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Report (2000 words) - Beerenberg Pty Ltd You are the newly appointed supply chain executive of Beerenberg Pty Ltd. This South Australian family-owned business is located at Hahndorf in the Adelaide...

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Report (2000 words) - Beerenberg Pty Ltd

You are the newly appointed supply chain executive of Beerenberg Pty Ltd. This South Australian family-owned business is located at Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills producing jams, pickles, condiments, sauces and dressings. The company has established an international reputation not only for their premium quality products, but also for their farm premises being a tourist attraction. Customers can pick their own strawberries or witness their jam-making process in the kitchen.
Most of the fruit are grown on the farm and only the most superior fruit are selected for their jams, pickles, condiments, sauces and dressing. The factory is also located on the farm itself to ensure that the fruit harvested are still fresh before being processed. Firmly rooted in an ethos of ‘100 per cent real’, the company’s products are made using traditional recipes and contain no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. This helps to maintain their quality and brand name. Their products are sold all over Australia, but the company has been expanding over the years and currently exports (around 20% of their products) mainly to the Asia Pacific region.
(Illustrative short videos about Beerenberg are also available on the learnonline website for your viewing).
Due to the continuous growth and increasing demand for their product lines, Beerenberg had recently constructed a new and bigger warehouse on site. The managing director, Anthony Paech is planning to expand their product lines overseas and thinking of entering new markets in Europe. As the supply chain executive of Beerenberg, you are required to advise Mr Paech the implications of the proposed expansion strategy.
Prepare a 2000-word (+/- 10%) formal report on the associated issues of globalisation that will impact the supply chain aspects of Beerenberg. You should identify FIVE (5) global supply chain issues, challenges and/or risks and provide recommendations to overcome them.
(Note that this is a real case scenario. Additional research on Beerenberg is not necessary for this assignment; so please do not contact the company or the managing director for information)
Format – the argument will be presented in a Report format. Suggested headings to be used include Executive Summary, Content page, Introduction, Supply Chain Issues (or challenges or risks or a combination of these), and Recommendations. Please use appropriate headings and sub-headings where necessary. The objective of this assessment is to enable you to situate yourself in and analyse the facts of the organisation, the situation and to present your analysis and recommendations in a report which is convincing, well supported and within word constraints. (Note that the content page, executive summary and reference list are NOT included in the 2000-word count).
This assignment piece requires at least TEN references to support your points in the report using the UniSA Harvard referencing system and including at least SIX academic journal articles. An omission to include these six journal articles or incorrect use of the UniSA Harvard referencing system will result in a failure for the referencing component.

Format requirements

  • Use Arial font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing
  • Reference list on a separate page after recommendations
  • Use the UniSA Harvard Style of referencing only
  • Do not use footnotes
  • Print word count at the end of you assignment(after the recommendations section)
  • Number each page
  • Do not attach the feedback formin your submission (as this affects the similarity match in Turnitin)
Assessment of your assignment will take into account:
  • Relevance of your response to the topic question set
  • Clarity of meaning, originality and creative thought
  • Supporting documentation for arguments. Your research material should be relevant, and be sourced from credible, academic references
  • Proper acknowledgment of sources and appropriate referencing using the UniSA Harvard Referencing system.
  • Logical planning and sequence
  • Use of inclusive language
  • Overall presentation, including layout, editing and punctuation
  • Adequate research, reflecting engagement with set readings, text(s), journals and other relevant materials

Content page (2 marks)
1-page executive summary (10 marks)
Introduction (8 marks)
Overview of issues/challenges/risks and how they impact supply chain operations (10 marks)
Recommendations (50 marks)
English Expression (10 marks)
Referencing (10 marks)
TOTAL 100 marks

Please also refer to the feedback proforma for details

Answered Same Day Aug 21, 2021


Abhinaba answered on Sep 11 2021
146 Votes
Executive Summary
The Beerenberg Pty Ltd. A company which has established itself as a leading
and in Australia and seeing the explicit success it got in Australian market, it has started to grow it’s market in overseas. Though the company is looking upto the overall challenges that may occur in expanding the business overseas, it has to take the concern over its international supply chain management in order to safeguard the interest. The company has to build up a strong supply chain process as a lot more hurdle will be coming on their way, to tackle those and move successfully in overseas market too the necessary steps need to be measured.
Table of Contents
Beerenberg is an Australian company which is renowned for its healthy and organic products. Beerenberg is famous for the natural product it made and is loved by its customer for the super efficient products. The company farm is one of the biggest attraction points for the tourists as they are free to explore the natural environment there and also have the privilege to select the ingredients they want to be mixed in their product. By experiencing the overwhelming success in the home country the company is willing to channelize its products in overseas too. For ensuring the success in overseas the company has to build a solid supply chain management who will effectively ca
y on the procedures. It is the main duty of a supply chain executive to rectify the issue and then resolve the same for the company.
Challenges and Their Impact on Global Supply Chain Operations
As the competition increases within the international market it has become really obstruct for the companies to maintain its profit graph. The success of a company is eventually an outcome of what they invest in their export. Unknown product from the unknown market needs way much effort to get accepted in the common market. For ensuring the
anding it is necessary that the clear efforts should be made to establish the supply chain operations of the company.
Adverse Climatic Conditions
The climatic condition of a country is the main role player in the success or failure of a product in an international market. The climatic condition are those sub factor in an international supply chain which if in favour makes you the boss of the market and of in unfavour that lead you to bear immense loss.If considering this reason for the Beerenberg Pvt. Ltd it is seen that in the company famous and profitable product the main part is its ingredient which is fresh and grown in company’s own farm, for the fruits to grow the weather condition is the foremost factor and Australia has that adaptable condition which helps in the smooth grow of the products but not the weather condition will be similar in the overseas country it may be a thing to wo
y. Since the company’s farm is located just near the company as a matter it gives the privilege to its customer to witness their product making and even to pick up the fruits they want to get indulged in their product. If talking about the overseas condition all this could not be possible to ca
y on in the same way not the farms will be there and not the witnessing facilities for the consumers. As a matter of fact favourable climatic conditions are must needed to outgrow the fact and the growth of the business in overseas (Yu et al., 2016).
Unskilled Employees
The supply chain management has a proper commitment towards the man power of an organization, the international human resource should be managed by the supply chain team effectively, the man power which would be leading forward the several steps of the supply chain management. The company which get the success within their country mostly uses the local human resource and are well aware about their capability and what kind of work they could ca
y on. They are well versed with the fact that a company could not attain success without an effective human resource within the organization. But talking about the global supply chain the company cannot get assurity about what kind of human resource they would be getting in overseas market, what capabilities they possess, what kind of work they could ca
y on.
If considering the Beerenberg the company is getting all the appraisals as in the hometown of the country the local manpower are used and all the...

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