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Reflective self-analysis This paper investigates the development of proactive personal behaviour through acceptance of responsibility and choice as a means to building self esteem and enhancing group...

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Reflective self-analysis

This paper investigates the development of proactive personal behaviour through acceptance of responsibility and choice as a means to building self esteem and enhancing group relations.
It focuses on understanding individual behaviour from the perspective of Choice Theory (Glasser 1998) and applying this approach to reflect on and evaluate personal behaviour.

All readings required to complete this assessment are available within the 'Assessment 1: Reflective self-analysis' eReading folder via learnonline.

Assessment structure
Essay style using the following headings to identify sections:

  • Introduction (2-3 sentences)
  • Section 1.1 - Self-esteem(approx. 300 words)
  • Section 1.2 - Responsible behaviour(approx. 700 words)
  • Section 2.1 - Choice Theory(approx. 700 words)
  • Section 2.2 - Reflective evaluation (approx. 300 words)
  • Reference list (not included in word count)

Introduction(2-3 sentences)
Concisely specify ‘the purpose of the paper’ by describing what the topic is about and indicating the key theoretical foundations (referenced).Include a sentence about why this topic is important.
Section 1
The first section of the paper involves a review of, and personal reflection upon, the key information contained withinthe prescribedarticles. Use your own words to paraphrase and summarise key information to express your understanding of what you have read (andensure you reference appropriately) and then relate key theory as you reflect on your personalcontext.
* Note: always try to avoid/ minimise the use of direct quotes andinstead, paraphrase wherever possible. If using direct quotes make sure that they are cited appropriately.
Section 1.1 – Self esteem(approx. 300 words)

Read the following article:

Branden, N 1997,What self-esteem is and is not, Nathaniel Branden,>.

Guideline for writing:

- What are the key messages contained in the article relating to responsibility, choice and self esteem?

- Reflect on yourself briefly in relation to each of the ‘six pillars of self esteem’ and identifytwoareas in greater detail that you could develop further to sustain a healthy self esteem.Specify what you could do differently to enhance each area.

Section 1.2 – Responsible behaviour(approx. 700 words)

Read the following two articles:

Covey, SR 2004,‘Be proactive’, in 7 habits of highly effective people: restoring the character ethic, Rev. edn, Free Press, New York, pp. 65–94.

Kemp, T & Piltz, W1995,‘Teaching personal responsibility through group adventure initiative tasks: an introduction to the model of responsible action’,The Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, vol.12, no. 2, pp. 23-26.

Guideline for writing:

- Compare and contrast the key messages contained in these articles relating to the concepts of responsibility and choice in behaviour. Identify the characteristics of proactive behaviour.

- Reflect on yourself in relation to ‘proactive vs reactive’ choice in behaviour and provide one example of personal behaviour (evidenced atany stage in your life) from each category - what was the situation; how did you evidence a proactive/ reactive response; what was the consequence(s) of your choice?

* Note: a concise summary of theory contrasting proactive and reactive behaviour to help guide this section is available at:

Piltz, W & Quinn, D 2005,Being proactive, Working collaboratively, University of South Australia,>.

Section 2
The second section of the paper involves a review of the key principles and concepts of Choice Theory (Glasser 1998) and a personal reflection using these concepts. Paraphrase and summarise key information and reference appropriately. Information on Choice Theory can be accessed from a number of sources including, but not limited to,those listed below:

Piltz, W & Quinn, D 2005,Choice theory basics,Working collaboratively, University of South Australia,>.

Glasser, W 1998,Choice theory: a new psychology of personal freedom, Harper Collins, New York.

Glasser, W n.d.,What is Choice Theory?, Glasser Institute for Choice Theory,>.

Section 2.1 – Choice Theory(approx. 700 words)

Guideline for sequence and writing - use separate paragraphs for each of the following sections:

- Explain how Choice Theory is based on the concept of ‘internal control’ that emphasises personal responsibility. Describe why it is known as a ‘relationship-based’ theory.

- Explain how the basic needs and quality world provide the key sources of motivation for behaviour.

