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2.5.3 Reflection: Professional role in working with Indigenous peoples Weight: 50% Type of Collaboration: Individual Due: Friday29thMay Submission: Via Turnitin Format: 2000 word essay. Students may...

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2.5.3    Reflection: Professional role in working with Indigenous peoples
    Type of Collaboration:
    Via Turnitin
    2000 word essay. Students may use headings and sub-headings as appropriate.
iculum Mode:
Students are encouraged to keep a journal of their learning, thinking, and findings as you move through the unit,. Students will be exposed to new and different understandings and knowledges explored in this course. Students are expected to reflecton what this understanding and knowledges may mean for their professional practice/s. Students should draw upon their journals, as well as scholarly literature, in order to discuss their learning throughout the unit and how they might apply these new knowleges in their future professional work. Rather than focusing on all aspects of the unit, students are encouraged na
ow their focus to one or two key learning areas.
Comprehensive essay will include:
· Scholarly discussion of learning, including Indigenous perspectives of learning
· Reflection on how your learning or knowledge has changed or developed over the course of the unit
· How this new found understanding or learning has ,or hasn’t, changed your world view
· How this new understanding or knowledge will be applied in a professional context
Marking Criteria:
    High Distinction
    Depth of reflection
    Writing demonstrates an in-depth reflection on the selected topic, including supporting details and examples.
    Writing demonstrates a reasonably in-depth reflection on the selected topic, including supporting details and examples.
    Writing demonstrates a general reflection on selected topic, including some supporting details and examples.
    Writing demonstrates limited reflection on the selected topic, and/or few supporting details and examples.
    Writing demonstrates a lack or minimal reflection on the topic, with limited to no details.
    Critical analysis
    Analysis is sophisticated and presents fresh and defensible insights into the work being analysed. Analysis is written with confidence and academic rigour.
    Can identify ideas,
situations or problems and explain each component using theoretical ideas and concepts. Can evaluate the salience and limitations of an argument.
    Can identity ideas,
situations or problems and provides some explanation to the components. Engagement with theoretical ideas and concepts are evidenced.
    Descriptive and anecdotal with limited use of theoretical literature. Limited capacity to synthesise a number of ideas into a larger argument.
    Personal and anecdotal. Limited engagement with topics. Lack of critical analysis.
    Communication of Indigenous understanding.
    Complex understanding of Indigenous community.
    Thorough understanding of Indigenous community.
understanding of Indigenous community.
    Adequate understanding of Indigenous community.
    Little understanding of Indigenous community.
    Organisation or structure of Pape
    Demonstrated logical and clear sequencing of advanced ideas through well-structured and organised paper.
    Organisation and structure of pape
and ideas are
proficiently developed.
    Paper is logically organised, and ideas are developed.
    Logical organisation; organisation of ideas not fully developed.
    Little to no evidence of structure or organisation of paper.
    Use of Academic conventions
    Use of academic conventions such as referencing and citations are accurate, consistent and appropriate for the discipline. Sophisticated use of highly relevant literature; effectively
discriminating between sources of information.
    Use of academic conventions such as referencing and citations are accurate, consistent and appropriate for the discipline.
Choice of highly relevant literature evident and used appropriately.
    Referencing is accurate and consistent.
Evidence of relevant literature; shows discrimination between sources of information.
    Basic referencing accurate and use of a detailed reference list. Sometimes
lacks consistency, but makes reasonable attempts to acknowledge sources of information. Does not always discriminate effectively between sources of information.
    Absence or inaccurate use of referencing and citation conventions. Uses immediately available information with little discrimination.
4 Learning Resources
4.1 Recommended Readings
Prescribed Textbook
Bennett, B., Green, S. (eds XXXXXXXXXXOur voices: Aboriginal social work (2nd ed.).
Melbourne, Australia: Palgrave Macmillan
Essential Reading
Attwood, B., 2011. Aboriginal history, minority histories and historical wounds: the postcolonial
condition, historical knowledge and the public life of history in Australia. Postcolonial Studies, 14(2),
Bennett, B., Zu
zycki, J. and Bacon, V., 2011. What do we know? The experience s of social workers
working alongside Aboriginal people. Australian social work, 64(1), pp.20 -37.
Bessarab, D, 2015. Changing How and What We Do: The Significance of Embedding Aboriginal and
es Strait
Islander Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing in Socia l Work Education and Practice, Australian
Social Work,68:1, 1-4,
Carlson, B, 2016. Politics of Identity: Who counts as Aboriginal today?. Aboriginal Studies Press.
a, ACT.
Dodson, M., 2010. The dispossession of Indigenous people: And its consequence s. Parity, 23(9), p.6.
