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The aim of this assessment is to critically analysethe application of commercial marketing practices as means of addressing social, environmental and economic sustainability. Based upon your review of...

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The aim of this assessment is to critically analysethe application of commercial marketing practices as means of addressing social, environmental and economic sustainability. Based upon your review of the case study The Last Mile, class presentation and in-class discussions, your own research and critical review of broader application of social marketing practice for international development you should:


1. Using examples, contrast social and commercial marketing and identify some of the of the ethical dilemmas that may arise when using marketing practice as a vehicle for social change

2. From the perspective of 3 stakeholder groups, analyse, critique and review the ‘human resources’ challenges that may impact upon the CWP social marketing program.

3. Describe and contrast alternative pricing and distribution models used in social marketing using examples from practice

4. Based upon the case study identify alternative strategies that would contribute to the social and financial sustainability of the program.

Answered Same Day Sep 26, 2019 BUS3PPD


David answered on Nov 25 2019
149 Votes
Professional Practice in Business Assignment
Contrasting social and commercial marketing
The difference pertaining in the concepts associated with commercial marketing and social marketing is with respect to the initial point. Concerning the crucial points associated with commercial marketing, the creation along with the exchange and creation of products that people need. While contrasting with social marketing, the concept is valid to a greater extent for the long term but not for the shorter duration (Gordon, R., Butler, K. A., Magee, C. A., Waitt, G. R., & Cooper, P., 2015; Marandure, T., Mapiye, C., Makombe, G., Nengovhela, B., Strydom, P., Muchenje, V., & Dzama, K., 2016). Taking into account the choices related to food too, there is likelihood that some people would prefer eating fruits while others would take the alternative to have chocolates. In case of commercial marketers, the objective is associated with identifying the people in the target segment who would want to have the healthier fruits. The supply to the ones who prefer is met through the objective Gordon, R., Butler, K. A., Magee, C. A., Waitt, G. R., & Cooper, P., 2015; Marandure, T., Mapiye, C., Makombe, G., Nengovhela, B., Strydom, P., Muchenje, V., & Dzama, K., 2016; Nowak, G. J., Gellin, B. G., MacDonald, N. E., & Butler, R., 2015).. The value free approach can be a lot related to commercial marketing. The delivery to people is basis what they want. Whether the delivery pertains to ethics or not is not a concern. Social marketing is unique and different (Wilson, E. V., Hall-Phillips, A., & Djamasbi, S. , 2015; Nowak, G. J., Gellin, B. G., MacDonald, N. E., & Butler, R. , 2015)The activity of convincing people with the unhealthy food in order to make them switch to healthier options needs to be considered. The concern for their health too poses to be the cause. The target would be different while comparing to the commercial market. It's not difficult to operate as a commercial marketer.
Ethical Dilemmas that Arise Using Marketing Practice as Vehicle For Social Change
The ethical dilemmas are bound to arise when the social change is the end objective based on the various marketing practices being deployed. The organization has to be concerned with the people along with the society and the environment. The socially responsible marketer takes into account the encouragement basis the positive impact. The ethical dilemmas that spring up are associated to the marketing communication which is challenged for the unfair manipulation along with being untruthful (Luo, X., Wang, H., Nowak, G. J., Gellin, B. G., MacDonald, N. E., & Butler, R., 2015; Raithel, S., & Zheng, Q., 2015; Kang, C., Germann, F., & Grewal, R., 2016; Gordon, R., Butler, K. A., Magee, C. A., Waitt, G. R., & Cooper, P., 2015). The stereotypes with the attribution to the activities leading to the creation of stereotyping and as a result causing people to buy things even if they do not need is significant. To
oaden the perspective, the insecurities act as playing with the insecurities amongst people. The ethics associated to social marketing are backed to a great extent with the perceptions. The anxiety has been an attribute closely linked to use of fear tactics. The judgement of information tends to be a concern in such case (Luo, X., Wang, H., Nowak, G. J., Gellin, B. G., MacDonald, N. E., & Butler, R., 2015; Raithel, S., & Zheng, Q., 2015; Kang, C., Germann, F., & Grewal, R., 2016; Gordon, R., Butler, K. A., Magee, C. A., Waitt, G. R., & Cooper, P., 2015). The framework as designed for the marketing of social change tends to be challenged too and the dilemma pertains to such a framework being adopted.
Human Resources Challenges That Would Impact the...

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