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Task and Assignment RationaleAssignment 2 is designed to help you link your ongoing understandings to the field of Educationmore generally, and to teaching more specifically. When it comes to...

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Task and Assignment RationaleAssignment 2 is designed to help you link your ongoing understandings to the field of Educationmore generally, and to teaching more specifically. When it comes to teaching, it’s not just abouthaving knowledge but how you enact that knowledge in practice. What kinds of values, morals,dispositions are you transferring and trying to develop in your students? What kinds ofpeople/citizens do you want them to become? Considering the lives of many others in yourclassrooms – lives that you have never experienced, all the politics of a language called ‘English’and the politics of a profession called ‘teaching’, how do you go about communicating what is bestfor the group of learners who are crossing your paths? How do you justify/rationalize yourapproach/pedagogy? What do you do in the (English) language classroom to show students yourunderlying message (your values, morals, philosophy, perspectives, position)? How do you enactyour beliefs through your day-to-day materials, activities, and discourses in the classroom? Itdoesn't matter whether you are teaching English or not; English is a language connected to almostevery facet of our lives today and works in close relationship with other languages as I have shownyou through this subject, so these questions/concerns should apply to everyone, both privileged ormarginalized. This is an essay where you need to link the macro (big socio-cultural/-economic/-historical, and personal politics) to the micro (a particular classroom somewhere in the world to aparticular group of people working within a particular ideological world).Argue for a position/perspective on English, Education, and pedagogy, and provide as manyexamples as you can fit within the word count, of the kinds of day-to-day things you would do inthe classroom in a particular teaching scenario of your choice. You need to:• Think about your perspective. Go back to your first assignment to think about theargument you made in relation to thinking about English from your personal experience –do you still hold that view you argued for in this essay where you need to think morebroadly about other people’s lives? Or has it moved on/developed since then? What is theview you would like to put forward here in relation to Education? Why is your view a‘legitimate’ view? Why should we care or listen to you? What are the consequences/dangers if such views are not enacted? Find literature to back up your position.• Think about your teaching context. Describe the teaching context clearly. Think about aparticular educational context (a secondary school in China, an International school inMalaysia, a heritage language school in Australia, an immersion school in Canada etc.),what are the discourses about English that circulate the space? What is English languageeducation/language education more generally for in that space? What’s the aim of theeducation the students are enrolled in, what kinds of beliefs does the institution enact,how do the students operate, what do they want or think and why can’t they get what theywant; what are some common behaviors/discourses that flow in theclassroom/institutional spaces? Look for literature in academic journals to see ifresearchers have done some work in that area.• Think about your pedagogical decisions. State some examples of how you would enactyour stance towards (English) language education in that particular scenario. This is whereyou should consult literature on pedagogical ideas to help enact the position you want toenact. By pedagogical ideas, I mean you can talk about the kinds of materials you might use,activities you might do (if you are taking second language teaching methodology andgrammar for language teachers, you can draw on the content in those subjects to talk moreabout the kinds of approaches you see as being appropriate). It’s not a good idea to hitstudents over the head with your personal philosophy. Think about what is appropriate inthe kind of politics you are involved in, in the time frame you have to work within and thekinds of approaches you feel you can justify to others confidently using the literature in thefield. (Tip: I always try to imagine talking to a parent or selling an idea to a principal when Ithink about pedagogical decisions I need to make – these two groups of people are verypowerful and often end up making the big epistemic changes in language education.)The main aimThe main aim of this assignment is to show your ability to link the macro to the micro, theliterature, ideas, - the theories to practice. I am not looking for detailed lesson plans. I only want toget a general sense of how you would ‘enact’ what you ‘preach’ (I know a lot of passionateteachers who hold social justice mindsets, but what teachers say and what they do in theclassroom are often more contradictory than congruous – and there are many understandablereasons for this!). Use the literature carefully to argue your points, make careful links betweenyour understanding of English, Education and Pedagogy, and bring out some insightful ideas forwhat you can do in your classrooms. If you’re feeling very confident about the position you’retaking, I’d ask you to give yourself another opportunity to think otherwise. Think about what analternative argument might be. It’s a good idea to show your developing awareness – that you aredeveloping an eye for what can’t be often seen in classrooms.Again, as in Assignment 1, some tips in writing this essay:1. Please use the questions I have outlined here as a guide to start writing. Don’t limit yourselfjust to these questions and again, if you have certain ways you want to structure your essayor want to argue for a different structure, please come and talk to me. I’m more than happyto negotiate but be prepared to give convincing reasons as to why you feel your ideaproduces meaning in more meaningful ways.2. I read loads of teaching ideas by students and teachers from three other subjects as well asfrom planning lessons with teachers in schools. It’s fine to talk about everyday techniquesthat are commonly used by teachers but a. don't call them ‘innovative’ or ‘unique’ (and youreally need to qualify these terms if you are going to use them) and b. try to use thisopportunity to really push yourself to think about who you are, the kind of teaching youcan do that other teachers can’t and try experimenting with some ideas that you don'tnormally have the time to do. Although there is a grade involved here, I think it’s importantfor teacher-students not to lose sight of the fact that you need to take risks and find spaceswhere you can experiment. Otherwise, you never get a chance to try something new out.You run out of ideas and continue to do the same thing over and over again. Teaching andlearning no longer becomes fun for you nor for your students to sit through, and you losethe opportunity to constantly learn to become a better teacher.3. Make sure the links between your ideas on English, your view of the goal of languageeducation, and the teaching pedagogies you are proposing are in sync. Make this linkexplicit to me. Don't hide around the bushes and make me do the hard work of trying tofind the paragraphs where you said x, y, z so that I have to make the links myself (see mysuggestion for signposting).4. Again, find a balance so that you have a good, even balance on each of these requirements.It’s probably a good idea to add an Appendix or insert some textboxes and include picturesor things like that when you are talking about teaching ideas into the body of the essay.Make sure it is all neat and tidy and save it as a PDF file so that nothing moves aroundwhen I download it from Turnitin.5. Please use a header: insert your full name, student number, and the title of your work6. Please use a footer: insert page numbers (I tend to print all the assignments so pages canget lost sometimes.)7. Please use your sources with care.8. And please look at the criteria as you are writing. Don't make up your own criteria!This Particular Assignment CriteriaThe assignment will be marked according to the following criteria.Criteria N:UnsatisfactoryP:SatisfactoryH3:GoodH2B:Very goodH2A:ExcellentH1:OutstandingClarity andargumentDifficult tofollow, poorlywritten, hardto understandMany flaws ofwriting,argument andclarity but canbeunderstoodReasonablyclear interms of itsorganizationwriting andargumentWellorganized butwriting couldbe sharpenedto strengthenthe argumentWell organizedand thewriting is easyto followVery clearand wellorganized.The writing issophisticatedand highqualityCoverage andevidenceThere is littleunderstandingof the topicand weakreferencesReferencesare minimaland a basicunderstandingof the topic isshownClearlylocates thetopic incontext andusesreferenceswellShowsreasonableunderstandingand goes theextra mile inmaking someimportantlinksShows strongunderstandingof the topicand widereadingEvidence ofextensivereading and avery stronggrasp of thekey issuesAppropriatenessof pedagogy inchosen contextNo evidenceof the abilityto implementpedagogyappropriatelyin the chosencontextMinimalability todeveloppedagogyappropriatelyin the chosencontextClear abilitytoimplementpedagogyappropriatelyin the chosencontextShows signsof not onlyimplementingappropriatepedagogiesbut alsobacking themup withliteratureStrongcapacity toimplementpedagogyinsightfullyconsideringmultiplepolitics in thechosencontextThepedagogicalideas arecreative,criticallyinformed bythe literatureand has thepotential to
Answered Same Day May 13, 2020


