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Please this is another resitWord Limit: 2000 words (Plus or minus 10%) Learning outcomes assessed: 1. Assess the relationship and the need for compatibility between strategic management and functional...

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Please this is another resitWord Limit: 2000 words (Plus or minus 10%) Learning outcomes assessed: 1. Assess the relationship and the need for compatibility between strategic management and functional management policies. 2. Outline and understand the historical development of corporate planning through strategic management and strategic flexibility. 3. Identify and analyse the internal and external influences on organisational objectives and strategy. 4. Critically evaluate the need for flexibility in strategic management and the practical limits of quantifying corporate strategy. This coursework is worth 100% of the total marks for this module. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 1 of 31 Coursework Instructions Please read carefully • Carefully read the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade descriptors. Academic Misconduct You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations about academic misconduct. You must: • Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this assignment briefing paper and ensure it has not been written or comp Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 2 of 31 Blank Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 3 of 31 Assignment Questions Assignment Questions Assessment 2: Internal Environmental Analysis & Evaluation of Strategic Options (RYANAIR) This individual 2,000‐word assignment (10% margin) builds on the earlier work carried out in assessment 1. Referring to the same case study of Ryanair, the purpose of this second assessment is to assess the strategic capabilities of the company by addressing the following: 1. A ‘VRIO’ or analysis of the company [max 25 marks] 2. A ‘SWOT’ and ‘TOWS’ analysis of the company [max 25 marks] 3. Propose effective change management methods and theories that Ryanair could have used to ensure transformational change and how barriers can be overcome to achieve success [20 marks] 4a)Your strategic recommendation developed from your VRIO and TOWS analyses [max 10 marks] 4 b) An overall evaluation of your recommendations in terms of ‘suitability’, ‘feasibility’ and ‘acceptability’ [max 20 marks] Requested Assignment Structure  Title page: Title of Assignment, Full name, Student Number, Submission Deadline  Contents page: A list of key headings and associated page numbers  Executive summary: summarising the key issues facing Ryanair and briefly identifying the findings and recommendations of your internal analysis of the company.  Introduction: Which very briefly introduces Ryanair and European Budget airline industry; followed by a brief overview of the main areas to be addressed in the main body of your report.  Main body:  Section 1: VRIO analysis in which the key internal strategic capabilities of the company are addressed, as well as possible limitations in terms of Ryanair’s strategic capabilities Section 2: SWOT in which internal and external factors are identified and TOWS analysis, in which SO, ST, WO and WT options for the company are identified. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 4 of 31 Section 3: Models of Change Management. You need to include a diagram of the change model that you have decided to use in your analysis. You may want to consider any of the following; Models: John P Kotter's eight steps to successful change; Kübler-Ross five stages transition (grief) cycle; Prosci’s five building blocks ADKAR (awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, reinformcement) model; McKinsey’s 7S (strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, staff) framework; Kurt Lewin’s change management model - unfreeze, transition and refreeze; Burke-Litwin’s causal change model; action research; gap analysis Section 4: Which needs to include two activities: 4a) Strategic recommendations developed in light of the analysis presented sections 1 and 2. 4b) An overall SFA (suitability, feasibility, acceptability) evaluation of the forwarded recommendations presented in 3a.  Summary and conclusion: reiterating the main findings and concluding with your strategic recommendations  Appendices Question Mark 1. VRIO analysis Maximum 25 marks 2. SWOT and TOWS analysis Maximum 25 marks 3. Change Models Maximum 20 marks 4a) Strategic Recommendations Maximum 10 marks 4b) Suitability, Feasibility, Acceptability Maximum 20 marks TOTAL Maximum 100 marks End of Assignment Brief Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 5 of 31 Guidance Notes Section 1. What is a VRIO analysis and what is the purpose of conducting this form of analysis? ‘VRIO’ is an acronym standing for ‘value’, ‘rarity’, ‘inimitability’ and ‘organisational support’. VRIO is a framework used to carry out an internal analysis of a company’s strategic capability. Strategic capability refers to a company’s internal resources Things a company owns) and competences (things a company knows how to do, and is good at doing). Therefore, strategic capability = resources + know‐how. As part of your VRIO analysis, I recommend you use the following table as a template to evaluate and analyse Ryanair’s strategic capabilities: Strategic Capability Resource or Competency? Value? Rarity? Inimitability? Organisational Support? 1. Resource ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ 2. Resource ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ 3. Competence ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ 4. Competence ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ ‘Yes ’ or ‘no x’ Please note: the above is a suggestion helping you to: a) distinguish between resources and competences b. to summarise Ryanair’s strategic capability c. there may be more or less than 4 strategic capabilities but you will need to identify what these are from your analysis of the case and/or additional sources d. the table should offer an overall summary but will need to be backed up by a fuller commentary and evaluation where you discuss the most important capabilities listed in the table Section 2: What is a SWOT and TOWS matrix and what is the purpose of this required activity in assignment 2? Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 6 of 31 A SWOT matrix is a summary of a company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, and a summary of external threats and opportunities. You will need to provide the following summary table: Strengths (INTERNAL)  Weaknesses (INTERNAL)      Bullet point 1 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 3 Bullet point 4     Bullet point 1 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 3 Bullet point 4 Opportunities (EXTERNAL)  Threats (EXTERNAL)      Bullet point 1 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 3 Bullet point 4     Bullet point 1 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 3 Bullet point 4 The findings of your VRIO analysis in section 1 can be used to identify potential internal strengths and weaknesses present within Ryanair. The findings from your PESTEL (Macro environment) and Five Forces Framework (Micro environment) can be summarized as external features relating to Ryanair’s external environment and placed inside the opportunities and threats boxes. Please note: the above SWOT matrix is a suggestion helping you to: a. distinguish between internal strengths and weaknesses (inside Ryanair) b. distinguish between external opportunities and threats (outside Ryanair) c. there may be more or less than 4 points for each box, but it will be up to you to identify the actual number of points in each of these four boxes (matrices) d. The SWOT matrix is just the start of identifying potential strategic options (i.e., directions and methods) that Ryanair may choose to follow Having summarized the list of internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats, A TOWS matrix is the next step to inform your analysis. In other words: a TOWS matrix considers how internal features (strengths and weaknesses) can be linked to respond to external opportunities and threats. The purpose of the TOWS matrix is to generate strategic options (methods and directions) for Ryanair. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 7 of 31 The following cross‐referenced options (if evident in the case study) need to be identified: 1. ‘SO STRATEGIES’: using internal strengths to take advantage of external opportunities (Options which ADVANCE Ryanair) 2. ‘WO STRATEGIES’: identifying external opportunities to overcome internal weaknesses (Options which help Ryanair OVERCOME WEAKNESS) 3. ‘ST STRATEGIES’: leveraging internal strengths to respond to external threats (Options which help Ryanair AVOID THREATS) 4. ‘WT STRATEGIES’: strategies and tactics that minimize internal weaknesses and avoid external threats (Options which help Ryanair AVOID threats and OVERCOME Weakness) You will need to provide the following summary table with your identified ‘SO’, ‘WO’, ‘ST’ and ‘WT’ strategies. Source: Johnson et al., XXXXXXXXXXExploring Corporate Strategies Please note: the above TOWS matrix diagram will help you to: a. identify strategic options for Ryanair b. the full list identified in your SWOT table may or may not be possible to convert to the SO, ST, WO, WT options in your TOWS analysis c. the SO, ST, WO, WT options need to be discussed in your assignment (in addition to being identified and summarized in your TOWS table) Section 3: What are ‘strategic options’ and what is ‘SAF’ analysis? Strategic options refer to the strategic directions and methods that a company may choose to follow. Strategic directions refer to the types of products and services the company may choose to develop, as well as which markets to enter. Strategic methods involve considerations about how to grow. Strategic options include the following: Generic strategic of competition: a. competing in terms of cost or differentiation at broad or narrow target market focus (Porter) b. competing in terms of cost and quality to generate different strategic positions (Bowman’s Strategy Clock) Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 8 of 31 Strategic directions: a. retrenchment (leaving an existing market) b. market penetration (increasing market share in an existing market of activity) c. product &/or service development (new products &/or services) d. market development (entering new markets or territories) e. diversification (new products &/or services and new markets) Strategic methods of: a. internationalisation (direct export, license & franchise agreements; joint ventures; wholly owned subsidiaries) b. growth (organic, joint‐venture, merger or acquisition) Please note: a. that not all of the above listed options will apply to Ryanair b. that you might identify other options in your analysis c. that you will need to identify your strategic options for Ryanair through your VRIO analysis (section 1) and SWOT and TOWS analysis (section 2) d. that your strategic options will then need to be analysed through applying the SAF framework ‘SAF’ is an acronym for ‘suitability’, ‘acceptability’ and ‘feasibility’. You will need to evaluate your identified strategic options through applying the SAF framework. Suitability= does the strategy address key opportunities and constraints facing the company? Does it capitalize on the company’s strengths and avoid its weaknesses? Acceptability = how likely are the possible options to be accepted or blocked by key stakeholders? Feasibility = how possible is it to implement the strategy in terms of financial and human resources available to the organization? As part of your SUITABILITY evaluation you will need to carry out: a. RANKING exercise outlining the most to the least suitable strategic option b. LIFECYCLE Matrix identifying the relative strength of the company, the stage of maturity in the industry and the most suitable options given Ryanair’s positioning Table 