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Subject Code and Title BIZ104 Customer Experience ManagementAssessment Customer Experience Strategy: RecommendationsIndividual/Group Individual Presentation Length 7 minutes +/- 10% (Maximum 10...

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Subject Code and Title BIZ104 Customer Experience ManagementAssessment Customer Experience Strategy: RecommendationsIndividual/Group Individual Presentation Length 7 minutes +/- 10% (Maximum 10 slides)Learning Outcomesa) Compare and contrast the emerging concepts and practices that shape the customer experience.b) Explore customer differentiation in service delivery and identify customer’s critical touchpoints that influence an organisation’s customer experience strategyc) Research a customer problem and develop an appropriate customer experienced) Develop and communicate a customer experience strategye) Analyse and apply tools to monitor and evaluate a customer experience strategySubmission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1 (week 11) For intensive (6 week) class: by 11:55p.m. AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 6 Weighting 25% Total Marks 100 marks
Context This assessment task is designed for you to reflect on assessment 2 of your chosen organisation to provide concise recommendations on how your organisation could become more customer-centric. To do this, you will apply your knowledge and understanding of key concepts that shape the customer experience covered in all the modules of this subject. You are required to submit a recorded presentation that shows you on camera as well as visual aids (i.e. power point slides). This provides you with an insight into what may be part of your job role in the future.
To complete this assessment task you need to consider the researched findings your assessment task 2 to propose concise recommendations on how your chosen organization could become more customer-centric and better prepare for the future of customer experience management. Your presentation must be in a video format (i.e. mp4, MOV, etc.) for uploading into Blackboard.
This assessment involves the following activities:
1. Introduction Introduce yourself, your chosen organisation and the purpose of your presentation topic. Briefly justify the relevance of the presentation topic to the organisation’s industry.
2. Propose and support your recommendations on: How the organisation can customise its products/services How the organisation could become (more) customer-centric How the organisation could prepare better for the future of customer experience management.
3. Conclusion Provide a brief summary of your overall recommendations. 4. Reference slide References must be listed using APA 6th ed. referencing style.
Answered Same Day Aug 18, 2021 BIZ104


Moumita answered on Aug 20 2021
151 Votes
Slide 1
 Customer Experience Management Assessment
Introducing the organisation 
The renowned clothing
and Australia Stitch has been considered for the better understanding of the CEM.
The comprehensive usage of the good quality material  proves to be the most effective way to remain in the competition for this company.

Australian stitch manufactures its clothing products such as men shirts, tees, female outfits on the basis of the ethical norms present in the continents
. The production line of the company effectively produces the most authentic and ethical style story for the customer. The company Australian Stitch follows the guideline of Ethical Clothing Australia (ECA) (Magnuson, Reimers & Chao, 2017). The company works with ECA certified factories and shipping companies. The focus of the management is not only to manufacture the quality products but also to take care of the working condition as well.
Purpose of the presentation 
The presentation satisfies the core ideal of the customer services within the clothing business Australian Stitch.
The purpose of the presentation is to showcase the effective customisation method to increase productivity.
The comprehensive measure that can be considered for the customers oriented service are being well drafted.
Finally the presentation showcases the relevant ways to manage the customer service effectively. 
Relevance of the presentation 
Customers are the backbone of the business, therefore satisfied customers are the founding base for the business to grow and develop.
The presentation is relevant due to the well drafted understanding of the key concepts of customer centric business.
The presentation is capable of showcasing the consistent method of customization of the products as well as the future trend for managing the customer experience significantly. 
Customisation of the product and services of the organisation
The customisation of the product and service by the clothing
and is the complementing way to grab the advantageous niche in the market.
The well drafted customisation is the great tool for the organisation to have the right knowledge regarding its competitor.
Customization of the product is the effective measure for booting up the customer engagement as well as loyalty (Shamsuzzoha, Toscano,Carneiro, Kumar & Helo, 2016).
Encourage the concept of sharing
The company American Stitch has taken up the initiative to share the customisation rules in the several social media platforms.
The significance of social media in the present time is remarkable. Therefore if the company wants to grab the significant customer base it is possible only through the relevant sharing of the customised ideas in the networking site (Somers, Dewit & Baelus, 2018).
The creation of the galleries in the company's website to encourage the creativity for the customers to choose from is a great way to boost up such ideas. 
Enhancing the experience of the customers
It is one of the basic things that the management of the company needs to focus on.
The purpose of the customization is to boost the customer satisfaction and to provide them with an enjoyable experience. (Anshari, Almunawar, Lim, & Al-Mudimigh 2019).
The true reflection of the cultural aspect is the engaging way of enhancing the...

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