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Problem 1 Answer True (i.e., agree with the statement) or False (i.e., not agree) and give a brief explanation for your answer Problem 2 Consider a binary detection problem with the received waveform...

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Problem 1

Answer True (i.e., agree with the statement) or False (i.e., not agree) and give a brief explanation for your answer

Problem 2

Consider a binary detection problem with the received waveform within [0,T]

Problem 3

Consider an M-ary detection problem of vector x

Problem 4

Let X be a Gaussian random variable X~N(0,1). Let Y= X3+e, where e is a uniform random variable over the range [-1,1] and it is independent of X. Higher-order moments of X are:
E[X3]=0, E[X4]=3, E[X5]=0, E[X6]=15

Answered Same Day Dec 05, 2019


David answered on Dec 26 2019
145 Votes
Communication Assignment
a) False
Random Process , Where A is a positive valued random variable
To prove that the process is WSS we need to check for 2 conditions
1: E[X(t)] should be independent of time.
2: E[X(t1)X(t2)] should depend on time difference t1-t2
We shall see the expectation...

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