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Task 1 – Theory: Short Answer Questions
SITXMGT004 - Task 1 – Knowledge Assessment
    Unit Code
    Unit Description
    Monitor work operations
    Assessment Type
    Task 1 – Knowledge Assessment
    Assessment Location
    To be submitted online
    By submitting this work, I declare that:
· I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment learner, and choose to be assessed at this time.
· I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I can make for each assessment, and I am submitting all documents required to complete this Assessment.
· I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor will not assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be resubmitted according to the co
ect process.
· This work is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of qualification or statement of attainment.
· I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for verification purposes.
    Student ID
    Student Name
    Submission Date

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test
Provide your response to each question in the box below.
    Answer the following questions regarding the work organisation and planning methods appropriate to the industry sector.
1.1. How should we plan and organise work activities? Write your answer using XXXXXXXXXXwords.
1.2. Explain the following core organisation and planning methods used in the hospitality management sector using XXXXXXXXXXwords.
a) Reservation Scheduling
) Maintenance and Operations
c) Marketing and Promotion
d) Staff Management
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following questions regarding the leadership and management roles and responsibilities in the relevant industry sector.
2.1 Discuss the leadership roles and responsibilities using 50-80 words.
2.2 Explain the following leadership and management roles and responsibilities in the hospitality sector using XXXXXXXXXXwords.
a) Restaurant Manage
) Hospitality supervisor
    Satisfactory response
    Outline the operational functions in the hospitality industry sector listed in the table.
    Operational functions
    Definition XXXXXXXXXXwords each)
    Marketing & Sales
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following questions regarding the procedures and systems to support work operations.
4.1. Explain the administration procedures and systems to support work operations in 30-50 words.
4.2. What health and safety procedures and systems support work operations? Write your answer in 30-50 words.
4.3. Discuss the human resources (HR) procedures and systems to support work operations in 50-80 words
4.4. Outline the service standards to support work operations in 30-50 words.
4.5. Explain the use of technology for supporting work operations in 50-80 words.
4.6. Describe the work practices for supporting work operations in 50-80 words.
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following question regarding the concepts of quality assurance and how it is managed and implemented in the workplace.
5.1 Explain the concepts of quality assurance in 50-80 words.
5.2 How do you manage quality assurance in the workplace? Write your answer in 30-50 words.
5.3 How is quality assurance implemented in the workplace? Write your answer in 50-80 words.
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following question regarding the sustainability considerations for frontline operational management.
6.1. Explain the relationship between operational efficiency and financial sustainability in 50-80 words.
6.2. Discuss any four (4) ways of minimising waste in the hospitality work context in 50-80 words.
6.3. What are the social responsibilities of work operations in the hospitality industry? Write your answer in XXXXXXXXXXwords.
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following question regarding the time management principles and their application to leaders and managers for planning their own work and the work of others.
7.1 Outline the time management principles in 50-80 words.
7.2 How do leaders and managers apply time management principles for planning their own work and the work of others? Write your answer in 30-50 words.
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following question regarding the principles of effective delegation and delegation techniques in a frontline management context.
8.1 What is the importance of delegation in the workplace? Write your answer in 50-80 words.
8.2 Explain the following principles of effective delegation and delegation techniques in a frontline management context using 30-50 words each.
a) Clear communication of what is required
) Gaining commitment
c) No undue interference
d) Regular reporting
e) Selecting the right person
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following questions regarding the problem-solving and decision-making processes and techniques and their application to typical workplace issues.
9.1 Explain the problem-solving processes in 50-80 words.
9.2 Discuss the decision-making processes in 50-80 words.
9.3 List any two (2) types of problem-solving and decision-making techniques.
9.4 Identify any (5) types of workplace problems/ issues that require the application of problem-solving and decision-making processes and techniques.
    Satisfactory response
    Answer the following question regarding the industrial or legislative issues that affect short-term work organisations appropriate to the industry sector.
10.1. Explain the relationship of relevant industrial awards to hours and conditions of work in 50-80 words.
10.2. How do you ensure that the systems and procedures meet work health and safety requirements? Write your answer in 50-80 words.