2: Simplified Ranking Table Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 9 of 31 Please note: a. The above table includes different strategic options just for the purposes of illustration. You might therefore identify more or less options on the basis of your VRIO, SWOT & TOWS analysis b. Ranking may be Ascending (1 = most suitable and lowest number less suitable) c. That the rationale (justification) for your ranking needs to be offered d. That you base the ranking on how closely each option responds to key opportunities or avoids weaknesses Table 3: The industry life‐cycle/portfolio matrix (source: Johnson et al., 2014) In referring to the above table as part of your suitability analysis, you will need to identify Ryanair’s relative competitive position to other airlines, and the stage of maturity of their industry. Inclusion of the above matrix in your assignment will not be necessary, but you must make sure to cross‐reference the suggestions in the associated position (i.e. the box that results through the intersection between competitive level of the company and level of maturity in its industry) with the suitability of your identified options. As part of your ACCEPTIBILITY evaluation you will need to conduct: a) STAKEHOLDER MAPPING EXERCISE which involves identifying the stakeholders, their level of interest in Ryanair’s activity and their level of power to support or block strategic options. Stakeholder mapping will involve these activities through use of the ‘power/interest’ matrix (see next page): Table 4: The power/interest matrix (Johnson et al., 2015) To consider: 1. The above matric is suggested to map different stakeholders according to their level of interest in the company and their level of power to support or oppose the strategic options in question 2. That you identify the level of acceptability of each option in terms of the likelihood of these stakeholders to accept the various strategic options in question As part of your FEASIBILITY evaluation you will need to address the following questions:  Would a proposed strategy work in practice?  Can the strategy be financed? Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 10 of 31  Do people and skills exist or can they be obtained? In terms of finance various accounting ratios may be used to assess Ryanair’s ability to finance a proposed strategy. As a minimum, you will need to identify the company’s cost of operations and profit margins from 2010‐2016 to get a sense of the company’s financial standing. In terms of human resources and competences, the key feature here will be to identify if Ryanair can implement the options in question based on the presence of these capabilities, or if not…what it could do to gain these resources and know‐how? Overall section 1 asks to conduct a VRIO analysis of Ryanair’s strategic capabilities. Section 2 asks you to identify the internal strengths and weaknesses of Ryanair (developed from your VRIO analysis) and external opportunities and threats (developed from your PESTEL and 5 Forces analysis), while your TOWS analysis will help you to generate strategic options for the company. SECTION 3a then asks for the generation of strategic options for Ryanair and 3b asks you to evaluate these options in light of the SAF framework. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 11 of 31 Marking Criteria Marking Scheme Assessment Criteria Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each section Knowledge & Understanding of Subject  High level of knowledge and understanding of the given concepts and frameworks of strategic management evident in accurate analysis and identification of strategic capabilities and macro-environmental factors of the selected company  Shows an awareness of the ambiguities and limitations of knowledge evident in the evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the given strategic management frameworks  Substantial evidence of well-executed independent research evident through a bibliographical analysis, up-todate information.  Relevant data and examples, all properly referenced.  Successful application of Harvard Referencing throughout  Consistent analysis and evaluation of sources 35 Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 12 of 31 Cognitive & Intellectual Skills  Very high standard of critical analysis on future strategic choices of the company evident in consistency and logical line of reasoning in recommendations. Future strategic choices are justified clearly and logically. All the evidence provided within the report.  Clearly structured and logically developed content.  Excellent evaluation and synthesis of sources. 40 Graduate Skills for life and Employment indicated by  Excellent presentation skills evident in format and structure  Technology skills that contribute to effective execution of referencing, 25 heading/subheading and table of contents • High ethical standards evident in excellent implementation of referencing and Turnitin score does not exceed the upper limit overall • Research, discovery, and information retrieval skills and a general capacity to use information evident in refined content from external sources through paraphrasing and summarising • Analytical skills evident in applying the given frameworks in a real life situation • The capacity for critical, conceptual and reflective thinking evident in arguments developed and recommendations • Decision-making in complex and unpredictable context evident in consistent and logically reasoned future strategy analysis of the company • Presentation skills • Employability Skills Self-Assessment Survey (Self-assessment/monitoring of the transferrable skills) TOTAL 100% Page Break Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 13 of 31 Marking Criteria GSM LONDON GENERIC ASSESSMENT MARKING CRITERIA LEVEL 6 Level 6 is characterised by an expectation of students’ increasing autonomy in relation to their study and developing skill sets. Students are expected to demonstrate problem solving skills, both theoretical and practical. This is supported