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Topic 1: Weekly Research Discussion Research and locate a news article or op-ed that addresses an issue you believe is relevant to the unit. This resource must address a critical or controversial...

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Topic 1: Weekly Research Discussion
Research and locate a news article or op-ed that addresses an issue you believe is relevant to the unit. This resource must address a critical or controversial issue. Please post the article and indicate why it is indeed a critical or controversial issue.
NB: You can find an article on  human trafficking
Below is one of my classmate’s work. You can look at it to give you an idea as to how to do this assignment.
This article is relevant because it looks at the concept of DNA testing of offenders.  This looks at one potentially positive aspect of DNA testing of offenders.  In this case, it did not end positively.  Sedley Alley was convicted of the rape and murder of a fellow Marine.  A crime for which he claimed that his confession was coerced by the police and that he was imprisoned on a false confession and circumstantial evidence.  He claimed to have no memory of the killing, and ten years after his incarceration, he continued to fight for testing of his DNA, which he felt would exonerate it.  The state of Tennessee refused his appeal, and the man was eventually executed for the crime.  His family is still appealing to Tennessee courts to haver his DNA tested even after his death to exonerate him, to which the state still refuses.  This story is an example of why it could be beneficial to DNA every offender convicted of a crime.  In this situation, it could have exonerated an innocent man, and law enforcement could have continued to search for the real killer.  I believe that this is a good idea, and I feel that DNA testing should be mandated for those who are convicted of crimes.  I think that it rules out any question of who is responsible for committing a crime and cuts out the aspect of circumstantial evidence.
Answered Same Day Jul 23, 2021


Moumita answered on Jul 24 2021
146 Votes
Running Head: Human Trafficking                                 1
Human Trafficking                                        2
    Human trafficking is a rising global issue in the present scenario. The article that has been taken is very relevant to the cu
ent situation because nowadays, the ratio of human trafficking is rising at an alarming rate. It is having a very harmful effect on society throughout the globe. This article discusses the full range of aftereffect associated with human trafficking. The article discusses how the victims of human...

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