    Satisfactory response
Unit Code: SITXMGT004        Page 1 of 20

Task 1 – Theory: Short Answer Questions
SITXWHS007 - Task 2 – Skill Test
    Unit Code
    Unit Description
    Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
    Assessment Type
    Task 2 – Project
    Assessment Location
    College - Level 6, XXXXXXXXXXCastlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
    By submitting this work, I declare that:
· I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment learner, and choose to be assessed at this time.
· I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I can make for each assessment, and I am submitting all documents required to complete this Assessment.
· I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor will not assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be resubmitted according to the co
ect process.
· This work is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of qualification or statement of attainment.
· I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for verification purposes.
    Student ID
    Student Name
    Submission Date
Assessment Task 2 - Project (PT)
This assessment task will be ca
ied out at the location a
anged by your training organisation. Your training organisation will make all the necessary a
angements to ca
y out this task.
Note: The training organisation must a
ange an industry workplace or a simulated industry environment. The workplace can be a restaurant, café, motel or a hotel.
Your training organisation will provide you with the following resources:
· Work Health and Safety policy and procedures
· Workplace tools, equipment and resources
· Emergency procedures and response plan
You will take on the role of Work Health and Safety Officer.
This assessment task requires you to implement predetermined work health and safety practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work practices and coordinate consultative a
angements, risk assessments, Work Health and Safety training, and the maintenance of records.
When working in a training organisation, you will have the following roles and responsibilities:
· Conduct a Work Health and Safety audit of the training organisation to implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures.
· Follow work health and safety procedures and instructions.
· Identify and report hazards.
· Implement work health and safety procedures and instructions.
· Follow emergency procedures
· Coordinate consultative a
angements for the management of health, safety and security issues.
· Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks.
· Implement and monitor health, safety and security training.
· Maintain WHS records and reports.
To demonstrate competency in your job role, you need to complete the following activities:
· Activity 1: Conduct a Work Health and Safety audit
· Activity 2: Report Hazards.
· Activity 3: Follow emergency procedures and complete incident reports
· Activity 4: Coordinate consultative processes for managing the above workplace health, safety and security issues.
· Activity 5: Implement and monitor health, safety and security training.
Activity 1: Conduct a Work Health and Safety audit
This activity requires you to conduct a Work Health and Safety audit at the industry workplace or a simulated industry environment. The purpose of this Work Health and Safety audit is to implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures in the following situations:
· Hazard identification and reporting
· Handling chemicals and hazardous substances
· Evacuation of staff and customers
· Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
When conducting the Work Health and Safety audit, you are required to:
· Ca
y out a physical audit of the training organisation’s site.
· Use the Work health and safety checklist to ca
y out the audit.
· Follow work health and safety procedures and instructions.
· Identify and report hazards.
· Implement Work Health and safety procedures to take immediate actions.
· Monitor adherence to organisational WHS procedures.
· Monitor ongoing compliance with safe work practices.
· Take prompt action to address non-compliance with procedures and safe work practices.
· Monitor day-to-day effectiveness of WHS practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel.
· Identify any hazards on an ongoing basis during own day-to-day workplace operations.
· React to reports of hazards by other workers, and coordinate and participate in risk assessments.
· Implement any risk control methods or refer to the appropriate person if control is outside the scope of responsibility.
Instructions for traine
Trainer assessor must ensure that the following hazards are present in the inspection area when work health and safety audit is being ca
ied out:
· First Aid Plan is not displayed on the noticeboard(s).
· Safety data sheet not available for a hazardous chemical.
· Passageways have some obstructions.
· Staff, not trained to use fire protection equipment.
    Immediate action/control measures
    Further action required*
    Date signed off
    Date to be completed
    Section 1. Burns
    Is vegetable oil used instead of animal fat (remains in liquid form when cool)?
    Are metal containers used to empty oil from deep fryers?
    Is a first-aid kit accessible?
