Print advertisement presentation
Submission details
Candidate’s Name | | Phone No. | |
Assessor’s Name | | Phone No. | |
Assessment Site | |
Assessment Date/s | | Time/s | |
This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You must demonstrate ability, knowledge and skills to create (or oversee the creation of) a mass print advertisement that meets the requirements of the creative brief.
Assessment description
You must develop (or oversee the development of) a mass print advertisement (one of print, magazine or outdoor). You must present the advertisement, showing how the advertisement meets the specifications of the creative brief.
1. Use the creative brief developed for Assessment Task 1 or use another creative brief supplied to you by the assessor to complete this task.
2. Identify which of the following three print advertisements you will design an advertisement for:
a. a newspaper
b. a magazine
c. an outdoor forum.
3. Identify the delivery requirements of at least one magazine, newspaper or outdoor forum in terms of layout requirements, file size, file type, etc. Determine the cost or cost options for advertising in this forum.
4. Create (or oversee the creation of) a mass print media advertisement.
a. Determine and produce the elements of the print advertisement to communicate the required image, features and benefits of the product or service.
b. Size and position each element of the print advertisement to achieve balance and focus for the advertisement.
c. Ensure the typeface selections suit the product and the central idea of the advertisement and balance the layout of white space and margins.
d. Ensure the layout of the advertisement unifies the elements, attracts the reader to the focal point and guides the reading sequence.
e. Ensure the advertisement meets the requirements of the advertising brief and that it meets legal and ethical requirements.
5. Present the print advertisement to the group. The presentation must include:
a. a display of your advertisement
b. an explanation how the advertisement reflects all parts of the creative brief
c. a description of how the advertisement will influence the target audience
d. a summary of how the advertisement meets key provision of legislation relating to the advertising industry
e. a summary of relevant information about the requirements of the industry in terms of delivery requirements and costs.
You must:
● make a presentation
● submit your presentation notes and original advertisement (e.g. the print advertisement file).
Your assessor will be looking for a presentation of the print advertisement that shows
how the advertisement meets the specifications of the creative brief (requirements are listed below).
● A print advertisement that:
o communicates the required image, features and benefits of the product or service
o sizes and positions each element to achieve balance and focus for the advertisement
o uses typeface selections to suit the product and the central idea of the advertisement and balances white space and margins
o has a layout that unifies the elements, attracts the reader to the focal point and guides the reading sequence
o meets the requirements of the advertising brief and legal and/or ethical constraints.
● A presentation that:
o outlines the key features of an industry, services, product and organisation
o outlines the principles of consumer behaviour and describes influences on buyer behaviour
o identifies principles and elements of design used in print advertisements
o identifies and explains the key provisions of relevant legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting business operations.
Your assessor will also be looking for:
● creativity and innovation skills to write engaging scripts for a variety of audiences
● visual and design techniques to communicate advertising messages efficiently and effectively
● an understanding of the advertising industry’s organisation and operational constraints (legal and ethical)
● an understanding of the principles of advertising, consumer behaviour and influences on buyer behaviour
● an understanding of the principles of creative elements in print advertisements
● an understanding of the range of available advertising approaches for different markets
● an ability to work to timelines and to budget.