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Projet (Assessment task 1) A. Establish a Vision, mission and values B. Adopt criteria for efective vision, mission and value statements C. Develop one or more draft statements D. Judge initial...

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Projet (Assessment task 1)

A. Establish a Vision, mission and values

B. Adopt criteria for efective vision, mission and value statements

C. Develop one or more draft statements

D. Judge initial drafts agains criteria and suggest revision or new options

E. Develop second drafts

F. Summaries feedback and distibute second drafts and summary to writing group

G. Prupose a draft mission statement

H. Present the propposed mission statement for board approval

(Assessment task 2)

As the CEO of BCC ‘Bayside Contac Center’ you are requiered to prepare the strategic plan for the next three year period

Part A – Case Study Analysis

Student is requiered to develop a strategic plan for BCC with respect to the following points

a) Background and research revelant to the plan (enviromental Scan)

b) Legislation, regulations and codes of practice, including the intellectual property that must be considered for you strategic plan

c) Objetive, strategics and priorities

d) Roles and responsabilites

e) Performance indicators

f) Timeframes

g) Consideration of co-operative ventures

h) Cost-benefit and risk analysis

i) What experts you would consult and why’

j) How you will monitor and evaliate the implementation of the plan and maje refinements as appropriate

k) How you will review the effectiveness of planning progress and identify opportunities for improvement SWOT and PESTLE must be included in the plan

Part B – Practical Demostration

Student must demostrate the plan to the board of the directors and hence they should prepate a presentation on the strategies. Student must demostrate how these strategies will benefit the organization

(Assessment task 3)

Project/ Case study

With respect to the strategic plan created in the above task, the student must provide strategies todo the following

a) Communication plan

b) Role managment

c) Monitoring progress and implementation plan

d) Evaluation strategies to achieve objetives

e) Refinements to the plan

f) Review effectiveness of the plan for continuous improvement and planning

The student should record the strategies in a report format

Answered Same Day Mar 26, 2020 BSBMGT616 Training.Gov.Au


Shashank answered on Mar 29 2020
142 Votes
Our Mission is to serve our clients by offering them best in class innovation run by professionals expert in customer care domain, who in collaboration with the potential customers will help in developing sustainable business and drive growth. The objective of our company is to provide highest level of customer care support to fulfill the requirements of our client while making sure that secure and profitable return comes for our investors. Our mission is to make everyday improvements in customer relationship.
Our Vision is to become the top in class and market leader in providing inbound call center services. To increase revenue for the company by becoming delivering the best service and providing an ultimate customer experience.
Our Value is unique which sets us apart from other BPO service providers. Following company values are aligned with the business practice that is followed:
People: One of the most important aspect of our organization who has big role to play in our success. Hence, we promote a healthy environment that takes care of mental, physical and social well-being of the person. The positive work environment leads to a good experience not only for the staff but also for customers who get in touch with us. We as an organization gives deep focus on our recruitment strategy and continuous improvement program which gives opportunity to develop more skills every day.
Commitment: We are committed to get success for our client and treat it as the top priority task. To achieve this, we focus on good communication and can help to get the right message to right person at the right time. We can help you in achieving seamless communication across various channels and something that appeals more to your customers. I
espective of the business industry, we give guarantee to know about business know-how and are committed to provide high quality call outsourcing amongst all the competitors.
Innovation: We not only focus on providing standard customer service but our solutions extend much beyond that. We make sure that our service does not end once the service is done but we also focus on keeping it fresh. We have a continuous focus on innovation which helps us achieving that.
Operational Excellence: Our aim to get the best quality of people is fulfilled by the best in class hiring and training method used by our organization. This is given high importance as it affect desired customer experience. Our expertise is used to maintain a high quality front line so that quick resolution is always available to our customers. They are enabled to give quick solutions by understanding the subject and identifying the fixes at a fast rate. The culture of constant research and achieving highest efficiency is in the core of our organization. Every service delivery becomes a benchmark for us and we focus on making improvement over that. This helps in building a great customer experience throughout the customer lifetime.
PESTLE Analysis for Bayside Contact Cente
Political: Political issue can be applied in the different programs that are being run in the call center. This can be done as a part of operation while managing the call center. The policies that are implemented cu
ently in the organization should be reviewed carefully so that the possibility of it becoming a political issue reduces in future.
Economic: The company has shown signs of increasing revenue in future. The new client that has been acquired can help in increasing the revenue as more economic opportunities are explored with them. Other service handles if acquired of mobile phone company, can help in improving the economic situation of the company by making efforts in single direction.
Social: The organization has constantly been focusing on hiring a diverse staff which belong to different cultural background. Australian, Indian and Sri Lankan are the in major percentage. The culture in the organization is such that their cultural and social needs are taken care properly.
Technology: The cu
ent technology can handle the workload that comes with IT department. Though the work stations are old and might require renewal in some time in future.
Legal: Any policy changes by government may directly impact staff who are from outside the country.
Strength of Business: Low Price, High Quality of service, Security of data, 24x7 service available.
Regulations and Confidentiality Clause: The stakeholders involved in new projects will have to be bound by confidentiality clause to avoid any loss of intellectual property of the company. Any leakage of sensitive data to outside people or the competitors will be liable for legal action as per company policies.
Marketing Strategy for the company: Providing high quality customer service that generate maximum customer satisfaction. Effective communication should play a key role in making the business...

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