    Are workers trained in safe work procedures (e.g. preventing burns in kitchens)?
    Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) available, such as aprons, closed shoes and heatproof gloves?
    Section 2. Chemicals
    Are chemical containers appropriately labelled?
    Are chemicals stored in approved containers (not drink or food containers) and away from
food preparation areas?
    Is a safety data sheet supplied for each hazardous chemical?
    Are workers trained to use chemicals safely?
    Are emergency contact numbers readily available (e.g. Poisons Information Centre)?
    Do workers wear appropriate protective clothing/equipment when handling chemicals (e.g. nitrile gloves, apron, goggles, closed shoes)?
    Section 3. Electrical Equipment
    Is faulty electrical equipment removed immediately from service?
    Are safety switches installed to guard against electric shock?
    Are safety switches tested on a regular basis by a competent person?
    Is a licensed electrical contractor hired to install and repair electrical equipment?
    Is electrical equipment regularly inspected, tested and maintained by a competent person?
    Are workers trained in working safely with electrical equipment?
    Section 4. Fire
    Is fire-fighting equipment kept in a clear, unobstructed place?
    Does all gas equipment have a shut-off valve?
    Are exhaust fans and hoods cleaned regularly?
    Are flammable materials, clothes and paper stored away from ignition sources?
    Are sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers installed and regularly inspected and maintained?
    Are staff trained to use fire protection equipment?
    Are “fire blankets” available?
    Are fire
Answered 6 days After May 12, 2023


Bidusha answered on May 18 2023
37 Votes
Task 1 – Theory: Short Answer Questions
SITXWHS007 - Task 2 – Skill Test
    Unit Code
    Unit Description
    Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
    Assessment Type
    Task 2 – Project
    Assessment Location
    College - Level 6, 245-247 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
    By submitting this work, I declare that:
· I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment learner, and choose to be assessed at this time.
· I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I can make for each assessment, and I am submitting all documents required to complete this Assessment.
· I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor will not assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be resubmitted according to the co
ect process.
· This work is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of qualification or statement of attainment.
· I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for verification purposes.
    Student ID
    Student Name
    Submission Date
Assessment Task 2 - Project (PT)
This assessment task will be ca
ied out at the location a
anged by your training organisation. Your training organisation will make all the necessary a
angements to ca
y out this task.
Note: The training organisation must a
ange an industry workplace or a simulated industry environment. The workplace can be a restaurant, café, motel or a hotel.
Your training organisation will provide you with the following resources:
· Work Health and Safety policy and procedures
· Workplace tools, equipment and resources
· Emergency procedures and response plan
You will take on the role of Work Health and Safety Officer.
This assessment task requires you to implement predetermined work health and safety practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work practices and coordinate consultative a
angements, risk assessments, Work Health and Safety training, and the maintenance of records.
When working in a training organisation, you will have the following roles and responsibilities:
· Conduct a Work Health and Safety audit of the training organisation to implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures.
· Follow work health and safety procedures and instructions.
· Identify and report hazards.
· Implement work health and safety procedures and instructions.
· Follow emergency procedures
· Coordinate consultative a
angements for the management of health, safety and security issues.
· Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks.
· Implement and monitor health, safety and security training.
· Maintain WHS records and reports.
To demonstrate competency in your job role, you need to complete the following activities:
· Activity 1: Conduct a Work Health and Safety audit
· Activity 2: Report Hazards.
· Activity 3: Follow emergency procedures and complete incident reports
· Activity 4: Coordinate consultative processes for managing the above workplace health, safety and security issues.
· Activity 5: Implement and monitor health, safety and security training.
Activity 1: Conduct a Work Health and Safety audit
This activity requires you to conduct a Work Health and Safety audit at the industry workplace or a simulated industry environment. The purpose of this Work Health and Safety audit is to implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures in the following situations:
· Hazard identification and reporting
· Handling chemicals and hazardous substances
· Evacuation of staff and customers
· Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
When conducting the Work Health and Safety audit, you are required to:
· Ca
y out a physical audit of the training organisation’s site.
