_String_xy(char row,char pos,const char *msg)
char location=0; if(row<=1)
location=(0x80) | ((pos) & 0x0f);    /*Print message on 1st row and desired location*/ LCD_Command(location);
location=(0xC0) | ((pos) &
Answered 16 days After Feb 12, 2022


Jahir Abbas answered on Mar 01 2022
102 Votes

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