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Section 1- surveys – design and application Preparation (150 words) In preparation discuss theoretical understanding of survey, such as discussing what is survey, how to design it and how to apply...

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Section 1- surveys – design and application

Preparation (150 words)

In preparation discuss theoretical understanding of survey, such as discussing what is survey, how to design it and how to apply the understanding of surveys in order to create one.

Participation(150 words)

In participation link the theoretical understanding from preparation, and discuss how to used it in order to design a survey question.

Reflection(100 words)

reflect on the theoretical and practical understanding of designing a survey, and discuss.

Section 2- Interviews:

Preparation 150 words:

Participation (150 words)

Reflection (100 words)


Preparation 150 words:

Participation (150 words)

Reflection (100 words)

Follow the above steps (section 1) for the other two sections.

Please use thefollowing references for referencing.

Total 1200 words

Answered Same Day May 22, 2020


Dr. Vidhya answered on May 23 2020
145 Votes
    Journal reflection: Survey, Interview and Unobtrusive Research
Section One: Surveys- Design and Application
Surveys are deigned to gather information with the help of asking specific research questions which are subjected to be asked to from the population of interest. These questions are meant to be particular in the context of the research topic. They can provide deductive or inductive state of reasoning further to help determine the course of research. Survey questions are mostly prepared with a view to have a perfect direction that can be given to the research topic. Moreover, the researchers tend to avoid being radical while preparing for the questions. Generally put, the numbers of questions are also prepared before and they are not altered during the surveys. It is done on purpose so that the precision of the data can be collected with universal approach. Also, the questions are set by reviewing the number, ethnicity of the participants.
In order to design a survey question, the researchers have to look for the
oad research topic first which is the first step in designing the research. The questions must be topic oriented and they can set the stream by all means i.e. the questions are set with a view to understand what the course of the research is and how can be achieved perfectly. The researchers are keep in mind that the questions that they are setting should not be offending the repo of the participants. They are also not generally disclosed form one participant to the other. Survey questions should also be precisely related with the
anch/division of the subtitle, if any, of the research itself. It must adhere to the policies set by the research design along with the fact that the questions will determine how the discussion, methodology and data analysis will be done further in the research.
A researcher is the neutral observer of events; he or she only reviews the available facts and collected information by processing it with means of research. It is the liability of the researcher to put his or her reasoning in the process of ensuring he perfect outcomes are achieved in the form of responses recorded from the survey questions. He or she has to make sure also that the survey questions adhere to the research topic and they are not radically put to get the desired answer because that...

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