· Use the Work health and safety checklist to ca
y out the audit.
· Follow work health and safety procedures and instructions.
· Identify and report hazards.
· Implement Work Health and safety procedures to take immediate actions.
· Monitor adherence to organisational WHS procedures.
· Monitor ongoing compliance with safe work practices.
· Take prompt action to address non-compliance with procedures and safe work practices.
· Monitor day-to-day effectiveness of WHS practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel.
· Identify any hazards on an ongoing basis during own day-to-day workplace operations.
· React to reports of hazards by other workers, and coordinate and participate in risk assessments.
· Implement any risk control methods or refer to the appropriate person if control is outside the scope of responsibility.
Instructions for traine
Trainer assessor must ensure that the following hazards are present in the inspection area when work health and safety audit is being ca
ied out:
· First Aid Plan is not displayed on the noticeboard(s).
· Safety data sheet not available for a hazardous chemical.
· Passageways have some obstructions.
· Staff, not trained to use fire protection equipment.
    Immediate action/control measures
    Further action required*
    Date signed off
    Date to be completed
    Section 1. Burns
    Is vegetable oil used instead of animal fat (remains in liquid form when cool)?
    Are metal containers used to empty oil from deep fryers?
    Is a first-aid kit accessible?
    Are workers trained in safe work procedures (e.g. preventing burns in kitchens)?
    Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) available, such as aprons, closed shoes and heatproof gloves?
    Section 2. Chemicals
    Are chemical containers appropriately labelled?
    Are chemicals stored in approved containers (not drink or food containers) and away from
food preparation areas?
    Is a safety data sheet supplied for each hazardous chemical?
    Are workers trained to use chemicals safely?
    Are emergency contact numbers readily available (e.g. Poisons Information Centre)?
    Do workers wear appropriate protective clothing/equipment when handling chemicals (e.g. nitrile gloves, apron, goggles, closed shoes)?
    Section 3. Electrical Equipment
    Is faulty electrical equipment removed immediately from service?
    Are safety switches installed to guard against electric shock?
    Are safety switches tested on a regular basis by a competent person?
    Is a licensed electrical contractor hired to install and repair electrical equipment?
    Is electrical equipment regularly inspected, tested and maintained by a competent person?
    Are workers trained in working safely with electrical equipment?
    Section 4. Fire
    Is fire-fighting equipment kept in a clear, unobstructed place?
    Does all gas equipment have a shut-off valve?
    Are exhaust fans and hoods cleaned regularly?
    Are flammable materials, clothes and paper stored away from ignition sources?
    Are sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers installed and regularly inspected and maintained?
    Are staff trained to use fire protection equipment?
    Are “fire blankets” available?
    Are fire evacuation and emergency procedures available?
    Section 5. Hot conditions
    Are “air-conditioning and ventilation systems” serviced on a regular basis?
    Is there a system in place to minimise heat stress?
    Section 6. Knives and sharp tools
    Are knives sharp, maintained and in good working condition?
    Do slicing machines and butchers’ steels for knife sharpening have handguards?
    Is a suitable cutting board available and used?
    Are knives stored safely when not in use (e.g. knife shelf, block, sheath or wall-mounted magnetic strip)?
    Are knives washed separately, not with other utensils or instruments?
    Are mesh gloves used when working with knives?
    Are dirty knives stored safely for washing?
    Do workers wear protective clothing, such as gloves and aprons, when handling sharp implements?
    Is there a procedure for using knives safely?
    Are workers trained?
    Section 7. Machinery and equipment
    Is equipment regularly serviced and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions?
    Is there an isolation or disengaging procedure in place when cleaning or maintenance is performed?
    Are all operators of equipment instructed, trained and supervised in how to use it safely?
    Do operators of equipment have the appropriate ‘ticket’ or license where necessary (e.g. forklifts)?
    Does all equipment have to guard to prevent operators and others accessing hazardous parts?
    Is there adequate workspace around
equipment and is it on a stable
foundation to prevent it from moving during

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