Produce a creative brief
Submission details
Candidate’s Name | | Phone No. | |
Assessor’s Name | | Phone No. | |
Assessment Site | |
Assessment Date/s | | Time/s | |
This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You must demonstrate ability, knowledge and skills in interpreting an advertising brief and developing a creative brief that includes time, schedule and budget requirements and considers any legal and ethical constraints.
Assessment description
A creative brief is like a map that helps the advertising team create solid, measurable goals and outcomes in relation to the client’s advertising campaign. A great brief provides insight and provides the creative team with parameters and sufficient relevant information to assist them in creating imaginative and persuasive advertisements – it acts as a sounding board for the team.
You must analyse and interpret the information within the advertising brief to develop the creative brief. You will use the advertising brief and the creative brief template provided.
1. Read the supplied advertising brief.
2. Interpret a creative brief.
3. Email the client (your assessor) to confirm that you have agreement on:
a. the central idea/creative concept.
b. the mass print media to be used.
4. Identify and check the advertising content and supporting information for accuracy and completeness.
5. Email the client (your assessor) to determine and agree on the time, schedule and budget requirements for creating the advertisements.
6. Identify legal and ethical constraints.
7. Complete the creative brief (template provided on page 6).
You must:
● ensure the assessor has evidence of your communication with the client (i.e. email or other communications with your assessor in relation to confirming requirements)
● submit a completed creative brief.
Your assessor will be looking for a creative brief that demonstrates that you have a thorough understanding of the advertising brief.
The creative brief must show:
● the central idea or creative concept
● techniques for expressing the idea/concept and mass media to be used
● the required advertising content and supporting information
● the time, schedule and budget requirement for creating the advertisements
● any legal and/or ethical constraints.
Your assessor will also be looking for:
● your ability to write for a particular audience and purpose
● an understanding of the advertising industry and the legal and ethical constraints under which it works
● your ability to work to timelines
● your ability to work to a budget
● evidence of collaborative techniques in consultation and negotiation of the brief.
Advertising brief: Background
RSPCA Background Information
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was established in 1875. The Society began in South Australia due to concern over the horses that worked on the trams down King William Street. A small group of concerned animal lovers felt the horses were unfairly subjected to extreme heat and exhaustive work, and triumphed in obtaining better conditions for the animals.
The RSPCA in South Australia evolved from this small group of dedicated, caring people and while the shelters, staff and facilities have changed, the ethos driving the society is very much the same.
As the years go by, the issue of money is a constant concern. Total annual operating costs in South Australia alone are now in the vicinity of $5,000,000 and for a not-for-profit, non government organisation this figure is extremely daunting.
The RSPCA are the only organisation in Australia that polices and enforces the Animal Welfare Act. Policing the Act involves nine full-time inspectors who respond to each of the 4,000 reports of animal cruelty we receive throughout the state every year. In a case where a pet owner or farmer is required to appear before a court, the RSPCA funds the lawyers, court fees and other costs required for the case to be heard. Often the mistreated animal is injured or very sick and the RSPCA then also pays the bill for their recovery.
As well as the inspectors, two rescue officers are employed on the road providing 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week medical assistance to stray and injured animals. Again, the RSPCA covers all vehicle, phone and medical costs.
The animals that are brought into the shelter each week have their own, unique and often horrific story. Some are strays, some have been dumped, some have been surrendered by owners, and some have been so badly abused they have been seized by the Inspectors. While many of the animals come through the doors sick, injured, diseased and generally miserable, the RSPCA’s aim is for them to leave healthy, happy and with new owners.
People looking for a new pet can come to the shelters, where fully vaccinated, microchipped and neutered dogs, cats, guinea pigs and rabbits are for sale for a much lower price than animals available from pet stores and breeders. Owners get the added extra joy of knowing they are giving an animal a second chance.
The Adoptapet program was created as a joint initiative between RSPCA, Bendigo Bank and Visa and has been a huge success for all involved.
The website gives people a chance to view animals ready to be adopted currently at the shelters throughout Australia.
Finding the right pet for your lifestyle and housing conditions can be extremely challenging and it takes a great deal of research time and patience to make the correct decision. There are numerous things to take into consideration and the Adoptapet website makes this choice a whole lot easier.
Adoptapet provides people with the freedom to browse through the many animals available from the shelters. All animals are temperament and health checked, as well as vaccinated, micro-chipped and vaccinated before they are presented on the website.
One of the main objectives when constructing the site was that using the site must be straightforward for prospective pet owners. The photos give potential owners a great idea of what their future pet looks like and the information provided helps them get to know the animal’s personality and background. Other information on the site includes:
● the adoption process
● the benefits of adopting an orphan
● a guide to selecting the right pet for you
● caring for your pet
● a link to other RSPCA sites, including an online store where you can buy a
present for your new pet.
Advertising brief
To create mass print media advertisements (newspaper, magazine and outdoor) promoting the RSPCA Adoptapet program.
The Society wants to encourage the general public to look at adopting a pet from an animal shelter rather than a breeder and especially rather than a pet shop. They also want to educate the public on the many benefits of buying a pet from the RSPCA. They are all desexed, microchipped, vaccinated, health and temperament checked and of course, people will be giving an animal a second chance at life. Without the program countless animals would never have a second chance.
The RSPCA also wants to encourage people to see the animal shelters as clean, friendly places to visit. Many people have the misconception that the shelters are dirty and full of sick and dying animals. The area open to the public is very well maintained and houses only healthy animals.
The Society receives over 10,000 animals every year. Therefore it is necessary to educate the public to make the correct choices when it comes to picking pets, and to encourage people to desex and microchip their pets.
Outcome 1
● Increase the sale of animals at our shelters by 8% annually.
Outcome 2
● Decrease dumping of pets by 2% annually.
Outcome 3
● Increase microchipping by 3% annually.
Outcome 4
● Increase the desexing of cats by 5% annually.
Creative brief template
Client contact information:____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Project: _____________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: _________________________________________________________________ 1. Background/Overview: Justify your answer with reference to the case study/advertising brief. Central idea/creative concept and expression: Explain how creative concept, design, etc. will satisfy campaign objectives. 2. What is the objective or purpose of this advertisement? Justify your answer with reference to the case study/advertising brief. |
3. Target Audience: who are we talking to? Justify your answer with reference to the case study/advertising brief. 4. What is the single most important thing to say? Justify your answer with reference to the case study/advertising brief. 5. What are the supporting rational and emotional reasons to believe and buy? 6. What else will assist creative development? |
7. Are there any mandatory requirements? Justify your answer with reference to the case study/advertising brief. 8. Are there any legal or ethical considerations? Reference a code of practice or act and explain its relevance to the case study. 9. Schedule: What do we need from the creative team? When do we need it? Date _________ initial creative review of rough pencil sketch ideas. Date _________ review revised creative. Half size, with colour, hand or computer created. Date _________ final internal creative presentation. Same finish as previous round. Date _________ client creative and media presentation, full size, full colour, hand or computer created. Date _________ print ads delivered to publication. 10. Budget: How much will be spent on the three different types of print advertisements? Provide a breakdown of all costs, allowing 10% for agency fees: |