by an understanding of appropriate theory; creativity of expression and thought based in individual judgement; and the ability to seek out, invoke, analyse and evaluate competing theories or methods of working in a critically constructive and open manner. Output is articulate, coherent and skilled in the appropriate medium, with some students producing original or innovative work in their specialism. These criteria are designed to be a reference point for assessment criteria in all subjects. Where the generic criteria are deemed to be sufficient, they can be used directly for assessing students' learning. KNOWLE DGE & UNDERST ANDING INTELLECT UAL & COGNITIVE SKILLS Graduate Skills: transferable, employability, practical and academic skills Factual and conceptua l knowledg e and understan ding; use of class materials;independe nt reading Critical thinking; conceptualisation ; creativity; synthesis, analysis and evaluation; application; problem solving and research/inv Written, oral and presentation skills; interpersonal, group and teamwork skills; leadership skills; numeracy; digital skills; practical, professional and academic skills (including referencing/presentation estigation MA R KIN G CLASS IFI CATIO N WEIGHTE D AT 35% WEIGHTED AT 40% WEIGHTED AT 25% Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 14 of 31 BAN D XXXXXXXXXX % FIRST (1ST) Includes all required factual content, accurately and succinctly summarise d. Well developed, persuasive, highly relevant, reasoned introduction and conclusions, demo nstratin g originality. Within word count or presentation time. Includes relevant factual content only. Clearly and logically structured material, showing excellent understandin g of the discipline. Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. Systematic , accurate identif icatio n of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. Information or data selected from a broad range of highly relevant, current primary and secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using relevant, selfdetermined methods or techniques. Eloquent, professional writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR professional, engaging, confident, audibleandwellpaced present ation. Sophisticated use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate. Exceptiona l, in-depth Well developed, perceptive, Professional, creative visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 15 of 31 understand ing of factual and conceptual material, including understand ing of the limits to knowledge in this area. coherent arguments, system aticall y referencing primary and secondary literature, including competing perspectives, with clear rationale for choices. graphics, images and appendices. Calculation s are accurate, clearly set out, with excellent, precise explanation s. Exceptional integration of theory and practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks. Correct and systematic use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. Independe nt, wide ranging, highly relevant reading and research, from authoritativ e primary and secondary sources. Exceptional application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems. Exceptional, consistent, flexible delivery of group work obligations.Proactiveleadersh ip,accept sresponsibility and ameliorates conflict.Undertakes complex tasks. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 16 of 31 Substantiate d, highly relevant recommenda tions generating novel solutions. Excellent awareness of ethical issues. Exceptional,wellarticulatedrefl ectionon own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Identifies and follows up required actions XXXXXXXXXX% FIRS T (1ST) Includes all required factual content, accurately and succinctly summarise d. Well developed, relevant, reasoned introduction and conclusions, demonstra tin g some originality. Within word count or presentation time. Includes relevant factual content only. Clearly and logically structured material, showing excellent understandin g of the discipline. Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 17 of 31 Systematic , accurate identificat io n of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. Information or data selected from a good range of relevant, current primary and secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using relevant, selfdetermined methods or techniques. Fluent, professional writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR professional, engaging, audibleandwellpacedpresent ation. Excellent use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate. Excellent, in-depth understand ing of factual and conceptual material, including understand ing of the Well developed, coherent arguments, systematica ll y referencing primary and secondary literature, including Professional, creative visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices. limits of knowledge in this area. competing perspectiv es, with clear rationale for choices. Calculation s are accurate, clearly set out, with excellent explanation s. Excellent integration of theory and practice, using appropriat e conceptual framework s. Correct and systematic use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 18 of 31 Independe nt, wid eranging, relevant reading and research, from authoritativ e primary and secondary sources. Excellent application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems. Excellent, consistent, flexible delivery of group work obligations.Proactiveleadership,acce ptsresponsibility and ameliorates conflict. Undertakes complex tasks. Substantia te d relevant recommen da tions gener ating novel solutions. Very good awareness of ethical issues. Excellent,wellarticulatedreflec tionon own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Identifies and follows up required actions XXXXXXXXXX% UPPE R SECO ND (2:1) Includes most required factual content, mostly accurately and succinctly summarise d. Relevant and valid introductio n and conclusion s. Within word count or presentation time. