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Report- 2 page summary of the book. BOOK REVIEWING: The Power of Habit Book by Charles Duhigg 1 Page on an overall summary of the book. Include the main thesis and your view of how...

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Report- 2 page summary of the book.


The Power of Habit Book by Charles Duhigg

  1. 1 Page on an overall summary of the book. Include the main thesis and your view of how well the author achieved his or her goal

  2. 1 page highlighting an interesting point in the text and applying a concept from the Strategic Management text to the reading

  3. 12 point font. Times New Roman. Double spaced. Submitted as a Microsoft Word File. DO NOT EXCEED 2 PAGES

Answered Same Day Oct 27, 2023


Ayan answered on Oct 28 2023
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