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Please use XXXXXXXXXXwords. The area of research is recidivism. don't use .edu, .com, .org, .net websites. use academic. or government websites only. use in-text citations and reference page....

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Please use XXXXXXXXXXwords. The area of research is recidivism. don't use .edu, .com, .org, .net websites. use academic. or government websites only. use in-text citations and reference page.

Qualitative Methods

In this assignment, you'll explore the qualitative methods that could be used to collect data in your area of research. On the basis of your exploration, respond to the following points:

  • Explain the observations that you would conduct to collect data and discuss what you would expect to learn through these observations.
  • If surveys or interviews would be appropriate, describe how you would proceed and what you would expect to learn.

Answered Same Day Mar 19, 2020


Soumi answered on Mar 24 2020
130 Votes
Running Head: RECIDIVISM        1
RECIDIVISM         4
Table of Contents
Observation conducted to collect data and aspects learnt from them    3
Methodology if interview or survey were conducted    3
References    4
Observation conducted to collect data and aspects learnt from them
    Researches have focused on the implementation of psychological counseling, procedural jurisdiction and therapeutic jurisprudence in order to reduce the tendency of re-offending amongst the prison inmates as well as the released convicts. However, as argued by Tiedt and Sabol (2015), the most effective method for dealing with the inmates is subjecting them to rehabilitation programs. Therefore, in order to reduce the tendency of re-offending, or also known as recidivism, amongst the prison inmates, it is very important to observe them closely. Nevertheless, it can also not be denied that the observation of the prison inmates from a close vicinity can also be a risky attempt.
As supported by Kaiser and Holtfreter (2016), prisoners can be aggressive and violent at times, which is why it might not be possible to observe and...

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