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 19 of 31 Includes relevant factual content only. Clearly structured material, with some gaps in logic, but showing good understandin g of the discipline. Mostly accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. Mostly systematic and accurate identificati o n of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. Information or data selected from mainly relevant primary and secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using relevant methods or techniques but with minor gaps or misundersta ndings. Mainly fluent, professional writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR mainly professional, engaging, audibleandwellpacedpresent a tion. Good use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate. Very good understand ing of factual and conceptual material, showing some appreciatio n of the limits of knowledge in this area. Mostly coherent arguments, with some perceptive points, mostly systematical l y referencing well selected primary and secondary literature. Mostly professional, creative visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 20 of 31 Calculation s are mainly accurate, Good integration of theory and practice, Mostly correct use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. clearly set out, with good explanation s. using appropriate conceptual frameworks. Independe nt reading and research from a range of mostly authoritativ e primary and secondary sources. Mainly good application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with some gaps, errors or misundersta ndings. Consistent delivery of group work obligations. Some leadership and ability to accept responsibility and modify responses. Undertakes nonroutine tasks. Some relevant recommenda tions generating some novel solutions. Satisfactory awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. Clear reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Partial identification of required actions XXXXXXXXXX% LOWER SECOND (2:2) Includes most required factual content, but with some gaps or misunderst andings. Satisfactory introduction and conclusions. Within 10% of word count or presentation time. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 21 of 31 Includes some irrelevant factual content. Mostly clearly structured material, with some gaps in logic, Some mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. demonstrate s an understandin g of the discipline. Adequate identificatio n of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. Information or data selected from mainly secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using mostly relevant methods or techniques but with gaps or misunderstandings. Writing style is appropriate but not always fluent or professional OR a presentation that is not always professional, engaging, audibleorwellpaced. Some use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate. Satisfactory understand ing of factual and conceptual material, but not indepth. Limited appreciatio n of the limits of knowledge in this area. Satisfactory arguments, referencing mostly secondary literature and including some personal opinion Appropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 22 of 31 Calculation s may have some inaccuracie s, or issues relating to set out and explanation . An adequate attempt to relate theory to practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks. Inconsistent use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. Adequate Adequate Inconsistent delivery of group independe nt reading and research from mostly secondary sources. application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with some gaps or errors. work obligations. Some awareness of responsibility and options. Undertakes mostly routine tasks. Basic recommenda tions, which do not generate novel solutions. Satisfactory awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. Some evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Limited identification of required actions XXXXXXXXXX% THIRD (3RD) Includes limited required factual content, with many gaps or inaccuracie s. Basic introduction and conclusions. Within 10% of word count or presentation time. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 23 of 31 Includes considerabl e irrelevant factual content. Unevenly structured material, with many gaps in logic and limited understandin g of the discipline. Frequent mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. Some identificatio n of relevant concepts, theories Information or data selected from secondary sources, and Awkward or inappropriate writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audibleorwellpaced. Little use of technical vocabulary, and/or principles. poorly categorised, analysed or evaluated using inappropriate methods or techniques. where appropriate. Basic understand ing of factual and conceptual material. Minimal appreciatio n of the limits of knowledge in this area. Sense of emerging argument, but mainly descriptive or personal opinion, with limited and superficial reference to literature. Negligible use of primary literature. Inappropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 24 of 31 Calculation s are often inaccurate, withmany issuesrelati ngto se t out and explanation . Limited attempt to relate theory to practice, using appropriate conceptual frameworks. Inconsistent or incomplete use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. Basic independe nt reading and research from secondary sources. Weak application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with many gaps or errors. Unreliable delivery of group work obligations. Limited awareness of options. Undertakes only routine tasks. Confused recommenda tions. Little awareness of Limited reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical ethical issues, where relevant. skills XXXXXXXXXX% FAIL. POSSIBL E COMPEN SATION. Includes insufficient required factual content, with significant gaps or inaccuracie s. Mostly incoherent or irrelevant introduction and conclusions. More than 10% outside word count or presentation time. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 25 of 31 Includes substantial irrelevant factual content. Incoherently structured material. Serious mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. Limited identificati o n of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. Limited selection of information or data, and little attempt at collation, categorisati o n, analysis or evaluation. Poor writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audibleorwellpa ced. Does not use technical vocabulary, where appropriate. Limited understand ing of factual and conceptual material. No appreciatio n of the limits of knowledge in this area. Little or no argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature. Poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices. Calculation s are mostly inaccurate, or incorrectly set out or Very weak attempt to relate theory to practice, using appropriate conceptual Inaccurate or incomplete use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. explained. frameworks. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 26 of 31 Minimal independe nt readi ng and research. Very weak application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems, with significant errors. Poor delivery of group work obligations. No awareness of options. Undertakes a few routine tasks. Irrelevant or no recommenda tions. Little or no awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. Very limited reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills XXXXXXXXXX% FAIL. NO COMPEN SATION. Includes almost no required factual content, and with very significant inaccuracie s. Incoherent or no introduction and conclusions. More than 10% outside word count or presentation time. Includes mainly irrelevant factual content. Very incoherently structured material. Serious and extensive mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 27 of 31 Minimal or inaccurate identificatio n of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. No evidence of the selection, categorisatio n, analysis or evaluation of information or data. Incoherent writing style OR an inaudible, poorly paced and unengaging presentation. Does not use technical vocabulary, where appropriate. Limited No Very poor visual understand ing of factual and conceptual material. No appreciatio n of the limits of knowledge in this area. argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature. presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices. Calculation s are inaccurate, with no explanation s. Theory not related to practice. Very inaccurate or no use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. No independe nt reading and research. Minimal application of numerical and statistical methods and techniques to defined complex problems, with significant errors. Very poor delivery of group work obligations. Does not undertake even routine tasks. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 28 of 31 No recommenda tions. No awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. Minimal or no evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills XXXXXXXXXX% FAIL. NO COMPEN SATION. Does not include required factual content. No introduction and conclusions. More than 10% outside word count or presentation time. Includes entirely irrelevant factual Very incoherently structured material. Serious and extensive mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing. content. No identificatio n of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. No evidence of the selection, categorisatio n, analysis or evaluation of information or data. Incoherent writing style OR an inaudible, poorly paced and unengaging presentation. Does not use technical vocabulary, where appropriate. No understand ing of factual and conceptual material. No appreciatio n of the limits of knowledge in this area. No argument, entirely personal opinion, with no reference to literature. Exceptionally poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 29 of 31 Calculation s are missing, with no explanation s. Theory not related to practice. No use of academic conventions, references and bibliography. No independe nt reading and research. No application of numerical and statistical methods to defined complex problems. No delivery of group work obligations. No recommenda tions. No awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. No evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Module Code Module Title Summer 2018 Coursework Brief GSM LONDON Page 30 of 31
Answered Same Day Aug 01, 2020


Tp Academic answered on Aug 04 2020
137 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    2
Assess the relationship and the need for compatibility between strategic management and functional management policies.    2
VRIO analysis    3
Outline and understand the historical development of corporate planning through strategic management and strategic flexibility.    5
TOWS analysis    7
Identify and analyse the internal and external influences on organisational objectives and strategy.    7
Critically evaluate the need for flexibility in strategic management and the practical limits of quantifying corporate strategy.    9
Recommendation    10
Conclusion    10
References    12
Strategic management is refe
ed to as the science and art of implementing and formulating and evaluating the decision related to the functions which will help in enabling the organisation to meet the entire goals. It also involves the basic assessment of the external and the internal environment related to the business and the implementation along with the implementation of the initiative taken by the top management of the organisations. This study discusses the relationship which is required for the primary compatibility between the control of the company and effort taken by it. It also sheds light on the historical development of the planning of the corporate organisation and the flexibility of the strategic plan.
