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question for discussion Is it ethically justifiable to study the writing and actions of terrorists and violent extremists who actively seek notoriety and fame? If so, what is the benefit of...

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question for discussion
  1. Is it ethically justifiable to study the writing and actions of terrorists and violent extremists who actively seek notoriety and fame? If so, what is the benefit of academically engaging with such individuals, their communities and their writing/actions? If you disagree, then how should anthropology (or academia generally) respond to such individuals and groups in the future, if at all?
please answer this question and also provide a discussion question based on this topic as you do every week (writer 58413 requested as they have the most experience in this unit)the attachedIs a brief outline of the weeks topic will send the lecture tomorrowmorning
Answered Same Day May 27, 2021 ANTH3021 Macquaire University


Sunabh answered on May 28 2021
139 Votes
Table of Contents
Answer to Discussion Questions    3
Discussion Question    3
Reference    4
Answer to Discussion Questions
orism is a global issue and violent extremists are all around the globe including every nation. This is majorly because te
orism is an approach or ideology of individuals or groups, which they use to achieve their demands. I consider studying and writing the actions of these te
orists or violent groups as ethically justifiable because these help to understand te
orism. One of the major approach to deal with te
orism is not replying with violence rather, changing the ideologies or thinking of...

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