Soumi answered on May 18 2020
151 Votes
Name:                Student Number:        English, Education and Pedagogy
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Establishing own perspective and position    3
Teaching context    4
Pedagogical decisions    5
Values, dispositions and morals being transfe
ed as well as developed in the students    5
Expected types of citizens I would want them to become    6
Informing the best for the group of students whom I am encountering    6
Rationalising my pedagogy    6
Actions I take in the English language classroom to indicate the students about my underlying messages of my philosophy, values, perspectives, morals and position, along with enacting my beliefs through my daily activities in classroom    7
Conclusion    7
References    8
    Teaching is a respectful and noble profession that imparts knowledge to the students as well as helps to construct their morals in order to carve responsible citizens out of them. This indicates that imparting education is not merely a theoretical concept implicated in the practical teaching activities, but also an attempt to develop the students for better ones. These lead the teacher to transfer the values, characters and morals they possess into the learner, they are entrusted with. The present essay is my reflection upon the impartation of my values into my students for providing them with better lives, with the help of teaching English language. The role of English has been thoroughly analysed here.
Establishing own perspective and position
    In my previous teaching experience, personally, I prefe
ed teaching in English more to teaching in any other language. I was previously more comfortable in using English as my medium of communication, impartation of messages and teaching in the schools, without being concerned for the comfort of my students in terms of the language, they would be more accustomed with. However, my perspectives have changed drastically since I joined in the international school in Australia; where there are students belonging to a huge spectrum of linguistic backgrounds that, I have never even imagined to have existed in Australia especially, where more than 80% people speak in English.
Drawing an idea from the reports in this context, it can be identified that in Australia, only about 20% of the entire population speak other languages such as Greek, German, French as well as some native languages of the Aboriginals and To
es Strait, which were not known to most of the students (Web Archive, 2017). Besides, the school also provides education to a large number of students from other countries such as India, China, Indonesia, Japan and Brazil, who are not quite accustomed in speaking in English. Although people from India and Indonesia are well equipped with the spoken skills of English, however, their accents are not in accordance with the comprehension of the native people of Australia.
Hence, it was very important for me to think from their perspective and change my perceptions in order to accept their linguistic backgrounds on a
oader level of understanding. Thus, in order to create a positive impact in their lives, I have presently, been able to understand that education is for all, i
espective of the medium, in which it is being imparted. Hence, as suggested by Hardy and Woodcock (2015), achieving education is the basic right of every learner, without the medium of education, posing a threat to their learning. However, as argued by Ca
accio et al. (2016), since the majority of the population of Australia speak in Australian English, and it being the official language of the country, therefore, for conducting all official activities and functions, the people, living in Australia must be aware of this language.
Hence, I could reflect that my view was a legitimate one and evaluated that if I do not think from a
oader perspective for the common good, I would not be able to make the student of my school aware of the language that they need to develop an expertise in. Moreover, I would also be able to make them ready to face the challenges of their lives that their knowledge of the official language of Australia would support in them. Hence, if the required steps and strategies for teaching English are not executed immediately, the students might be lagging behind the other ones, who are well versed in English (Jogie, 2017). Therefore, for a national skills upgradation, overall knowledge gaining is important.
Teaching context
    The teaching context, where I am cu
ently employed in, is an international level school in Melbourne, Australia, where students from all over the world come to study together with the local people of the country. As stated by Downes and Roberts (2017), international schools foster unity amongst the people on a global level, which is why students, i
espective of their countries or ethnical origin, are made to study together in a common set-up and following a common cu
iculum. Therefore, the discourses such educational organisational set-up following in terms of English are to be connect the micro world of the students to the macro world in the global context.
In other words, it can be said that the international schools believe in the association of the international politics to the teaching politics on the grounds of...

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