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Assessment two FAQs.html Cross-cultural advertising analysis Frequently asked questions (FAQs) Q. Do all four ads need to be for brands in the same industry/product category, e.g. food? A. Yes, doing...

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Assessment two FAQs.html
Cross-cultural advertising analysis
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Q. Do all four ads need to be for
ands in the same industry/product category, e.g. food?
A. Yes, doing this will help you achieve a cohesive comparison and analysis.
Q. Should I describe what happens in each ad?
A. This is a smart idea, as it guides the reader – do this when you first mention the ad in your essay (your description should be succinct).
Q. Can we analyse one ad from a BRIC country and one from a MIST country?
A. No. The goal of the essay is to compare two creative advertisements from one BRIC or MIST with two creative advertisements from Australia with regard to cultural difference and to discuss the implications of global
and communication for practitioners.
Q. Should we use the same Hotstede cultural dimensions, e.g. individualism and indulgence, to analyse all four ads?
A. There is no requirement to do this. A stronger approach is to consider what each ad shows you about cultural difference using Hofstede Insight's research findings as your analytical lens.
Q. Should we use the same Hofstede cultural dimensions, e.g. masculinity and power distance, to analyse both ads from the same country, e.g. both ads from Mexico? 
A. There is no requirement to do this. Discuss the Hofstede dimensions that best help you identify cultural difference that is revealed in each ad.
Q. Can we look at the same
and's ads for another country and Australia, e.g. a Coke ad from Australia and a Coke ad for India?
A. Yes, but there is no requirement to do so. All ads just need to all be for
ands in the same product category, e.g. Food and beverages.
Q. Can all ads we analyse be for the same
and, e.g. four ads for Coke?
A. No. This isn't the goal of this research essay.
Q. Where can I find out more about the implications of global
and communication for practitioners?
A. See the week two reading by Altstiel and Grow (2017) – which is linked in the week two study guide. Also pay attention to the section of the week two study guide entitled 'Global implications and strategies'.
Q. How many implications should we discuss?
A. That is up to you, however it is recommended that you discuss more than one to reveal your understanding and application of unit learning materials.
Q. Can I use advertisements from the study guide and weekly notes as my examples in the essay?
A. This is not a strong approach. You should find ads yourself rather than use those shown as part of learning activities.
Q. Do I have to use Ads Of the World and the Best Ads websites to look at ads and find examples?
A. It is not a requirement that you use these websites. These sites have been provided to give you a starting point. It's fine to search for ads on YouTube or Vimeo. adforum also has a creative advertising li
ary that features international advertising.
Q. I don't speak the language used in the advertisement I want to analyse. What should I do?
A. You will need to problem solve. Can the advertisement's na
ative be understood without you knowing the language (many good ads 'show' rather than 'tell')? Do a search on the name of the ad to see if a version with English subtitles exists. If there is just a minimal amount of written text, can Google Translate help you?
Q. I've found an advertisement but it doesn't match the findings from the Hofstede six dimensions results for that country? What should I do?
A. Look for another example. Not every advertisement will 'match' the Hofstede research findings. Look at a range of advertisements from a particular country and choose two that allow you to use Hofstede's findings as a framework for your discussion of cultural difference. 
Q. Can we analyse advertisements from different mediums?
A. Yes, as long as all four advertisements are for products or services in the same product category, e.g. fashion, food or automotive, that is fine.
Q. What do we write in the captions for the screen captures or images of advertisements?
A. Keep this simple. State the medium,
and, the product being advertised and the date of the ad (as indicated by when it was published on YouTube or other video sharing sites). For example, A television advertisement by Apple XXXXXXXXXXentitled 'Unlocked'.
Q. Do we describe the advertisement in the image caption?
A. A stronger approach would be to describe the na
ative in the body of your essay when discussing why it is a creative advertisement.
Q. How do we reference advertisements?
A. Examples of how to reference advertisements using the Harvard style can be found in the reference lists of the study guide pages for this unit.
Q. Where do we place the images of the example advertisements within the assessment?
A. It's your choice. You can either insert the example advertisements within the essay itself or at the end in an appendix. Don't forget to include captions.
Q. Is the reference list included in the word count?
A. No.
Q. Are in-text references included in the word count?
A. Yes.
Q. Are image captions included the word count?
A. Yes, if included the body of the essay. No if included in an appendix.
Q. Can we go over the word count?
A. The word count for this task is 1,600 words. You can exceed this by 10%, i.e. 160 words. You can also be below the word count by 10%. It's important to keep to the word count to meet task requirements.
Answered Same Day Aug 04, 2021 ALA102 Deakin University


Dilpreet answered on Aug 09 2021
145 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Description of the Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory    3
Analysing Advertisements from India    4
Don’t Give Up on Your Right to Choose    4
#KFCBucketBae-Proposal    5
Analysing Advertisements from Australia    6
Almost Home    6
Bring It In - Half 'n' Half    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
Advertisements are most commonly used methods of communicating and have been providing people with an opportunity to communicate with each other in an innovative and creative manner. Making culturally intelligent advertisements can prove to be extremely beneficial as it helps to communicate effectively with people in different cultural settings. Culturally intelligent advertisements have the ability to improve the processes associated with innovation while assessing intercultural communication. Through this essay, efforts have been made to analyse four advertisements from same category (food category) but from different cultures. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory shall be applied to analyse these advertisements from the cultural perspective.
Description of the Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory
Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory can be described as a framework used for the purpose of cross-cultural communication. Through this framework it becomes easy to show the effect of the societal culture on the values of the individuals living in the society (Favaretto et al., 2016). This framework also highlights the behaviour of the individuals based on their cultural values and beliefs. This theory focuses on six major categories as described below:
· Power distance index: This can be described as the extent, to which the less powerful members of the society, organisation or institution accept the unequal distribution of power in the society.
· Individualism vs. collectivism: This category of the framework highlights the degree, to which people living within a society are integrated into groups. Individualism focuses on attaining personal goals. People within the individualistic society focuses on “I”. Collectivism focuses on the well being and goals of the group at a large (Minkov et al., 2017).
· Uncertainty avoidance index: Through this index the extent, to which uncertainty and ambiguity are tolerated (Dihl et al., 2017). This index helps to deal with the unexpected and unknown events or situations. High uncertainty indicates low tolerance for uncertainty and vice versa.
· Masculinity vs. femininity: This can also be considered as tough vs. tender. Masculinity focuses on assertive and distinct gender roles and the focus is on wealth-building. Femininity focuses on characteristics like modesty and nurturing (Andrijauskienė & Dumčiuvienė, 2017).
· Long-Term Orientation vs. Short-term orientation: long-term orientation focuses on the future and involves gratification for achieving long-term success. Short-term orientation focuses on the near future.
· Indulgence vs. restraint: This dimension of the framework highlights the extent and tendency for a society to fulfil its desires. Indulgence indicates free gratification while restraint indicates suppression (Beugelsdijk & Welzel, 2018).
Analysing Advertisements from India
Don’t Give Up on Your Right to Choose
This advertisement of McDonald’s filmed in the year 2019 in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, India has been made with an objective to encourage the young generation of India to vote for the elections, which were to be held in the year 2019. This advertisement aimed at encouraging the young voters to go and make out their choice for the ongoing general elections (Ads of the World, 2020). This advertisement acted as a thought provoking social activations. As the customers visiting the restaurant were not provided with what they ordered, they got frustrated and complained about receiving wrong orders. The crew then made the customers realise that...

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