- Outline how perceptions impact on the way in which a person views the world.

- Explain how the ‘comparing process and balance/ imbalance’ operates as a trigger for changing behaviour.

- Explain the concept of ‘Total Behaviour’ and the relationship between the components (thinking, feeling, acting and physiology).

Section 2.2 – Reflective evaluation(approx. 300 words)

Guideline for sequence and writing - use separate paragraphs for each of the following sections:

- Describe a personal situation where you felt an ‘imbalance’ and explain the imbalance in relation to your ‘quality world and perceived world’.

- Identify your total behaviour at that time: feelings, thinking, actions and physiology.

- Identify the main ‘need’ that is challenged or not fulfilled in this situation.

- Appraise your choice of action and the consequence(s) of the choice on yourself and on others.

Answered Same Day Aug 06, 2021 University Of South Australia


Sumita answered on Aug 10 2021
171 Votes
Table of Contents
Choice Theory
Section 1.1
Section 1.2
Section 2.1
Section 2.2
This essay is focused on understanding individual behaviour from the perspective of Choice theory. Proactive personal behaviour through the acceptance of responsibility and choice forms the theme of this reflection. It analyses choice as a means of building self-esteem and enhancing group relations.
Section 1.1
Self esteem
Self-esteem is the ability to cope with the basic challenges of life. It is the confidence in our ability to think and learn. This involves making appropriate choices and decisions for happiness and fulfillment. It involves time for it to be grounded. It involves trusting oneself and being conscious of oneself (
The six pillars of self esteem are useful in building and sustaining self-esteem.
The examination of these principles conveys the two most important ones as the practice of self-responsibility and the practice of living purposefully. The practice of self-responsibility makes us realise that we are responsible for our actions, choices, wellbeing and we should not blame striving to achieve our goals we should look at what we can contribute. We should not seek help and cooperation from others unless we are willing to do the same for them.
The second principle that is important is the practice of living purposefully. Forming long term and short-term goals and planning makes it easier to attain desired outcomes. Without making plans, the actions remain disorganised and the outcome of the action remains uncertain. The purpose of other actions could easily be lost if we do not make long term and short-term plans according to our goals. The actions should then be monitored according to our outcomes and modified if desired outcomes are not achieved.
These are the two areas among the six pillars of self-esteem where a behavioural modification could lead to enhanced results in terms of building confidence. This involves taking more responsibility for my choices and decisions and not blaming others. Once a decision is taken then
the short term and long-term goals have to be clearly stated. After defining goals, it becomes easier to define actions which lead to the decided goals. (Glasser 1998).
Section 1.2
Reactive and Proactive behaviour are opposite reactions to the same situation. They are contrasting each other. The reactive person behaves in a manner that indicates a lack of choice. Decision making becomes a matter of following the choices of other people. Hence there is no sense of responsibility. Failures and successes do not affect any increase or decrease in self esteem. Confidence and self esteem can result only from Proactive choice of behaviour. This is because the choices of an individual are not left to other people. Making choices means taking responsibility. Once the responsibility is assumed then then the outcome of the choice increases or decreases the self-esteem or confidence. This is what happens in Proactive behaviour. In proactive behaviour of a team, each individual takes responsibility for their actions. Therefore, the performance of the entire team is enhanced. Thus, the self-esteem and confidence of the team members is enhanced if the outcome of their action is positive. This is therefore the best way to proceed. Proactive behaviour involves making a conscious choice and therefore the team feels more connected to other team members. There is better coordination among each of team members (Glasser 1998).
The best example of such consequences can be seen in sports activities which involve teams. The best teams are well coordinated. Each person has a defined role. If the role is not fulfilled, then then the team suffers. If the role is fulfilled well, the team could win. In case the team members do not take proactive decisions and instead behave in a reactive manner, the failure is blamed on other team members. This makes the choices and outcomes largely circumstantial.It disempowers the entire team. It causes a delay in action or sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. In reactive choices behaviour is uncontrolled and no one takes responsibility for bad decisions....

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