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SOC10004 Sociological Foundations Assignment 1B: Academic writing skills exercise Word limit: 800 (+/- 10%) Weighting: 15% Due date: 5pm AEST Monday03 August 2018 Step 1 Note: if you are sticking with...

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SOC10004 Sociological Foundations

Assignment 1B: Academic writing skills exercise

Word limit: 800 (+/- 10%)

Weighting: 15%

Due date: 5pm AEST Monday03 August 2018

Step 1

Note: if you are sticking with the same topic area you chose for Assignment 1A you may skip this step.

Begin by choosing a focus area, or topic, (i.e. a current social issue in Australia) that is of genuine interest to you. Some examples of current social issues you could choose to focus on include:

Climate change

Housing affordability


Domestic violence

Drug use



Asylum seeker policy.

Your focus area should form a 'lense' through which you view the question:

How relevant is the sociological imagination for understanding contemporary Australian society?

Step 2

Note: if you received feedback requiring improvement of your sources for Assignment 1A, or if you have changed your focus area, you may wish to complete this step again. Otherwise, continue with Step 3.

Using theSwinburne Library(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Site, complete some preliminary research on your topic, ensuring you have also read C. Wright Mills (1978)site. And locate aminimum of three relevant academic sources(not including C. Wright Mills)to use in Assignment 1B.

Step 3

Use your completedEssay plan template (DOC 91 KB)to complete your essay. If you received feedback from your eLA on areas for improvement you should incorporate this into your essay draft.

Tips for success

Remember you are answering the question:

How relevant is the sociological imagination for understanding contemporary Australian societyin regards to the current social issue you have chosen, either in Step 1 or Assignment 1A?

Ensure you pay particular attention tohowthe sociological imagination allows us to understand the social issue or problem you have selected, and explore any relevant insights that might be gained from its application. For example, in relation to growing economic inequality, the application of the sociological imagination would seek to critique perspectives focused on personal choice, failing, or financial mismanagement. This then provides us with an opportunity to examine broader structural issues that shape our chances in life.


Please ensure that your answer is framed as an academic essay, including:

Introduction (approximately 100 words)

This should include:

The context (your focus area/issue).

A brief outline of your argument (how the application of the sociological imagination helps us to understand the issue).

An outline of the main points you will discuss.

Body (approximately 600 words)

Clearly themed paragraphs (3–6 paragraphs) thatcover the main points you listed in the introductionto support your argument.These points can be supported using your four academic sources.

A conclusion (approximately 100 words)

Summarise and show how your argument was consolidated in light of your discussion.


Please include your four sources (including the mainC. Wright Mills source) in full Havard Style referencing.Note: your references are not included as part of your final word count.

Supporting resources

The following resources will assist you with completing this assignment:

You will need to use C. Wright Mills (1978)'The sociological imagination' (PDF 626 KB)(Links to an external site.)Links to an external one of your academic resources.

Check out the Student Portal's range of usefulStudy Resources(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., specifically in the section Academic Writing and Academic Integrity.

TheEssay Writing page(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.outlines how to plan and format an academic essay.

Read this annotatedSample essay (PDF 330 KB)(Links to an external site.)Links to an external see how to respond to an essay question.

The video,Building a good argument(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(CSULA XXXXXXXXXX), gives a breakdown of how to frame your argument for the essay.

TheHow to write an argumentative essay: Thesis statements and paragraphs(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(britishcouncilsg 2015) video expands on what is covered in the Essay page from the Student Portal.

Refer to the Swinburne UniversitySwinburneHarvard style guide(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.for referencing.

Search for articles and resources in the Swinburne Universitylibrary catalogue search(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Answered Same Day Aug 01, 2020 SOC10004 Swinburne University of Technology


Soumi answered on Aug 02 2020
139 Votes
The issue of homelessness, in Australia, is moderately new, showing increase in statistical figures in the last two decade. The reason for a person to become homeless has been considered on traditional, individual based perspectives. However, the problem has deeper roots and needs proper understanding. The sociological imagination opens up a new perspective where the social issues are viewed as public problems instead of personal problems making it more critical as well as controversial. In the cu
ent essay, the issue of homelessness in Australia is discussed through the use of sociological imagination, with the aim to develop a better understanding of the gravity of the issues and finding solutions for it.
Homelessness in Australia
The concept of homelessness has becomes one of the leading problems in Australia. As noticed by Johnson and Watson (2017), the concept of homelessness in Australia is different from that of the general view which sees homelessness as a state where a person does not have a fixed accommodation. In the Australian context, homelessness state refers to persons without permanent accommodation as well as people who have no alternative options to get out of inadequate and unsafe environment. It is worth the mention that people in Australia, who does not have legal documentation of the places where they live, are also marked as homeless.
On personal levels there are reasons such as addictions, unemployment, bank debt, social image of prisoners and economic meltdown can be held responsible for homelessness. Venturing deep into the Australian social system also show reasons such as offering of self-reliance to young adults, easy availability of substances used for additions, and most importantly, increasing cost of accommodations, making them hard to afford. As affirmed by Laing (2018), couch...

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