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PROJECT SUMMARY (SCENARIO) In planning the production system, major decisions are made concerning the design of the product or services as well as the design of the production processes. Entrepreneurs...

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In planning the production system, major decisions are made concerning the design of the product or services as well as the design of the production processes. Entrepreneurs usually formulate new businesses based on a unique product or a service idea. In existing firms, new products or services are introduced when the competition for existing products increases or as existing products approach the end of their product life cycle. Even after a few new products are launched, and even if these products are successful, since they have limited life cycles, companies always seek and consider new product possibilities. If a company continuously monitors new product possibilities, and if there is a product failure among the cu
ent products, or if there is a significant change in the product market, then the company can still be in position to release a new product to fill the void.
There aren’t many things more important to an organization than its products and/or services and there is a rather obvious connection between the design of those products and/or services and the organization’s success. Consequently, organizations are vitally concerned about achieving outstanding product and service design so they can compete in today’s global marketplace.
The long-term competitiveness of any manufacturing company depends ultimately on the success of its product development capabilities. New product development holds hope for improving market position and financial performance, creating new industry standards and new niche markets, and even renewing the organization.
The group is requested to outline how various ideas come through in product design and development processes for any operations whether existed in local or any international company levels. The quality of the analysis will be dependent on the effort devoted to information search and the planning ca
ied out before the information gathering for product idea. Multiple information sources can be targeted, including web resources (company official website, business news online), corporate documentation, press releases, etc.

A. Requirements
Think of a new or revised product that you would like to see in the Middle East market.
1. Provide an overview of how and why the idea of this new or redesigned product was generated.
2. Explain the economic, social, demographic and technological reasons for designing or redesigning the product.
3. Identify the competitors of your product in the Middle East region. Perform a SWOT analysis for your product in relation to those of your competitors.
4. Discuss the strategic, tactical and operational level implications of producing your product with respect to the following factors:
A. Legal and ethical considerations
B. Sustainability
C. Profitability
D. Cultural considerations
E. Globalization
5. Discuss the phases of product design and development with respect to your product.
A. Feasibility analyses (i.e., demand analysis, economic analysis and technical analysis)
B. Product specifications.
C. Process Specifications
D. Prototype Development
E. Design Review
F. Market Test
G. Product Introduction
H. Follow-up Evaluation
6. Include a ‘Lessons Learned’ section focusing on how operations related improvements can be made within the product development process based on your understanding of the concepts learned in this course.

B. Project Report Format
Using the APA Style Guide, write a final report of no more than 2500 words. To incorporate the above requirements, your report must include the following sections:
· Title Page
· Table of Contents
· Abstract
· Introduction
· How and Why the Idea of the Product Was Generated
· Reasons for Design of the Product
A. Economic Reasons
B. Social and Demographic Reasons
C. Technological Reasons
· Competitors of the Product
· SWOT Analysis
· Strategic, Tactical and Operational Implications
A. Legal and Ethical Considerations
B. Sustainability
C. Profitability
D. Cultural considerations
E. Globalization
· Phases of Product Design and Development
A. Feasibility analyses B. Product specifications.
C. Process Specifications
D. Prototype Development
E. Design Review
F. Market Test
G. Product Introduction
H. Follow-up Evaluation
· Lessons Learned
· Conclusion
· References
Answered Same Day Apr 19, 2020


Sangeeta answered on Apr 25 2020
153 Votes
Introduction of Sweepovac in Middle East
Sweepovac USA is basically considered as being the authorized provider of the NEW Sweepovac Kitchen Vacuum all across the US. This innovative item is a self-confined vacuum for the kitchen. It isn’t a chief vacuum unit, thus installation is quite easy. Sweepovac has been highly prevalent all through the Europe and at present it is available within the US. People can now easily ditch the dustpan, stop bending over and stop moving big vacuum cleaner out for sweeping. Further, this particular paper revolves around the factors affecting the launch of Sweepovac product in Middle East. On the whole, the entrance of Sweepovac in Middle East could prove to be quite effective. In order to ensure the same the company needs to properly consider all the factors affecting its development and implementation.
Introduction    4
How and Why the Idea of the Product Was Generated    4
Reasons for Design of the Product    5
Competitors of the Product    6
SWOT Analysis    6
Strategic, Tactical and Operational Implications    8
Phases of Product Design and Development    9
Lessons Learned    10
Conclusion    10
References    11
To start with, Sweepovac USA is basically considered as being the authorized provider of the NEW Sweepovac Kitchen Vacuum all across the US (Sweepovac, 2018). This innovative item is a self-confined vacuum for the kitchen. It isn’t a chief vacuum unit, thus installation is quite easy. Sweepovac has been highly prevalent all through the Europe and at present it is available within the US. People can now easily ditch the dustpan, stop bending over and stop moving big vacuum cleaner out for sweeping. Moreover, the Sweepovac trims down the household work and make life quite simpler (Sweepovac, 2018). It would clear out all the floor sweepings in just 3 seconds. Additionally, this insanely handy tool is undoubtedly quick since it is expediently positioned within the kitchen and needs no set up time (Sweepovac, 2018).
Moving ahead, for using it, one needs to simply sweep the floor as done usually and place the dirt, dust and de
is next to the Sweepovac tool and press the button placed on the right by making use of foot or
oom (Sweepovac, 2018). Moreover, the Sweepovac would quickly suck up all that is in front of it. For the reason that the Sweepovac installs straight in the cabinetry, there is no loss of room and it would also make kitchen look good. Also, the vacuum is fully self-contained thus there exists, no requirement for a central vacuum in the house (Sweepovac, 2018). Additionally, Sweepovac is basically an in-wall vacuum, which completely removes the requirement for a dustpan. Further, this particular paper revolves around the factors affecting the launch of Sweepovac product in Middle East.
How and Why the Idea of the Product Was Generated
The company has made a decision for introducing Sweepovac in the Middle East region. The main aim is to spread operations and enhance product presence in other regions as well. Sweepovac is not available in the Middle East, specifically in Saudi Arabia. It can be found only in North America. The spread in scope and presence would enable company to attract more customers, increase sales and eventually generate higher profits. Also, the company wants the people of Middle East to also experience the comfort and convenience associated with Sweepovac.
Reasons for Design of the Product
A. Economic Reasons
The application of Sweepovac would trim the labor costs incu
ed at households. Labor cost has been and would persist as being one among the chief as well as highly controversial economic forces across the globe. Actions and discussion related to it has directed several corporations to shift to other nations for workers, normally known as outsourcing (Sweepovac, 2018). Amongst other aspects, Sweepovac could offer speedy dry times. At the time when one uses a traditional mop along with bucket for cleaning the floor, drying might involve high time. Provided that this cleaner does not make use of nearly as much water like any traditional mop, wet floor times are likely to be quite lesser (Sweepovac, 2018). This would assist in decreasing the possibility of people slipping and falling that could possibly result in lawsuits.
B. Social and Demographic Reasons
The company wants the people of Middle East to also experience the comfort and convenience associated with Sweepovac as it would offer higher cleaning effectiveness (Sweepovac, 2018). Since this cleaner does not make use of nearly as much water like any traditional mop, wet floor times are likely to be quite lesser and it also results in a quite effective clean. Such cleaning tool holds the ability of removing grime, grease...

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