Haebich, A., 2011. Forgetting Indigenous histories: Cases from the history of Australia’s stolen
generations. Journal of Social History, 44(4), pp XXXXXXXXXX.
ing, S., Spangaro, J., Lauw, M. and McNamara, L., 2013. The intersectio n of trauma, racism, and
cultural competence in effective work with Aboriginal people: Waiting for trust. Australian Social
Work, 66(1), pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Nakata, M., 2007. An Indigenous standpoint theory. Disciplining the savages: Savaging the
disciplines, p.213.
Stewart, J. and Allan, J., 2013. Building relationships with Aboriginal people: A cultural mapping
toolbox. Australian Social Work, 66(1), pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Wain, T., Sim, M., Bessarab, D., Mak, D., Hayward, C. and Rudd, C., 2016. Engaging Australian
Aboriginal na
atives to challenge attitudes and create empathy in health care: a methodological
perspective. BMC medical education, 16(1), p.156.
Walter, M., Taylor, S. and Habibis, D., 2011. How white is social work in Australia?. Australian
Social Work, 64(1),pp.6-19.
Williams, R., 1999. Cultural safety -what does it mean for our work practice?. Australian and New
Zealand journal of public health, 23(2), pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jun 05 2021
147 Votes
CASE: Professional role in working with Indigenous peoples Australia
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Indigenous prospects of learning
Reflection learning or knowledge has changed over the course of the unit
How this new found understanding or learning has, or hasn’t, changed your world view….6
How this new understanding or knowledge will be, apply in a professional context
Conclusion    8
References    9
Indigenous Australians suffer more than non-indigenous Australians in every way anyone can think of from the very beginning of life to death. In every area of societal suffering, it appears Aborigines top the statistics, twice the rate of infant mortality, far lower education rates, far higher incarceration rates, higher alcohol and drug addiction and many more leading to the final insult of dying about ten years earlier than the non-indigenous. Aboriginal people have given a lot in some ways but in general, Australia is not good to these first Australians. Plenty of Australians want positive change for Aborigines and most of them are of the left, politically, just sign petitions and vote for policies while the rights of the Aborigines off. Whether right or right not though the reality is that, the vast majority of Australians rarely see Aboriginal people let alone interact with them. There are no measure steps taken to improve their situation and standard of livings (Seet 2018).
Indigenous prospects of learning
Indigenous Australians consist of small part of the society, but they are more incarcerating with ethnicity and their culture comparing with any other population of the society. Things are not going better. Many young people for example: -Ko
is, Noongars and mu
ays are doing nothing at all but to stem the slide into oblivion. Systems are design into a competition with these Indigenous Australians and very few people really want to run system by themselves. British invaded Australia in the year 1788 assuming that Aboriginal people were inferior to the British. That racism continued throughout the 1800s and 1900s and continues today, The racism that is an integral part of non-Aboriginal Australian society and culture results in Aboriginal people being treated poorly and as less important than non-Aboriginal people, by governments, most government departments, the private sector, and many Australian people. The racism in Australia is cause not only by ‘white superiority’ perceptions but also by the perceived superiority of anyone who is not aboriginal. Until there is some education in Australia about the real history of Australia and its treatment of Aboriginal people there can be no treaty and no end to racism (Collins 2016). The inter-generational disallowance by non-aboriginal people and the problems commit by white settlers in the 1800s, until the mid-1900s, and of the stolen generation, which tore Aboriginal families and cultural memory apart until the 1970s, is also due to this racism. The main cause of racism in Australia was not only the white people but also the non- non-aboriginal people. Australian government spent many thousands of dollars for the welfare of the aboriginal people (estimated 35 billion dollars), $40000 foe every woman, child and man belong to the aboriginal society. The mainstream media does not show the true picture of the aboriginal Australians, though they consider as inferior in society but they are all-human and deserve equal human rights of citizen. White people only shows all sympathies from outside but deep that they still have superiority that is running from generation to generations. It is truly repugnant but racism would not go away unless a person decides to educate him or her in a way that is heart centred on behalf of all people. It is truly the matter of keeping one in other’s place and matter of empathy. Out of poverty and miserable lifestyles, led by these people the only thing left to do is criminal and illegal activity (Taylor 2018). A large network money and drug has put their community in jeopardy. They have astonishing cultural and values, if this community get some gravity in this contemporary world. They are stereotypically a lot of fun to be around, but they have strong personalities and cultural clashes that lead to catastrophic results. There is a great opportunity for these people to run and act as a person of parliament and represents their community. They can be a part to run whole nation and do...

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