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Exam 3.pdf Exam III History 1302, Summer 2020 Below you will find 10 terms from chapters 26-29 of American Yawp. Select five (5) terms for which you will write a one-page, double spaced response for...

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Exam 3.pdf
Exam III
History 1302, Summer 2020

Below you will find 10 terms from chapters 26-29 of American Yawp. Select five (5)
terms for which you will write a one-page, double spaced response for each term.
Your responses should include an answer to the following three (3) questions:

1. How do you identify the term within American history after the Civil War?
2. What primary source document(s) support, expand, or illustrate your
3. Why is this topic important to American history after the Civil War?

The exam is open-book. However, you may only use the course textbook and its
attendant primary source documents (also found in the textbook primary source
eader edition). The lecture videos also are a source to consult. No other
eferences may be allowed on the exam.

Be sure to include your name at the top of your exam and each term before you
egin your responses. You will be graded on your ability to identify and define the
term (30%), utilize a related primary source document in your answer (30%), and
highlight the importance of the term for American history after the Civil War (30%),
making sure to check for spelling, grammar, and other misc. information detailed in
this guideline (10%).


• Rise of Subu
• Civil Rights Movement
• Desegregation
• Ronald Reagan

In the end you should have a 5-page paper containing one-page responses for each
of your five terms. All five responses should be within one Word document which you
will submit on eLearning. There is only one submission tab for the exam, so be sure
to have one document and not five. Best Wishes!

World War I
    World War I was the first world’s cruel, greedy, and selfish war. The United States gained a lot of wealth and honor from this war after the Civil War. However, World War I was a truly tragic war in which countless people were sacrificed for their own countries. This war was with the European countries, not with the United States from the war was not fought in the first place. The United States remained neutral in World War I because of its President George Washington’s diplomatic tradition to avoid forming alliances with foreign countries and overgrown militaries. However, the United States has the largest industrial economy, and trade with the Great British and France gave great benefits to U.S. businesses. Meanwhile, Germany sank a ship ca
ying U.S. trade goods with a submarine, and this happen was the biggest cause of the United States’ participation in World War I.
     A German diplomat, Arthur Zimmermann felt scared and anxious about American participation in World War I. So, he secretly offered to aid the Mexican government, which was at odds with the United States over te
itorial issues. Ironically, however, the U.S. noticed this and they were furious to Germany. President Woodrow Wilson declared to join World War I through speech. He said, “The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind. … employ all its resources to
ing the government of the German Empire to terms and end the war (Wilson, Woodrow)”. The U.S. trained their troops and gave military supplies to Britain and France for the war. The war ended with Germany’s defeat; however, the end of the war was disastrous for Europeans.
     World War I
ought te
ible consequences for all of Europe. Countless people were sacrificed. Great British and France got a huge debt to America. As a result, America was the one who got the power to stand top of the other countries from the war. World War I is important to American history after the Civil War because it
oke the neutral diplomatic tradition and
ought a lot of benefits such as economy and power. The U.S. took innocent deaths and losses due to the war, but it was also an opportunity to promote its names as a great power.
The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a nightmare to the lives of Americans because of the economic collapse of industries. After World War I, the economy of the United States had developed greatly. With the development of automated machines, there had been factories that produce huge amounts of goods such as cars and radios. As the company grew, stock investment became highly active. Companies overproduced for greater benefits, and the consumption of the people had decreased. Companies seemed to develop tremendously, however; debt increased as demand decreased. In 1920, the stock market plunged. The Great Depression began. Huge numbers of unemployed people have sprung up, and wages have fallen tremendously. Farmers were also in a difficult situation. Due to a lack of wages, they were unable to purchase products. Overproduced crops were not sold a
oad due to high protective tariffs, and there was no demand. There has been a huge gap between U.S. production and consumption capacity.
    The Great Depression became even worse due to severe drought. Many people living in the southern United States began to migrate to the west. A poem called “I’d Rather Not Be on Relief” by Lester Hunter turned in to a song that migrants sang during their migration, indicating the hardships and pains of their lives. “We go around all dressed in rags while the rest of the world goes neat. And we have to be satisfied with half enough to eat (Hunter, Lester)”. Numerous migrations have created a competition for jobs between locals and migrants.
    The Great Depression is important to American history after the Civil War because it was a huge gateway for economic development, and this created the foundation of the cu
ent economy. It created many economic rules and welfare for the people. The Great Depression was the hardest time in U.S. history, however, that is why the U.S. economy has been developed until now.
Work Cited
Woodrow Wilson Requests War (April 2, 1917)
The American Yawp Reader,
Lester Hunter, “I’d Rather Not Be on Relief” (1938)
The American Yawp Reader,
Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2021


Bandita answered on Aug 09 2021
146 Votes
Last Name 5
Title: Discussion Post
Civil Rights Movement    3
Desegregation    4
Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………….5
Civil Rights Movement
The Civil Rights movements were started in 1960s in order to put an end to the racial discrimination and disadvantages faced by the African American people in the United States and achieve equal public rights for themselves under law. The movement was conducted for a very long period and ended in the late 1960s. The Civil Rights Movement included various strategies, especially non-violent approaches, involving legal action against the discrimination, public disobedience but with non-violence, as well as lack militancy.
The Civil Rights Movement included various activists who led the historical movement and fought against the racial discrimination, disadvantages and social injustice faced by the African American people in the United States. These activists include Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Ha
iet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth and W.E.B Du Bois. The entire movement was ca
ied out in a non...

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