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Please use Barney’s VRIO framework of analysis to evaluate a firm’s competencies. Please choose a specific firm to analyze.

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Please use Barney’s VRIO framework of analysis to evaluate a firm’s competencies. Please choose a specific firm to analyze.
Answered Same Day Mar 24, 2020


Megha answered on Mar 25 2020
131 Votes
PESTLE Analysis and Porter’s 5 Forces model are the sources to analyse a firm’s external competitive advantage. In the same way VRIO framework is one of the tool to know the competitive advantage by analysing firm's internal resources and capabilities. "Firm Resources must possess in order to become a sources of sustained competitive advantage".(Citation: Wheelen T L, 2015). VRIO helps us to understand whether the product, resource or service is valuable, costly to imitate, rare, the firm is organized enough to imbibe the value of the...

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