Assess the relationship and the need for compatibility between strategic management and functional management policies.
The basic concept of strategy is said to be as central understanding towards the methods of strategic management. As mentioned by Lo et al. (2015, p.2309), the basic term strategy is mainly derived from the Greek word strategy which means a general ship that is the strategy in, the art of War as well as the skill involved in Ryanair Airline Company in maintaining any affair are used in the trick in order to get success in any purpose. There is no definite meaning in the business parlance of Ryanair Airline Company which is assigned to the strategy (Shams et al. 2018, p.30). It is mainly used to mean various numbers of things which involves:
· A course or a plan of action as well as a set of rules and decision making or a pattern for generating common threads.
· The pattern or common thread related to the activities of Ryanair Airline Company which is derived from objectives policies and goals regarding developing some definite activities.
· They develop an organisation from its cu
ent position to the state of desire future between mining with different resources.
· They are important for implementing to follow a course of action or a plan developing some strategic position towards the organisation and making a trade-off between the positive activities and among the negative events.
· There will be a proper coordination order planning strategies develops major actions and goals which Alliance the firm with their environment (Shams et al. 2018, p.30).
VRIO analysis
VRIO analysis, which is commonly used in Ryanair Airline Company, is mainly refe
ed to as the analytical technique for the analysis of the resources of the company as well as the competitive advantage. VRIO is said as the acronym from the basic initials of the names related to the evaluations of the dimensions. Those dimensions involve, Value, rareness Imitability, Organisation. The VRIO analysis was established as the way by evaluating the primary resources of an organisation, which includes:
· Human resources
· Financial resources
· Material resources
· Non-material resources
Value: this mainly focuses on whether the firms are able to exploit the opportunity of the external threat with the capability.
Rarity: the question related to rarity is to look whether the control of the capability is in the hands of the relative few.
Imitability: the question related to the imitability involved in Ryanair Airline Company whether it is difficult to imitate and there will be important disadvantage of the cost towards the firm trying to develop, obtain or gather the capability.
Organisation: the main question of the organisation is to exploit the capability of the company, or whether the firm to develop to capture the value.
Levels of strategy
It is uncommon to find many organisations, or a group of the organisation, developing under the top management are operating in different business lines with the relation to the services and the product of the technologies or markets. As mentioned by Stetler et al. (2014, p.220), for such an organisation, a basic strategy is inadequate, but it is inappropriate. There is a different enhancing requirement for the multiple strategies of the different levels to develop the different segments or units. It performs the common range of activities. These divisions may also say to be the profit centres or the strategic business units (Kirchoff et al. 2016, p.270). A different strategy involves:
Corporate strategy
Corporate level strategy is refe
ed to the top management plan to run and direct the enterprise as the entire. It develops the patterns of global and industrial actions underlying the strategic interest of various businesses. As influenced by Kotula et al. (2015, p.240), corporate strategies involved in Ryanair airline company emphasises upon the fact that manage the scope the various activities and the resources need to be allocated over the various activities.
The highest level of the strategic management includes developing the level of the strategies. Corporate level of strategy is determined and is also concerned with developing and relating to the long-term sustainability (Steinbach et al. 2017, p.1702).
Corporate level of strategy is determined with:
· Reach: Developing the issues that are considered as corporate responsibilities and involve determination in Ryanair Airline Company towards the entire goals related to cooperation and different types of businesses where the corporations are involved.
· Competitive contact: Creating the corporation competition which is localised by involving in the insurance by developing the corporation. As influenced by Heath (2018, p.390), it has been determined that the commercial property or the insurance products for high dynamite. Therefore the competition related to the insurance market and different species in each unit level of the business through various subsidiaries.
· Management practices: Here the corporation decides how the units of business are needed to be governed through the direct corporate invention or by creating value through their company. To manage the portfolio of the company then sure that the company successful and are developed through a long-term business unit. As mentioned by Boon et al. (2018, p.40), they also convinced that the company is compatible with the other business involving in the portfolio.
Business Level strategy: Corporations mainly decides subunits of Ryanair Airline...

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