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Socw 6361Week 5APA FORMAT PLEASE AND THANK U ReviewChapter6 in the Jansson text as needed. Focus on the 10 issues from “The AgendaFunnel” (p. 181). Timing Coupling Framing and finding...

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Socw 6361
Week 5


  • ReviewChapter6 in the Jansson text as needed. Focus on the 10 issues from “The AgendaFunnel” (p. 181).

  1. Timing

  2. Coupling

  3. Framing and finding a title

  4. Negotiating and bargaining

  5. Assembling early sponsors and supporters

  6. Routing

  7. Media coverage

  8. Setting key endorsements

  9. Coalition building

  10. Building momentum


Submita 2- to 3-page paperthat addresses the following:

  • Briefly explainthe concept of the agenda funnel.

  • Why is context important whenadvocating for change to decision makers?

  • Usingthe socialproblemyou identified earlier in the course,explain how the 10 issues Janssonoutlinedare important when trying to activate change regarding the selected social problem.Provide 2–3 sentencesfor each of the 10 issues:

  1. Timing

  2. Coupling

  3. Framing and finding a title

  4. Negotiating and bargaining

  5. Assembling early sponsors and supporters

  6. Routing

  7. Media coverage

  8. Setting key endorsements

  9. Coalition building

  10. Building momentum

Be sure to incorporateanysources you found related to your selected social problem using standard APA format.

Answered Same Day Mar 30, 2024


Parul answered on Mar 31 2024
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