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Prompt: Research a company that has moved some of its operations overseas. Questions: Discuss how this has directly affected the American workforce. Applying concepts you learned in the required...

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Prompt: Research a company that has moved some of its operations overseas.


  1. Discuss how this has directly affected the American workforce.
  2. Applying concepts you learned in the required readings, discuss who has benefited more from this practice: the United States, or the foreign country?
  3. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.
Answered Same Day Mar 12, 2020


Ritika answered on Mar 14 2020
134 Votes
RUNNING HEAD: Assignment
Assignment        2
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March 14, 2018
A company that has moved its business operations overseas is Mondelez International, Chicago. This company used to manufacture Oreo cookies in Chicago since the year 1953. But it was just recently that they transfe
ed their business operations and even rolled off the production lines at the factory. The American workforce was impacted heavily in the sense that the manufacturing unit was shifted to Mexico and the 1200-person workforce was cut into absolute halves. Employees at...

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