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Signature Assignment (due Friday by Midnight) Select an international company with enough publicly available information in order to answer the questions for the assignment. Introduction:Give a brief...

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Signature Assignment (due Friday by Midnight)

Select an international company with enough publicly available information in order to answer the questions for the assignment.

Introduction:Give a brief account of the history of the company and trace the evolution of its strategy over time. As part of this introduction, identify the organization’s current mission and goals.


1. Conduct an analysis of the organization’s internal and external environment including its resources and capabilities, and the nature of its competitive advantage.

2. On the basis of the internal and external analysis, identify the strategies that you think the company should pursue.

3.Critically analyze the organization’s approach to ethics and corporate social responsibility.

4. Explain why the organization takes the approach it does.

5. Would youmake any recommendations to enhance the organization’s approach to ethics and corporate social responsibility?

Theassignment should be a minimum of 5 pages for the research and a total of 7 pages with the cover page and reference page. Make sure to follow the APA format and include a minimum of four resources in the assignment.

Answered Same Day Jun 09, 2021


Soumi answered on Jun 19 2021
150 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Company, Its Evolution Cu
ent Goals & Mission    3
Analysis    3
1. Internal and External Environment of Wesfarmers Limited    3
2. Strategies to be Pursued by Wesfarmers Limited    4
3. Ethical Approach and Corporate Social Responsibility of the Organization    5
4. Explanation of the Approaches taken by Wesfarmers Limited    6
5. Recommendations    6
References    7
Introduction to the Company, Its Evolution Cu
ent Goals & Mission
Wesfarmers Limited has been recognized as the largest international retail oriented organization in Australia that leads its business all around the world. However, Wesfarmers expands its retail business in New Zealand besides Australia. It has dealt its business with chemical fertilizers, retail goods, safety products and the product associated with coal and meaning industry. The founder of this company is regarded as the Westralian Farmers Cooperative Limited in 1914 (Shepherd, 2016).
It has conducted its business in several countries such as the United Kingdom, India, Ireland and New Zealand. Wesfarmers has been recognized as the largest revenue taker that overcome Woolworths Group in Australia in recent years, according to the financial report in 2016 it has succeeded to occupy AU$ 65.98 billion. The mission of the organization is customer satisfaction and the goal of the organization is to expound its target customer.
1. Internal and External Environment of Wesfarmers Limited
    Wesfarmers Limited has been recognized as one of the leading industries in Australia. According to data science, Wesfarmers Limited has approached a good return policy on capital expenditure that executes the strength of its internal environment. At the same time, the higher authority of the organization has maintained a good relationship with its employees (Ferede, Mola & Asmare, 2018). It has an approach for a strong
and portfolio that helps them to expand their new product categories.
Similarly, a strong cash flow also refers to the strength of its internal environment. However, Wesfarmers Limited has found to be weak in its research and development program and that affects the performance of the organization. On the other hand, the government of Australia that affects the external environment of the organization has considered the safety of the coal and mining industry. However, the economic...

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